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What Is the Best Kind of Rope for Cat Scratching Posts? Sisal Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove


Many cat parents purchase scratching posts for their feline friends. Not only do scratching posts dissuade cats from clawing at the couch, but it also helps them to preen their paws and stretch out their muscles.

Rope scratching posts are excellent options for cats. Not only are they durable, but they allow kitties to really work their claws. But what is the best type of rope scratching post to buy?

The answer is sisal rope. This non-toxic, natural material lasts for years, is affordable, and cats simply adore it.

What Is Sisal?

Sisal is crafted from stiff, natural fibers that come from the aloe plant. The texture of sisal is similar to the bark of a tree. Sisal is known for its durability, quality, and efficiency. Sisal scratching posts will last for years. And since sisal is from a renewable, plant-based source, it’s perfectly safe for your pet to play with. It’s also biodegradable and 100% organic.

cat sleeping beside its scratching post
Image Credit: husnerova, Pixabay

Should I Choose Sisal Fabric or Sisal Rope?

 Sisal cat scratching posts come in two options: fabric and rope. While the most common type of sisal scratching post is a rope one, the fabric is also a popular option.

When you’re on the hunt for a great scratching post, you may wonder if you should buy a sisal rope or sisal fabric one. Sisal rope scratching posts are far more robust than fabric ones and can stand up to a lot more scratching from your kitty.

Buying Sisal Rope in Bulk

You may assume that a sisal rope cat scratching post will be a one-time purchase. However, it’s a smart idea to buy sisal rope in bulk so that you can easily repair your kitty’s post as needed.

When applying the sisal rope to the scratcher, wrap it tightly and evenly around the base without leaving any gaps. This will ensure that the rope doesn’t come loose or snag while your cat is using it.

Change out the sisal rope regularly to encourage your kitty to continuously use her cat scratching post.

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Sisal Rope Cat Scratching Post Alternatives

If your cat isn’t fond of sisal rope, there are plenty of other great cat scratcher materials available on the market.

Some of the best options include:
  • Wood: Wood is a natural material that can mimic your feline’s natural environment. While wood is extremely durable, it may produce splinters and hurt your kitty’s paws. Wood is also a haven for bacteria and mold if it gets moist.
  • Corrugated Cardboard: This cheap scratching post material is readily available at pet stores and online. However, corrugated cardboard isn’t durable and can easily shred when scratched.
  • Carpet: Carpet comes in many colors, textures, and styles. This allows you to choose from an endless array of options, keeping your cat curious and engaged. Carpet scratching posts don’t last that long and need to be changed out regularly.

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Final Thoughts

When it comes to rope scratching posts, sisal rope is by far the best option. It’s all-natural, chemical-free, durable, and effective. Sisal rope cat scratchers can last for years. In order to make the most of your sisal rope scratcher, buy sisal rope in bulk to easily fix the damage and keep your cat engaged. Your cat will love flexing their claws on a safe and satisfying sisal rope cat scratching post.

Featured Image Credit: absolutimages, Shutterstock

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