Catnip Carnival: Blue’s Birthday Bash

By Amanda Lin
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Hi, I’m Amanda! Read my introduction to learn more about me and Blue, my fluffy fire point Himalayan-Persian cat.
A few weeks ago I shared that we’d be celebrating Blue’s 10th birthday on the 18th, and in light of her hitting double digits, we’d be throwing her a lavish party. Paper balloons with ribbons overhanging her new lounge pillow, pictures of her mates, a circus tent, and a plethora of catnip. Although we didn’t quite achieve the “catnip carnival” theme that I’d hoped, and we experienced a few blunders along the way, the event was fun and memorable.
The night before, we made catnip tea bags, cut out our feline invitees’ pictures and name tags, perfected our ribbon tent, and detagged all of Blue’s new toys. We invested in a new giant wide-brimmed tea cup with a matching plate to serve a cat-friendly birthday cake on. The preparations went off without a hitch. A bit of setup was all we needed to get the party underway.
Day of the Birthday
Before the rest of our house was up and about, my youngest and I tested a few spots to host our shindig and decided on a nice window side nook in our kitchen. Up went the ribbon tent, balloons, and the pictures of Blue’s furr-ends. With the kettle cranked, we collected a catnip tea bag and her cup. Did you know you only need to steep catnip for a few minutes? Well, I didn’t. I steeped for probably half the day. If she was going to have tea, I thought I’d make it as potent as I could. It was my first time making it and Blue’s first time drinking it. More on that to come.
The birthday corner was cozy and colorful. I moved her favorite beach house into the area to make the place more inviting in hopes she’d feel comfortable and less wary of the new aesthetic.
Happy Birthday to You!
Once her tea was aggressively steeped (I mean cloudy, earthy, and much cooler than room temperature at this point), I discarded the teabag and called on Blue to follow me to her commemorative corner. This was her first taste of catnip for the day. In my brain, I thought it was safer to slowly offer her catnip because I wasn’t sure if she would end up in some sort of otherworldly vortex full of drools and daydreams. Immediately, she nudged the brim of the cup. Once, twice, three times until she knocked the cup right over, sending her liquid gold across the floor. I left it there. It’s her party, and she can make a mess if she wants to. She pawed at the stream and brought her face to get a lick and whiff in. Her tail flicked in and out of the puddle, creating little splashes. There was a trail of paw prints around the tea pool as she attempted to find the right access point. Once I saw her urge to roll in it building, I gathered up as much as I could and transferred it to her matching kitty plate. Shallow and impossible to knock over.
Sadly, she didn’t care for the tea as much as I’d imagined, so we sprinkled the entire area with dried catnip. This is what Blue lives for. Full twitches, belly-to-back-to-belly rolls, and hilarious cat-chatter ensued. We upped the ante by offering a few catnip treats along the way. Once the majority of the mess had been lapped up, she tested out her new toys.
Toy City
The tinsel balls and squirrel kicker were among the most popular. We took turns teasing her with the feather toy and ribbons from the tent until she was ready to chill out on her dreamy daybed. After a light dinner, my boys wished her all the happy birthdays and served her cake. There was so much excitement at that moment that I didn’t get a photo of it. If you’re curious, here’s the visual – brown mound shaped into a circle with the number 10 in treats as the topper.
The remainder of her night was spent in her nook, atop her pillow with her eyes closed. We left her corner decorated, and the remnants of catnip all over the floor for the next two days. Sunday night brought normalcy back to our kitchen as I scooped up her new bed and toys and positioned them in her lounging area. We recycled her friends and balloons and discarded the ribbon to eliminate any risk of injury or actual consumption.
Let’s Make It Annual – Sort of
Honestly, it was a success. Even my pup Subi was obsessed with the kitty corner. Would I do it again? Sure. Maybe not to this caliber but I secretly enjoyed the process and wouldn’t mind showering Blue in catnip and singing Happy Birthday to her every year.
Have you ever thrown your cat a birthday party? I’ve seen some pretty creative things out there, and I’d love to hear your heartwarming and hilarious pet party stories!
- Read her previous article: The Sound of Happiness: The Comfort of a Cat’s Purr
- Read her next article: Health Checkup: Blue Visits Dr Cecelia