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Can Cats Eat Strawberries? Vet-Reviewed Benefits & Alternatives

Oliver Jones

By Oliver Jones

Can Cat Eat strawberries

Vet approved

Dr. Paola Cuevas Photo

Reviewed & Fact-Checked By

Dr. Paola Cuevas

MVZ (Veterinarian)

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Strawberries are sweet, and they make a delicious, all-time snack. However, there are many questions about whether you should share the snack with your cat. So, can cats eat strawberries?

Yes, cats can eat strawberries!

However, even though strawberries are not toxic for cats, you must still exercise caution when feeding them to your cat. Strawberries are rich in sugar, which can affect the cat’s health. To keep your pet healthy, feed your cat a protein-rich diet and avoid sugary treats.

According to the ASPCA, strawberries are not toxic to felines. However, cats only should eat them in moderation. The sugar content in strawberries can cause obesity if consumed in large amounts and will trigger insulin spikes in diabetic cats.

Are There Any Nutritional Benefits of Feeding Your Cat Strawberries?

While strawberries are rich in Vitamin C and potassium for humans, the same benefits that these nutrients have for us do not apply to cats. There are potential drawbacks to feeding your cats strawberries, Cats are carnivorous, and they draw all their nutrition requirements from a meat-based diet. Even though strawberries are not harmful, they contain sugar, which should be avoided in a cat’s diet. If you already have a good diet plan recommended by a vet or a nutritionist, your cat does not need to eat strawberries.

strawberries on wooden table
Image Credit: Engin Akyurt, Pixabay

How to Feed Your Cat Strawberries Safely

Strawberries are sweet and you should avoid overfeeding them. However, practicing moderation goes a long way. If you want to share a snack with your pet, you should follow the following rules.

  • Ask a vet if it is okay for your pet to eat strawberries as a treat.
  • Take note of the maximum number of strawberries a cat should eat in a day. One large strawberry has approximately 6 calories. An average a 10-pound cat should consume a maximum of 25 calories in treats. With that, you can calculate the maximum quantity you can feed the cat.
  • Clean the strawberries and remove the stem just like you would do for yourself. Then, you can chop the berries into bite-size parts ready to serve your cat.
  • Keep a close eye on the cat while they enjoy the treat and after. Only close monitoring will tell you whether the cat has any adverse reactions to the treat.

Effects of Too Many Strawberries on a Cat

Of course, you should also consider the potential drawbacks a cat may experience from eating strawberries. Small amounts may not be harmful. However, continuous intake can lead to negative impacts, such as vomiting and diarrhea. Strawberries are also not recommended for diabetic cats.

cat in bathroom litterbox
Image Credit: Nils Jacobi, Shutterstock

Do Strawberries Kill Cats?

If you came home to find that your cat ingested some strawberries, there is no need to panic or worry. Strawberries cannot kill your cat. So, there is no harm in your cat eating one or two berries once in a while. However, you may need to keep them out of sight from your cat, so they do not take too many when you are not around.

What Fruits Are Good or Bad for Cats?

Most fruits are not harmful to cats. However, naturally, cats will rarely take any fruits. Cats prefer protein-filled foods like meat and poultry. The sugar content is not the only factor to consider before leading your cat to consume any fruits, as certain fruits are toxic to cats.

Here is a guide on what fruits a cat should never eat.

Fruits to Avoid

Your cat should not eat the following fruits:
  • Citrus fruits. Citrus fruits include lemons and oranges. According to the ASPCA, citrus essential oils can have negative effects on cats’ central nervous systems when used in large quantities. The small amounts can cause stomach upset in pets.
  • Grapes, raisins, and currants are toxic to cats.

There are alternative healthy snacks that you can turn into treats for your cat. For example, vegetables are better treats for cats. They can indulge in these treats sparingly since they instinctively prefer proteins and meat.

Fruits to Eat

blueberries blueberry on wooden table
Image Credit: congerdesign, Pixabay
Here are examples of fruits that are safe for cats.
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Cranberries
  • Pears
  • Raspberries
  • Watermelon

Do not replace the meat diet with this list above. Your cat still needs to consume a diet based on meals rich in meat and protein to stay healthy. Please note that you do not need to feed fruit to your cat, but the ones on this list are not toxic for them.

What Foods Are Toxic for Cats?

Some foods are toxic for your felines. Therefore, you should avoid or be extremely cautious when feeding your pet any of the following foods.

You should also avoid feeding your cat dog food, as it is not balanced for their species and does not provide the nutrients that cats need to thrive. Having regular access to dog food can prevent your cat from eating the proper diet. Because the dietary requirements of a dog and a cat differ, your cat can get very sick in the long run. Cats need higher levels of Vitamin A, arachidonic, and taurine diet, which may be absent in dog food.

What Human Food Can My Cat Eat?

If you wish to feed your cat some human food, there are plenty of options for you.

Here is a list of human food that cats can eat.
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Cooked fish

Final Thoughts

Now that you know whether cats should eat strawberries, you can take good care of your pet. Never give your cat access to the foods on the toxic list, and follow a species-appropriate diet to keep your animal healthy. Additionally, you can experiment with strawberries and other mentioned fruits in the said proportions.

They are helpful online resources, such as the online cat calorie calculator, to help you determine the proper amount of food to feed your cat. If you are still unsure what to feed your cat, bring up the issue with your veterinarian on your next visit.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos, Pixabay

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