Can Cats Eat Pringles? Vet-Reviewed Risks & Nutrition Facts

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While Pringles potato chips are crisp, thin, and make the perfect snack when you’re curled up on the couch watching Netflix, should you really share Pringles with your cat? The answer to whether cats can eat Pringles is no. Cats should not eat Pringles of any flavor or variety.
While your cat can eat a chip or two without it causing them serious harm, there’s no nutritional value to Pringles at all, so what’s the point? Not only is there no nutritional value to giving Pringles to your cat, but the chips also contain salt, fat, carbs and other additives, depending on flavor, which in high doses can be quite harmful to your feline friend. So, while it may be tempting to share this towering stack of delicious treats with your cat, it’s best to avoid giving them to your cat for the reasons we’ll get into below.
Reasons Cats Should Not Eat Pringles
There are many processed ingredients in Pringles that your cat does need, as they do not provide them with any nutritional benefits. Pringles in that sense are more like empty calories for your kitty that may easily give them an upset stomach. Besides salt, carbs, and fat, they also contain various flavorings and additives, such as onion powder, that can be harmful to cats in significant amounts.
Salt is one of the most used seasonings in most people’s spice cabinets. It’s an important mineral composed of sodium chloride and is crucial for maintaining many functions in the body. However, salt can also be harmful if ingested in excessive amounts, but for this to become an issue, cats would need to eat quite a lot, depending on their body weight. It’s unlikely they would eat that many Pringles, but it’s important to consider this as well.
Just remember how sore your lips may feel after eating several Pringles. Your cat may feel the same as the flavor could cause oral irritation and drooling, but luckily, most cats are too smart to show any serious interest in Pringles.
Can Pringles Cause Harm to Your Cat?
Eating a Pringle may cause a mild stomach upset in some cats, particularly if they have eaten more than one. They might experience vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, or even irritation to the mouth. However, these signs are likely to be very self limiting and transient in the case of such small amounts. Majority of cats will be just fine after eating a Pringle or two.
If, by any chance, a cat would eat more Pringles, it would be possible to expect a more serious stomach upset, and depending on their size, in case of kittens and very small cats, the amount of salt may become more concerning. Based on USDA data, one Pringle is likely to have around 9.4 milligrams of salt. This means it would take quite a few Pringles (around 90) to reach the toxic dose of salt for most adult cats, weighing up to 10 lbs.
Still, giving Pringles to your cat is not a wise idea. There are many feline-appropriate treats that your cat will happily enjoy while reaping benefits from it and not facing any risk of a digestive upset or other issues.
So, regardless of the variety of flavors and the fantastic salty taste, Pringles should be kept away from your cat. In addition, some flavors, including pizza and sour cream and onion, have milk in them. Unfortunately, most adult cats are lactose intolerant. On top of that, onion and garlic can be toxic for cats depending on the amount, so it’s best to just avoid them altogether.
Is It Okay to Feed Cats Potato Chips?
Whether it’s Pringles or another brand, potato chips really shouldn’t be fed to your cat. It’s just best to keep the chips away from your cat completely, whether the chips are Pringles or some other brand.
Do Cats Like Potato Chips?
Whether it’s Pringles, Lays, Ruffles, or a generic potato chip, it’s probably unlikely that your cat would try to take a chip out of the bag or off your plate. Some cats may be more keen to take a bite off one, but most are unlikely to show any significant interest in potato chips.
What Foods Should Be Included in Your Cat’s Diet?
Now that you know Pringles and other potato chips shouldn’t be included in your cat’s diet, you might be wondering what should be.
Well, you already know that cats are obligate carnivores, so a high animal protein-based diet is essential. Of course, a kitten needs only mother’s milk until they’re weaned. The percentage of protein in food will really vary depending on the cat’s age, health, activity, and nutritional requirements. This will differ depending if the cat is a kitten, a growing young adult, a nursing female, or an active outdoor cat. The AAFCO recommends a bare minimum of 26% protein for an average adult cat that is not nursing or pregnant, but most high-quality foods contain as much as 40% of protein.
Also, though you may be a vegan or vegetarian, it’s not a suitable diet to put your cat on because they are obligate carnivores and need meat to survive. If they are lacking animal protein in their diet, which provides them with all the essential nutrients, this will lead to severe health issues over time. If you’re unsure about what food to feed your cat or the best diet for them, it’s best to contact your vet for advice.
Now that you know what you can safely feed your cat, it’s just as important to find a bowl that supports their health and well-being. With whisker-friendly bowls and a wide tray to catch any spills, our Hepper NomNom Cat Bowl is our favorite option.
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Final Thoughts
There is no reason your cat should be offered Pringles, as it will provide them with no health benefits and may cause a stomach upset. Some of the ingredients may be more harmful, particularly if ingested in larger amounts. So, while a bite of a Pringle is unlikely to cause any serious issues, if by any chance your cat would eat more, it’s best to make an appointment with your vet just to be on the safe side.
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