Can Dogs Drink Lemonade? Vet-Reviewed Safety Facts & FAQ

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There are very few things that can quench your thirst, like lemonade, especially on a hot summer’s day. It offers one of the most perfect balances in the world—part sweet, part sour, and 100% refreshing. But is it safe for dogs?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. Dogs should not drink lemonade.
Even the most naturally made lemonade contains ingredients that are unsafe for your dog to consume. So, what is it that makes lemonade an unhealthy choice for dogs? And what should your pooch be drinking instead?
Can Dogs Eat Lemons?
Although some dogs will eat just about anything, that doesn’t mean they should. But when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? After all, lemons are the primary ingredient in a freshly squeezed glass.
However, lemons are the main reason why your dogs should avoid lemonade. Lemons contain citric acid, which is a primary offender for your dog’s digestive tract.1 In higher amounts, it may lead to depression of the nervous system, although reports of this are rare. Lemons are indeed considered toxic to dogs by the ASPCA, as they contain varying amounts of essential oils that cause an upset stomach, vomiting, reduced appetite, diarrhea, and sometimes lead to skin irritation.2 Although very small amounts of the fruit itself may be edible, it can still cause digestive issues, while other parts of the plant and skin may cause more pronounced problems.
Other than citric acid, lemons contain two major compounds: psoralen and limonene. Psoralen, in combination with ultraviolet light or sunlight, may lead to skin irritation and redness, but this seems fairly rare, and we failed to find any actual reports of it happening in dogs due to eating lemons. Part of the reason may be the sour taste of lemons, which makes dogs avoid this fruit and the fact that they need to ingest enough to cause this unusual sign, which they wouldn’t do willingly.
Limonene is a major component of the essential oil and is toxic for dogs, cats, and horses. In cats, the application of pure, undiluted citrus oil on the skin has led to severe neurological signs such as weakness, incoordination, trembling, drooling, and sometimes even coma and death. This is also a concern in dogs if inadequate insecticidal shampoos or products are used. Ingestion of citrus oil as such can cause severe liver damage, alongside signs of an upset stomach.
Other Harmful Ingredients in Lemonade
It’s not just the acid in the lemonade you need to be careful of—it’s the sugar as well.
Lemonade can also contain other ingredients, like added sugar and sweeteners, such as xylitol. This is very toxic for dogs and should be avoided. If your dog has drunk lemonade—especially if it contains any xylitol—call your vet immediately, as your dog will need treatment.
If there is no xylitol, you still shouldn’t offer it to your dog. Besides the concerns we already addressed with essential oils and citric acid, sugary foods, snacks, or drinks can lead to obesity, which carries a lot of health issues.
What Should I Do if My Dog Drinks Lemonade?
While we don’t recommend giving lemonade to your dog, that doesn’t mean they won’t find a way to drink yours. For some dogs, all you need to do is turn your back for one second, and whatever is yours quickly becomes theirs.
A very small amount of lemonade isn’t going to have detrimental effects on most dogs. However, depending on the amount consumed and your pup’s weight, your dog may experience some mild digestive issues afterward. Make sure to monitor them closely and offer fresh water.
If your pooch drank a significant amount of lemonade and looks unwell, such as experiencing signs of skin irritation, depression, vomiting, or refusing to eat, get on the phone with your vet, as they may need a check-up. And as we said before, if there is xylitol in your lemonade, this warrants an urgent trip to the vet.
Conclusion – Dogs and Lemonade
So, while lemonade may seem like an ideal treat for us, it can be an unnecessary risk for your pup. Compounds such as citric acid, psoralen, and limonene, when ingested in excess, and added sugar, especially xylitol, which is directly toxic, can all immediately affect your dog’s health.
The best way to quench your dog’s thirst is simply water or a few ice cubes on a hot day. If you are looking to give your pup a liquid treat, check out Liquid Treats for Dogs. They’re made with dog-friendly ingredients, and they’re sure to love the unique rollerball delivery design.
Featured Photo Credit: JillWellington, Pixabay