Are Mini Goldendoodles Hypoallergenic? Vet Reviewed Facts & FAQ
By Beth Crane
Updated on

Mini Goldendoodles are pint-sized versions of the Goldendoodle. Hailing from a cross between a Poodle and a Golden Retriever, the Mini Goldendoodle is a tiny, fluffy dog with an incredible personality. Because they often have curly coats from their Poodle parent, they are seen as hypoallergenic dogs, but that depends entirely on their coat type.
Because Poodles are low-shedding dogs, they are often chosen by people with dog allergies since they produce fewer symptoms than other, higher-shedding breeds. You can imagine that a Mini Goldendoodle that shares the same curly coat will be as hypoallergenic. But no breed is entirely hypoallergenic; every dog produces dander, saliva, and urine that contain proteins that may be allergenic.
However, curly-coated breeds like the Poodle shed less, so they give off less of the dander that contains the protein that causes allergies in people. Crossbreeds of the Poodle (aka the Mini Goldendoodle) should therefore be more hypoallergenic, too.
A Mini Goldendoodle’s coat type will determine how much it sheds, with very curly coats shedding much less than wavy ones. Curly-coated Mini Goldendoodles are considered as hypoallergenic as any dog can be, and they may be suitable for those with mild to moderate dog allergies. However, we wouldn’t recommend them to someone with severe dog allergies.
Can You Be Allergic to Mini Goldendoodles?
Yes, you can be allergic to a Mini Goldendoodle. If you suffer from a dog allergy, it is the proteins found in dog dander, saliva, and urine that you’re allergic to. Most people with allergies suffer the worst reactions to dogs that shed lots of hair (and dander), which is why Mini Goldendoodles can be a better choice for allergy sufferers.
How Can I Tell if I’m Allergic to My Mini Goldendoodle?
Dog allergies cause various symptoms that can range from mild nasal itching to anaphylaxis. While anaphylactic reactions to dogs are rare, they do occur, so it’s vital to never label any dog as hypoallergenic. Even hairless dogs aren’t hypoallergenic and could endanger someone with a severe dog allergy.
However, most allergies to dogs are mild and result in the symptoms listed below:
- Nose and eye itching
- Nose and eye-watering or streaming
- Congestion
- Coughing
- Worsening asthma
- Itching skin
- Hives (urticaria)
- Facial swelling
Can I Live With a Mini Goldendoodle if I’m Allergic to Dogs?
You can live with a Mini Goldendoodle if you’re allergic to dogs, but only if your allergies are mild to moderate and can be tolerated or treated. For example, you may experience an itchy nose and occasionally sneeze. This might be easy for you to deal with without treatment, and living with a Mini Goldendoodle may not bother you.
On the other hand, if your allergies to dogs are severe enough to need medicating, it may be wise to consider not living with one unless you see if the Mini Goldendoodle triggers a reaction. Mini Goldendoodles can be as close to hypoallergenic as any dog can get, or they can still shed a fair amount.
Good environmental management can reduce allergens in the environment. Regular bathing, using air filters, and daily cleaning can make living with a canine more tolerable.
You can take medications if you are allergic to dogs but want to keep one. Antihistamines and nasal corticosteroids are available but speak to your doctor before making any decisions regarding your allergies.
Do Mini Goldendoodles Shed Hair?
Most Mini Goldendoodles shed very little hair as their curls hold dead hairs in place rather than releasing them. Unfortunately, that means that they need a commitment from their owners to groom them daily. The shed hair caught in the coat can very easily cause matting, and brushing is required to strip it out and keep the dog comfortable.
You can tell with a small degree of reliability how much your Mini Goldendoodle will shed by looking at the small areas of fur that decorate its face, called “furnishings.” Furnishings are the patches of hair on a Mini Goldendoodle’s face that make it look like it has a long beard, mustache, and eyebrows! Typically, Mini Goldendoodles with furnishings shed very little.
On the other hand, “open-faced” or bare-faced Mini Goldendoodles without furnishings are likely to shed more.
How Can I Make Sure My Mini Goldendoodle Is Hypoallergenic?
There is no surefire way to make sure a Mini Goldendoodle is hypoallergenic. No dog is fully hypoallergenic; even low-shedding dogs may cause reactions in some people. However, you can ensure your Mini Goldendoodle sheds the least by looking for breeders who breed puppies with face furnishings. If you want to adopt, talk to the rescue center or shelter about how much the Mini sheds and how much grooming they need.
What Other Dog Breeds Are Hypoallergenic?
Other dog breeds share the same “hypoallergenic” properties as the Mini Goldendoodle. Any dog crossed with a Poodle can share its curly coat, such as Labradoodles, Chi-Poos, and Cockapoos. Some purebreds are also seen as hypoallergenic, such as the Bichon Frise, Maltese, Shih Tzu, and Yorkshire Terrier.
Final Thoughts
Mini Goldendoodles are popular designer dogs. A Poodle and a Golden Retriever are crossed together to make this sweet dog, which makes them likely to inherit a Poodle’s curly, low-shedding coat.
While no dog is “hypoallergenic,” Mini Goldendoodles with curly coats are more suitable for allergy sufferers. However, some may have more wavy coats, meaning they shed more. There is no real way of knowing if a Mini Goldendoodle will trigger an allergy, and prospective owners should spend some time around a Mini Goldendoodle before they commit!
Featured Image Credit: Tanya Consaul Photography, Shutterstock