Can Dogs Eat Brazil Nuts? Vet-Reviewed Health Risks & Safety Guide

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Brazil nuts come from the South American Brazil Nut tree, one of the largest and longest-lived trees in the Amazon rainforest! They are a great on-the-go treat and healthy snack with several health benefits. They are widely used in nut milk, muesli, and trail mixes and have touted health benefits that include supporting brain function, anti-inflammatory properties, and improving heart health.
But can dogs eat Brazil nuts, and are they safe for dogs? The answer is no, and you should not feed your dog Brazil nuts. While Brazil nuts are not toxic, they can harm your dog and shouldn’t be included in their diet.
In this article, we’ll discuss the risks of feeding your dog Brazil nuts, and why it’s better to avoid them altogether.
Potential Risks of Feeding Dogs Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are non-toxic to dogs, so if they steal a few off of your table, there is usually no reason to rush them to the vet!
- Brazil nuts are high in fat. Eating too many fatty foods can cause vomiting, reduced appetite, a painful abdomen, and diarrhea. Some dogs can also develop pancreatitis or inflammation of their pancreas. Excess fat in the long term isn’t good for canines and may lead to obesity, particularly if combined with other fatty or sugary treats.
- Choking hazard: Brazil nuts are a choking hazard because they’re large and oddly shaped. Even small dogs often do not properly chew their food, and Brazil nuts can easily be swallowed whole. The nuts may even get lodged in their intestine and cause digestive issues.
- Brazil nuts are frequently seasoned with salt or other flavorings: Too much salt is unhealthy for dogs. Artificial flavorings and additives can harm your dog, and some may even cause an adverse reaction.
- Nuts are known to mold easily: Mold can produce toxins called aflatoxins, which can cause liver damage and neurological signs.
Brazil nuts may have some health benefits for humans. Still, these benefits, such as the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, can easily be obtained elsewhere for dogs, so it’s best to avoid giving them to your dog.
Are There Any Other Nuts That Are Safe for Dogs?
Most vets agree that all nuts are best left off the menu of your dog’s diet, but some varieties are safer to serve occasionally. These include:
- Peanuts
- Peanut butter
- Roasted chestnuts
- Cashews
Some nuts can cause severe health issues in dogs and should never be given to them.
- Walnuts
- Pecans
- Macadamia Nuts
Final Thoughts
Brazil nuts are non-toxic, and if your dog steals a few off the table, they will likely be just fine. However, they should not be a regular part of their diet. Brazil nuts contain a high amount of fat, which can lead to stomach issues or cause them to gain extra weight, cause choking, block their digestive tract, and may contain high amounts of salt and flavorings. Plus, Brazil nuts’ touted benefits can be easily obtained in your dog’s regular food.
While there is likely no reason to rush your dog to the vet if they eat a few Brazil nuts, it’s best to keep them off the menu.
Featured Image Credit: (L) 3194556, Pixabay / (R) Gadini, Pixabay