Castor Rex Rabbit: Care, Temperament, Habitat & Traits (With Pictures)

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Castor Rex rabbits are fluffy medium-sized domesticated breeds with unique coats that feel velvety. If you are thinking of keeping a rabbit as a pet, the Castor Rex is a worthwhile consideration. These rabbits are generally considered a docile breed that thrives when housed indoors, preferably in a hutch with plenty of space. They make great family pets because they are jovial, friendly, and very smart.
In this article, we will discuss their characteristics, temperament, care requirements, and their suitability as family pets. Read on to learn more.
Size: | Medium |
Weight: | 7.5–12.5 lbs |
Lifespan: | 7–10 years |
Similar Breed: | Mini Rex rabbit |
Suitable for: | Singles, seniors, first-time owners, families with children, outdoor/indoor rabbits, house/apartment rabbits |
Temperament: | Calm, friendly, and intelligent |
Ever since they were first introduced in the Paris show in 1924, this breed gained instant popularity mostly due to their unique coat that results from the Rex Gene mutation. This mutation leads to the development of a silky-smooth fur coat that resembles a thick pile carpet.
Since its discovery, the Castor Rex has only grown to become one of the most beloved breeds across the world because of its calm demeanor and the fact that it is well-behaved.
Besides companionship, the Castor Rex is also reared for its pelt, which is considered high quality and among the best in the world, which can fetch top dollars in the hide market. Overall, the Castor Rex rabbit can be a good addition to a household because they offer a lot of benefits to the owners.
Castor Rex Rabbit Characteristics
How Much Do These Rabbits Cost?
The name Rex of this even-tempered animal means “King ” and was first discovered in France but came to America in the mid-1920s, where they were immediately accepted by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA)1.
Generally, the Castor Rex rabbit is not a costly breed. You can get one at roughly the same price as an average domestic rabbit. Buying one will set you back between $20 and $60. Just make sure you get one from a trusted and reputable breeder with all the necessary health clearance certificates.
You should also make a point of meeting at least one of the parents and, if possible, even one of the rabbit’s siblings to get a rough idea of the kind of character they will exhibit.
Since Rex rabbits are fairly common and very affordable, they are easier to find in local sanctuaries and shelters. Adopting one costs around $10–$20.
Temperament & Intelligence of the Castor Rex Rabbit
Castor Rex rabbits tend to have a calm demeanor while also being very active. Generally, they tend to be jovial and more playful while young but get more relaxed as they mature. Since they enjoy playing and hopping around, they are a favorite breed, especially for children. However, they are not suitable around small children because they have fragile backs and do not like being picked up.
They are also social creatures that enjoy being around other rabbits, making them a suitable choice if you want to rear more than one rabbit in your household. While you can house them in groups, it is best to separate the males from the females.
Castor Rex rabbits are also a brilliant breed. They are easy to train and can even be leash-trained. Moreover, these bunnies can respond to basic commands, learn their names, be litter-trained, remember their owners, and recognize various smells and voices.
This breed also features a strong maternal instinct and enjoys mothering their kittens. They are even known to foster orphaned kittens.
Do These Rabbits Make Good Pets? 👪
Due to this breed’s social and affectionate nature, they can make great family pets. They are also relatively easy to take care of, especially if you understand their nutritional, health, housing, and exercise needs.
However, as earlier mentioned, they might not be ideal for families with young kids who would want to pick it up every time during playtime. Yet, generally, they are ideal for singles, seniors, and families living either in apartments or houses with yards.
Does This Rabbit Get Along With Other Pets?
As mentioned, Castor Rex rabbits become very quiet pets when they mature. This is perhaps why they can easily get along with other pets, including other rabbits. It can even take care of other smaller rabbits.
In addition, the Rex rabbit can be very squeamish and tends to dart away from other rabbits. Therefore, they are not likely to attract the attention of predatory animals such as cats and dogs.
Nevertheless, be extra careful when introducing your pet rabbit to other pets with a predatory instinct. It’s always best to introduce them gradually as you check for their response.
Things to Know When Owning a Castor Rex Rabbit:
Food & Diet Requirements 🥕
Feeding rabbits entails emulating the food they eat in the wild. Generally, a Castor Rex rabbit’s diet should consist of at least 90% high-quality hay, which is similar to the haylage and grass that they would eat while in the wild.
5% of their diet should include high-fiber pellets to ensure that the rabbit has a healthy gut and a feeling of satisfaction from the meal. The rest of their diet should include a healthy mix of fresh produce such as leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits.
If you offer your Rex rabbit some hay varieties such as alfalfa, it should be given in moderation. Moreover, vegetables and fruits high in sugar levels should be avoided. Instead, they should only be given as treats during the training sessions.
Before giving your Castor Rex rabbit any kind of food, it is best to first consult your local veterinarian. While some foods may be safe for your rabbit to consume, some can easily make it sick.
Most importantly, ensure that your rabbit always has access to clean water, especially during hot days.
Habitat & Hutch Requirements 🏠
Providing your Castor Rex with a comfortable and clean environment is one of the most important aspects of rearing this rabbit breed. Rex rabbits can live in both indoor and outdoor environments. But since it is a docile breed, it would do best when living indoors.
