Can Parakeets Eat Cilantro? Vet-Verified Nutrition Facts & FAQ
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Cilantro refers to the fresh or dried leaves and stems of the coriander plant (Coriandrum sativum). However, you will see it called coriander when talking about the seeds. Either way, this is a delicious plant that we use to flavor all sorts of food. But can parakeets eat cilantro too? Our guide will address both of these forms of cilantro. And thankfully, both are safe for your parakeet to eat.
Because there are so many avian species with varying dietary requirements, we’re going to focus on the rose-ringed or ring-necked Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) to answer this question. Let’s consider the challenges and advantages of giving your pet this aromatic herb.
Why Can Parakeets Eat Cilantro?
Cilantro is part of the family Apiaceae, which includes familiar foods like carrots, fennel, and parsley. The group also contains harmful species though, such as Giant hogweed and poison hemlock. Perhaps these associations explain the concern some may have about cilantro. It also has a strange genetic quirk, where some individuals perceive its taste as unpleasant or “soapy.”
Scientists don’t know much about how birds perceive taste, but they have identified genetic markers that may make an individual more likely to dislike cilantro. While we share 65% of our DNA with chickens, we can’t say the same about parakeets to make any correlation about how they may like or dislike cilantro.
We do know that birds aren’t affected by capsaicin, unlike us. That may be because they have a fraction of the taste receptors we have, some birds have less than 50 compared to our 2,000 to 10,000. That leads us to conclude the pungent taste isn’t likely a factor in whether parakeets will eat cilantro.
Parakeet Feeding Habits
Parakeets consume grains and seeds in the wild, making them pests in some places. That may make the coriander seeds more desirable. Unlike many avian species, rose-ringed parakeets are indiscriminate feeders. They might not turn up their beaks to unfamiliar foods, including coriander seeds.
These birds also eat fruits, nectar, and insects. There’s a chance they may eat the leaves and stems of cilantro, but the seeds are more likely to get their attention.
Benefits of Feeding Cilantro to Parakeets
A 1-teaspoon serving of coriander seeds contains 5.36 calories. It is an excellent source of potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. It also has a mere 0.223 grams of protein. That puts this food on the treat side of the menu. But while it’s nutritious, it’s not complete.
However, dietary diversity is a good thing. High-quality species-specific pellets can provide the bulk of the nutrient content, but different foods offer mental stimulation and enrichment. The rose-ringed parakeet may be a granivore, but various foods add interest and replicate what they may do in the wild, namely, seeking different foods, and that could include cilantro for your pet bird.
Nutritional deficiencies aren’t unusual with pet birds. Cilantro offers a decent source of calcium and almost satisfies the recommended 2:1 calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, which is a common issue for pet birds. However, coriander seeds don’t contain any vitamin A, which is a red flag since it’s a frequent problem when our avian companions consume mostly seed-only diets. Of course, the other concern is obesity when giving pets fat-rich foods.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Are All Parts of the Cilantro Plant Safe?
Yes, your parakeet can eat all parts of the cilantro/coriander plant. Whether they actually like it is another story. We recommend starting slowly with a few bits to see if your pet enjoys this treat, but don’t force them to eat it if they don’t.
How Does the Parakeet’s Diet Vary?
The seasonality of the foods the bird eats determines what’s on the menu. This species lives in various habitats in the wild, from wetlands to savannas to forests. That helps make them more accepting of new foods and perhaps physically tolerant of them.
Where Is the Rose-Ringed Parakeet Found in the Wild?
As a native species, it is found in a band across Central Africa. It also inhabits southern Asia, including India. It has been introduced to other countries including the United Kingdom, Italy, and the US.
Cilantro is an acceptable addition to your parakeet’s diet. It is nutritious and low in calories. You can give your pet any part of the plant, although they may enjoy the seeds the most. However, you should always check with your vet before offering any new food to a pet.
Featured Image Credit: Brett_Hondow, Pixabay