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Can Ragdoll Cats Be Left Alone? Breed Necessities & Tips

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Cream Point Ragdoll cat

One of the most clingy and affectionate cats is the Ragdoll. Named for their tendency to go limp when picked up, Ragdoll cats love to be around people and other animals. They’re a low-maintenance breed and can be just as independent as other cats, but they are prone to loneliness. While they can stay at home alone, you shouldn’t leave them there for long.

This guide explains how long Ragdoll cats can be left alone, why they shouldn’t be alone for long, and how to prevent them from getting lonely when you must be gone.

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Can Ragdoll Cats Be Left Alone?

Ragdoll cats are the definition of “Velcro kitty.” They love to be around people to the extent that they’ll follow you everywhere around the house, regardless of what you’re doing. They are still cats, though, and are independent by nature, which makes them more suited to being alone than dogs are.

So, you can leave an adult Ragdoll on their own for a few hours. Unlike many other cat breeds, though, you shouldn’t leave them alone for too long because they can suffer from separation anxiety, especially if they’re the only pet in the house.

How Long Can Ragdoll Cats Be Left Alone?

The length of time that you can leave a Ragdoll cat at home alone depends on their age, health, and whether you have other pets in the household. Kittens shouldn’t be left alone for long at all, to ensure that they don’t get up to too much mischief. Cats with health conditions might need medicine throughout the day.

Healthy adult and senior cats are generally more laidback and will happily entertain themselves during the day. Older Ragdolls won’t hunt for their food, preferring to find it in the same place every day, but they can take care of themselves for a while.

However, these cats do suffer from separation anxiety. If you have long work days and your cat doesn’t have anybody to socialize with — whether a dog or another Ragdoll — they will be more susceptible to loneliness. Ragdoll cats that have fellow pets to interact with usually don’t mind their humans being away most of the day.

Unlike with most other cats, it’s best if you don’t leave your Ragdoll alone overnight or over the weekend. While many cats can manage fine on their own for a while, especially if you have a friend check in on them, Ragdolls will miss social interaction too much.

If you need to be away for longer than a few hours, ask a friend or hire a pet sitter to stay at your home with your cat. They can make sure your Ragdoll has access to food, water, and a clean litter tray and ensure that they’re not lonely while you’re away.

white ragdoll cat walking indoor
Image Credit: Tatyana Vyc, Shutterstock

Do Ragdoll Cats Need a Companion?

You can keep a single Ragdoll cat, though there are times when this isn’t the best option. If you work from home and have plenty of time to socialize with your feline, a single Ragdoll might work out perfectly for you.

But if you work long hours or otherwise spend a great deal of time away from home, your Ragdoll will need a companion. Many reputable breeders will sell Ragdoll kittens in pairs to ensure that they’ll always have someone to spend time with.

Fortunately, these cats are friendly toward everyone. They will get along well with other cat breeds and even dogs, which makes them perfect companions for multi-pet homes. To ensure that all your pets get along, introduce them to each other slowly, and make sure they’re properly socialized from a young age.

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How Do You Know If Your Ragdoll Cat Is Lonely?

Loneliness isn’t fun for anyone, and your Ragdoll cat won’t understand why you need to be away for long periods. Like most cats, Ragdolls enjoy routine and knowing where you are at all times. Having sudden changes in your schedule, spending too long out of the house, or not interacting with your Ragdoll enough can result in separation anxiety.

Depending on your cat’s personality, separation anxiety can manifest itself in different ways. The most common signs are behavioral changes, like over-excitement or aggression. For a laidback cat like the Ragdoll, either sign immediately indicates that something is wrong.

Other signs of separation anxiety include:
  • Excessive meowing or crying
  • Eating too fast
  • Over-grooming
  • Refusing to eat
  • Destructive behavior
  • Vomiting
  • Relieving themselves outside the litter tray
  • Hiding

How to Stop Your Ragdoll Cat From Getting Lonely

It’s not always possible to spend every waking hour with your beloved Ragdoll, no matter how much you might want to. This does mean your affectionate feline might feel lonely sometimes.

Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to prevent them from developing separation anxiety. Following these tips can help you keep your cat as happy as possible, even if you have to be at work all day.

siamese ragdoll ragamese playing with cat toy
Image Credit: Kanashi, Unsplash

Supply Toys

One of the worst things about being alone is being bored. Ragdolls are susceptible to boredom too, which only heightens the risk of them stressing out because they’re alone. You can help alleviate their boredom by buying your cat plenty of toys to play with while you’re away.

Scratching posts, interactive toys, or even a simple treat dispenser can keep your Ragdoll distracted while you’re not at home. These activities will help keep them moving and their minds off their loneliness.

Grab Lunch at Home

While many people work from home or only need to visit the office for a few hours, most people must spend long days at work. If you work close to home, though, consider heading back to the house during your lunch break. This can give you a break from the office and provide your cat with much-needed social time with their favorite person.

Hire a Pet Sitter

Heading home for lunch isn’t always plausible, especially if it’ll take you too long to make the trip home and back again during your break.

So, consider hiring a pet sitter to check in on your Ragdoll during the day. They’ll be able to send you an update on how your cat is doing, ensure that they have water, and play a game or two with them. Remember to meet the pet sitter before you let them into your home or meet your cat. Not all pet sitters are trustworthy, and you need to know that they’re reliable.

Pet sitters can also be expensive. If you can’t fit one into your budget, consider asking a friend or a neighbor to check in on your cat while you’re at work.

two ragdolls cats lying on the floor at home
Image Credit: xixicatphotos, Shutterstock

Adopt a Companion Pet

Ragdolls often do well with a fellow pet to socialize with if you spend a great deal of time out of the house. While they’ll do best with interactions with you, they’ll be happier during the day if they can interact with anyone, even another animal.

A companion pet will eat into your finances more than having a single animal will, but they’ll be a friend for your Ragdoll. If you can’t afford to purchase another Ragdoll kitten from a breeder, you could choose to adopt a cat from your local shelter.

Provide a View

Giving your cat a good view from a window can help alleviate their boredom. A window that catches the sun for most of the day will offer a warm spot for your Ragdoll to nap in, and a sturdy hammock will provide a comfortable bed. Your Ragdoll will also be able to watch over the garden or the people passing by on the street.

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In Conclusion

Ragdoll cats are highly affectionate and love to be around people and other pets. They can stay at home alone, but their sociable personality makes them prone to developing separation anxiety if they’re left alone for too long. Consider adopting another Ragdoll or another pet to keep them company while you’re at work or breaking up the day with a visit home for lunch.

If you must be away from the house for longer than a day, consider hiring a pet sitter or asking a friend to check in with your Ragdoll to keep their social needs sated and ensure that they’re looked after.

Featured Image Credit: Omar Ramadan, Pexels

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