Whether indoors or outdoors, make sure that they have a hutch or a secure cage that is spacious enough to stretch and move around comfortably, especially when living with other rabbits. The hutch should also have enough space to stand upright because rabbits like to stand when assessing threats in their environment.
Inside the cage, include a litter tray and a hiding box. Also, consider adding at least 2–3 inches of bedding on the cage floor. Hay is the most ideal bedding material because besides lying on it, the rabbit can also chew on it. Other suitable and comfortable bedding materials include aspen and shredded paper. You can also add some chew toys, a ceramic water bowl, and a feeding bowl into your rabbit’s cage.
Make sure that the cage is covered on three sides, and leave the front side open for natural lighting. Covering the sides helps protect your rabbit from direct sunlight, excessive rain, cold, and even predators.
Since Castor Rex rabbits are very sensitive to hot environments, keep the hutch cool.
Exercise & Sleeping Needs 🐇
Even though mature Castor Rex rabbits are not a frolicsome bunch, they still need plenty of exercise, ideally as much as they can. But if it is not possible to give your rabbit plenty of exercise because of your work schedule, make sure they have at least 3 to 4 hours of exercise every day to keep their bodies healthy.
Training 🥎
Training and early socialization are essential to have a well-behaved rabbit, keep your home clean, and allow them to have fun while outside.
One of the most common forms of training in rabbits is potty training. While it may not be the easiest pet to train, Castor Rex rabbits are a smart breed and can be trained to live in your home even without an enclosure.
Before they are properly trained, you should expect your floors to be one huge litter box because your rabbits wouldn’t know any better. Fortunately, with patience, consistency, and a loving hand, your bunny can be successfully potty trained.
Just make sure that the litter box is medium-sized, first filled with litter and covered with hay. You can then begin the potty training by observing how your Castor Rex goes to the bathroom. Then, place her droppings in a box and discard them.
The training will be more successful with positive reinforcement methods such as gentle petting and verbal praise.
When it comes to socialization, you can have a well-rounded rabbit by regularly taking it out of its enclosure and allowing it to roam in a safe space. The more you allow your rabbit to interact with people, the more docile and sweeter it will become. Of course, this should only be done after rabbit-proofing your home.
Grooming ✂️
Generally, Castor Rex rabbits feature a short fur coat that is easy to clean and manage. They do not need frequent grooming. Brushing at least once a week should be enough to keep it smooth and dander-free. Over-grooming is not recommended as it can ruin their fur coat.
In addition, rabbits are generally clean animals, and as such, they do not require regular bathing or any at all. Bathing can easily get them sick. Instead, if your rabbit gets dirty, probably from sleeping on its feces or urine, use a wet but warm cloth to wipe their coat, then dry them afterwards.
Lifespan and Health Conditions 🏥
Castor Rex rabbits have a relatively short lifespan when compared to other rabbit breeds. But with proper care and maintenance, they can live up to 10 years. Their babies are easy to care for and nurture because they are born with fur on their bodies.
Despite their short lifespan, the Rex Rabbits are generally healthy and are not prone to most bunny diseases. Either way, you should be worried about the usual health concerns, which include the following:
- GI stasis
- Ear mites
- Dental issues
- Rabbit hemorrhagic disease
- Myxomatosis
- Flystrike
Male vs Female
To physically determine if a Rex rabbit is male or female, check whether it has two oblong testicles, which usually descend after they reach 12 weeks of age. Besides having V-shaped genitals, there is no other obvious physical difference between male and female Castor Rex rabbits.
Male Castor Rex rabbits tend to be laid back and easygoing when compared to their female counterparts. Once neutered, they are less destructive.
Females, on the other hand, tend to be very territorial and might lunge or growl at you if you invade their space. Fortunately, they do not bite. They also like to burrow and usually grunt or honk when in hint. This behavior is still present even after it has been spayed.
3 Little-Known Facts About Castor Rex Rabbits
1. Rex Rabbits Originated in France
The origins of this rabbit breed can be traced back to France in the early 20th century when the Rex mutation was discovered on the fur of a wild rabbit. This prompted the breeding of a new rabbit breed with dense, soft, and short fur. Initially, this breed was reared for its fur but later gained popularity as a show and pet animal.
2. Rex Rabbits Are Hypoallergenic
This rabbit breed is considered hypoallergenic and is suitable for family households with an allergic member. Sure, they might shed a little now and then, but they do not produce dander as much as other rabbit breeds. Since it’s not the hair but the dander that causes allergy flare-ups, Rex rabbits can be held and petted by people suffering from fur allergies.
3. Rex Rabbits Are Also Reared for Meat
Even though these animals can be kept as pets, they are also kept for meat purposes. Their fur might have a high demand but so does their meat.
Final Thoughts
A Castor Rex rabbit is a low-maintenance breed that was initially reared for its meat and fur. However, they can also make great family pets, especially for those with children because of their intelligence, docile and playful nature. They thrive when in the companionship of other rabbits, and they enjoy attention from their owners.
This breed does best when kept indoors. They need a decent-sized hutch with ample space for maneuverability. They can be potty trained and do not need regular grooming. If you meet their training, dietary, and care requirements, you will have a well-behaved rabbit that will fill your home with love.
- Related Read: How Much Do Rex Rabbits Cost? Price Guide
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