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Can Dogs Drink Juice? Nutrition Facts & Potential Risks

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

can dogs drink juice 2

There’s nothing that rounds out a complete breakfast better than a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice. But is fruit juice safe for dogs?

While dogs can safely drink most juices, it is generally not recommended for their health. Freshly squeezed juice isn’t that detrimental for dogs and can provide some needed vitamins and nutrients. However, most store-bought juices from concentrate are rather terrible for canines.

In this article, we’ll discuss the difference between the two types of juice, what to avoid, and the best drink option for your dog.

Divider 1Fresh Squeezed Whole Juice

dog with freshly squeezed juice
Image by: Masarik, Shutterstock

If you’re looking to give your dog juice, it needs to be whole juice. This means that there are no added sugars, preservatives, or colors.

Natural whole juices can provide an easy way for your pup to get some of the vitamins and minerals they need. For example, celery juice can provide a ton of different vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients your dog needs to live a healthy life.

Other fruits and vegetables that will provide an excellent nutrient-rich source include:
  • Strawberries
  • Carrots
  • Sweet potato
  • Broccoli
  • Apple

However, not all juices are as healthy for your pup. In fact, there are some you’ll want to outright avoid. These are the tart citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and grapefruits. The acidity found within these fruits can prove too much for your pup. High acidity can quickly lead to doggie acid reflux and extreme discomfort.

And under no circumstance should you share grape juice with your dog. For some unclear reason, grapes are highly toxic to dogs. Ingestion can lead to kidney failure and death. Now, if your pup has consumed a small amount of grape juice, there’s a strong chance they won’t be affected. But if they begin to exhibit symptoms of lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain, they’ll need a trip to the vet immediately.

Store-Bought Juice from Concentrate

Have you ever actually looked at the label on a bottle of fruit juice? Unless specifically stated, most store-bought juices contain a huge amount of added sugar and syrups. Many of these juices contain more sugar per gram than your favorite soft drink!

The addition of these components can turn a natural boost into an unhealthy combination. When it comes to blood sugar, dogs can’t process sugar as well as humans can making them much more susceptible to conditions like diabetes. And it will also directly contribute to obesity. Store-bought juice should be avoided at all costs.

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What About Juice Pulp?

If you are making fresh juice at home, think twice before tossing out the pulp. That’s because it’s much better than the juice. The pulp often has much less sugar than the juice while retaining most of the healthy vitamins and minerals.

Juice pulp can make for a tasty food topper to your dog’s preferred meal and provide a quick little vitamin boost.

apple juice
Image by: rawpixel.com, Pxhere

What’s the Best Drink for My Dog?

When it comes to giving your pup nourishment, nothing beats good old-fashioned plain water. Dogs don’t derive any additional pleasure from drinking something flavorful or different. They might turn their nose away.

Water is the absolute best way to keep them hydrated as well. It’s what their body needs. And while pure whole juice can provide that hydration, it’ll still require more and may have adverse effects.

beagle drinking water
Image credit: Pixabay

When Juice Could Benefit Your Dog

Whole juice can be a good alternative in a few rare situations. If your dog is aging or has an appetite problem in general, you may be able to stimulate their eating through a small amount of whole juice. And it could be an easy way to help get them some of the vitamins and minerals they need. That’s not to say juice can serve as a meal substitute or water replacement, though.

But if you’re adamant about getting some fresh fruits and veggies in your dog’s life, remember that you can always try giving them freshly squeezed juice pulp instead.

Divider 3Conclusion

While some fresh juices are alright for your dog—and in some rare cases can even be helpful—most are chock-full of sugar and unneeded ingredients for your pup. The majority of the time you should stick to the original canine beverage of choice: water.

It has all of the components needed to keep your canine hydrated, and it will always be pleasing to your furry friend.

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Featured Image Credit: silviarita, Pixabay

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