Can Dogs Eat Tofu? Vet-Reviewed Facts & FAQ
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Tofu has been around for thousands of years and today is a staple food in many countries. Originating in China, tofu took the United States by storm in the 1960s since it contains heaps of protein, is easy to cook, and can take on many flavor profiles. But can this 100% vegan protein made from soybeans be fed to dogs? According to Dr. Jerry Klein, the Chief Veterinary Officer for the American Kennel Club (AKC), dogs can eat tofu in moderation. However, it should never be substituted for high-quality, balanced dog food.
How Much Tofu Should You Give to Your Dog?
If you want to give tofu to your dog, you certainly can, but it needs to be in moderation. For medium-sized dogs, offer no more than one or two blocks of tofu a day, which is about the size of a 1 inch square. One rule of thumb you can also use is the 90/10 rule; 90% of your dog’s daily diet should be high-quality, balanced dog food, and the other 10% should be treats. Tofu is considered a snack food for dogs. So, for example, if your dog eats 1 pound of dog food today, you can safely feed it 1.6 ounces of tofu.
What Nutritional Value Does Tofu Have for Dogs?
Although it doesn’t have the complete protein to be a daily food source for your dog, tofu contains some protein to help their muscles stay strong and healthy.
Tofu also contains several vitamins, including vitamin A, calcium, iron, and manganese, and it has essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fats. Lastly, tofu contains isoflavones, which are chemicals that have been associated with several health benefits but also with health issues.
One interesting fact to remember is that while tofu does not have an interesting smell for humans, whereas a dog’s sense of smell is keener and they seem to enjoy it. If you feed it to them as a treat occasionally, they will be excited whenever you do. That makes tofu a perfect hiding place for pills and other medications you give your pup.
Do You Have to Cook Tofu Before Feeding It to Your Dog?
It’s not necessary to cook tofu before feeding it to your dog. However, it can be cooked, and if your dog likes it raw, it will probably like it cooked, also. When cooked, you should air fry or bake the tofu without extra vegetable oil with no other seasoning, including salt, pepper, onion, garlic, etc. Your dog doesn’t need the extra fat from margarine or butter, and garlic and onion are toxic to dogs. Extra salt isn’t needed, either, and in excess, salt can cause several health issues for your canine companion.
What if Your Dog Accidentally Eats a Lot of Tofu?
Feeding a lot of tofu to your dog regularly has several risks and can cause several health issues, which will be examined below. However, if your dog were to eat a large amount of tofu all at once accidentally, the chance of it causing severe health issues is very low.
Is Tofu Helpful for Dogs on a Special Diet?
Although veterinarians recommend against feeding your dog excessive tofu, there are some instances where it can be helpful. Before feeding tofu to your dog regularly, be sure they don’t have any allergies or other health issues caused by soy products, and confirm with your vet that it’s okay.
Your Dog Has Liver Issues
Surprisingly, a dog’s liver can process soy protein better than animal-based protein. When a dog has liver issues, veterinarians usually recommend they eat less animal protein, and thus, many prescription diets are based on hydrolyzed soy protein. However, this is a different process than tofu, and we recommend speaking with your veterinarian before offering any food to your dog with liver disease.
Your Dog Has Allergies to Other Foods
Although rare, a dog with allergies to several animal proteins may have a better time eating the soy protein found in tofu. Again, while this may be a safe treat, your dog needs to obtain a complete and balanced nutrition from alternative protein sources that is specifically formulated to provide them with everything they need to thrive.
Your Dog Is on a Low-Purine Diet
Uric acid can cause bladder stones in dogs. The culprit is a substance called purine that causes higher uric acid levels. Tofu has lower levels of purine than protein from animal sources and is a good treat option for dogs on a low-purine diet.
Your Dog Is on a Low-Calorie Diet
Because tofu is high in protein and fiber but low in carbohydrates, calories, and fat, it’s a great alternative for an obese dog on a low-calorie diet. However, this needs to be offered either raw or cooked without any added oils.
Does Tofu Cause Any Health Issues in Dogs?
Although there are no toxins in tofu, feeding this soybean-based protein to your dog in high amounts can cause several health issues.
Hormonal Issues
Although not a common issue, feeding your dog tofu regularly can cause hormonal issues because soy products contain chemicals called Isoflavones phytoestrogens, which are structurally similar to estradiol.
The chemicals trigger your dog’s endocrine system, and, if consumed regularly for the long term, this could cause hormonal imbalances. The potential issues might include skin problems, thyroid issues, and even behavioral problems.
Gastrointestinal (GI) Issues
A small amount of tofu is usually no problem for a dog. However, in excess, your dog can suffer from chronic bloat, flatulence, and other digestive issues. If your dog is hypersensitive to tofu, vomiting and diarrhea may be the result because their digestive system can’t process it correctly.
Although relatively uncommon, some dogs are allergic to soy. If that’s your dog and it eats too much tofu, it could suffer from allergic reactions. If your dog is hypersensitive to tofu, vomiting or diarrhea could occur, as well as skin issues that present as eyelid Inflammation, itchiness, and rashes.
A Protein Deficiency
Previously, we mentioned that tofu is not a complete protein and, for that reason, shouldn’t be fed to your dog in place of a regular diet. If it’s, the lack of protein could cause several health issues involving the heart, joints, muscles, and bones. They need animal protein to stay healthy and strong.
Final Thoughts
Tofu is a healthy snack for dogs when given in moderation. It’s also helpful for some dogs on a special diet, especially those with digestive or allergy issues related to animal-based protein.
Tofu is low in fat, but it is also loaded with vitamins and minerals. However, veterinarians do not recommend it as a dog’s everyday single protein source. However, one or two 1-inch cubes of tofu per day is a great snack for most dogs.