Can Shih Tzus Eat Eggs? Vet-Verified Facts and FAQ
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Eggs are a nutritional breakfast, with the average person consuming roughly 279 eggs per year. They offer many nutritional benefits, such as protein, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, making them a healthy choice on a breakfast menu. Eggs are also nutritious for dogs, including Shih Tzus.
While eggs are healthy for Shih Tzus, it’s important to only feed them in moderation because these little affectionate dogs can easily become obese. Also, unless the eggs are in-shell pasteurized, never feed raw eggs to your Shih Tzu. In this article, we’ll examine the specifics of how to feed your Shih Tzu eggs safely and what to avoid.
Can Shih Tzus Eat Raw Eggs?
While eggs hold nutritional value, raw eggs do not, and you should avoid feeding raw eggs to your Shih Tzu to avoid the risk of salmonella poisoning. Salmonella poisoning can cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and other unpleasant symptoms. It’s safest to cook the eggs without any seasonings for your Shih Tzu, so avoid salt or other harmful ingredients.
Cutting up the eggs into small, bite-sized portions also makes eggs easier for your Shih Tzu to eat. You can also boil the egg for your Shih Tzu, but avoid seasonings, such as salt and pepper. Also, ensure the eggs have cooled and are not too hot.
Can My Shih Tzu Be Allergic to Eggs?
While rare, Shih Tzus can be allergic to eggs. Eggs contain protein, which can be an allergen to some dogs. If you decide to feed eggs to your dog, you’ll want to monitor them and look for any signs that they are allergic, which can include hives, gastrointestinal issues like excessive gas or diarrhea, itchy and inflamed skin, chronic ear infections, excessive scratching, face rubbing, and obsessive licking.
Contact your veterinarian for an evaluation if you notice any such signs in your Shih Tzu after feeding them eggs.
How Often Can I Feed Eggs to My Shih Tzu?
Conflicting advice circulates on the internet regarding how often you can feed your Shih Tzu eggs. Some advice says it’s fine to feed them one egg per day, but considering that each egg has about 65–80 calories, that could be too much in the long run. Remember that consistent ingestion of excessive calories, even if they are from a healthy source, will result in weight gain, which should be avoided
Eggs should only be given to your Shih Tzu in moderation and as healthy treats or snacks. That said, you can feed your dog a cooked or boiled egg once or twice a week, or give them no more than ¼ of an egg each day as a protein-rich treat.
It’s imperative to feed your Shih Tzu high-quality dog food so they get all the nutrients that they require, and eggs should never make up the bulk of your dog’s diet. Remember, moderation is key.
Can I Feed Eggshells to My Shih Tzu?
There’s no need to feed broken eggshells to your Shih Tzu. Eggshells have sharp edges and could cut your pet’s tongue, and a dog’s digestive tract is not meant to break them down. Eggshells do contain calcium, but they must be properly prepared, baked, and ground if you are planning to use them as a calcium source for your dog. If you wish to learn more and see a recipe for preparing eggshells for calcium supplementation, you can find a step-by-step guide in this post.
Please consult your veterinarian before giving your Shih Tzu eggshells for extra calcium. Chances are that they do not need any additional supplementation, since their commercial dog food should already be complete and balanced. Excessive calcium ingestion can cause health issues, such as constipation in adult dogs and puppies, and bone and joint problems.
Tips for a Healthy Diet
Your Shih Tzu requires a complete and balanced dog food that provides all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. A high-quality protein, such as chicken, fish, or turkey, should be the main ingredient, mixed in with a fiber source like vegetables and even enriched with fruit to add antioxidants and natural vitamin sources.
Your veterinarian is an excellent resource to use when deciding on a dog food. Your Shih Tzu’s diet should be consistent with their life stage (puppy, adult, or senior) and contain all the required nutrients as indicated by a “complete and balanced” statement.
In Conclusion
Shih Tzus are adorable, playful, and affectionate little dogs that offer companionship to us humans. They rely on us to feed them quality nutrition, and if your dog likes cooked eggs, you can go ahead and let them have them in moderation. Remember to calculate the correct daily caloric intake of your pet to avoid weight gain. While eggs can make great snacks for a dog because they are high in protein and low in carbohydrates, they don’t have all the nutrition that your pup needs to thrive and they should be treated as treats, meaning they should not make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric allowance. The other 90% should come from a complete and balanced diet.
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