Cats And Their Strange Habits: Exploring Minnie, Nara & Miki’s Quirks
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Hi, I’m Dr. Maja! Read my introduction to learn more about me and Miki, the kitten who made me a cat person.
Cats are individuals, even more than I ever imagined possible. Having three now made me realize how unique and different their personalities are, as well as how they interact with me and see me differently. Miki is an adult and I know most of his habits now very well, while the two kittens still leave me feeling surprised almost every day. After all, there’s never a dull moment in my house.
Minnie Is One of a Kind
I don’t think I ever met a kitten like Minnie. She came to me very young and we have formed a special bond. She sleeps on top of me, comes for cuddles, purring and kneading on my head at 3 in the morning, which as cute as it is, is becoming a bit of a pain. Sometimes I think of her as a puppy, as she’s following me around constantly. She loves jumping in the litter box and digging as I’m cleaning it out, and running around after me when I use the vacuum cleaner, attacking it. She’s fearless, and that’s not such a good thing in all honesty. I can’t even count the amount of times I almost stepped on her, as she is always somewhere underneath my legs. She will stick her head everywhere, including a glass of water, and she finds the sink a great place to play in.
Getting to know her and seeing how she grows and develops is a joy. She has her ritual before she goes for a poo, running around and jumping in the litter box, from side to side, almost as if she’s playing. The first few times she did it I couldn’t make out what she was up to, but it soon became obvious. She is like my little annoying assistant, always there by my side, and wanting to participate in everything that’s going on. Nothing gets past her.
Nara Is All Zoomies and Chirps
Nara is much more independent and cautious. While noise doesn’t startle Minnie, but acts to attract her attention, Nara is always on the lookout from somewhere high up on the shelves. She is the real adventurer and has shown both Minnie and even Miki how to use a metal ladder and go to the attic, which is now their favorite hang-out spot. She watches birds with interest and I have a feeling she will be a big roamer when she starts going out. Despite her independent personality, she is also very cuddly and loves jumping up on my lap, especially if I’m in the toilet. All three cats find this is the best time to get my attention.
Nara also loves doing zoomies. She runs around the house, up and down the stairs, chasing Minnie. She is rarely still and it feels like she has much more energy than Minnie and Miki combined. And she is not a big meower. Instead, she trills and chirps, and it’s the cutest sound ever.
Miki Brings The Calm
Miki is a different story altogether. He grew up being the only cat but has actually accepted the two kittens very well. He does like to chase them around the house and will try to pin them down, not realizing yet they are a bit too small for it still. And I have a feeling when the kittens grow up, that Minnie may be in charge instead. Being the smallest, she is certainly the feistiest. Miki is still my special boy, being the first cat I ever had, and I love his calm and composed personality. Although he is all grown up now, many of his actions still make me smile and remind me of when he was little. He loves to join us on our daily walks, but occasionally he falls behind, as dogs are just too quick for him to keep pace. Then he makes the most adorable sound of a very intent kitten-like meow, as I call him and he answers me back in the only way he can. He rushes to catch up and brushes against my leg, showing his content to be back with us. And now and then, he climbs up on top of trees still in a very awkward kitten-like way, probably thinking he’s showing off, not understanding how clumsy he actually looks.
Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way
All three of them are unique and entertain me and the dogs every day with their silly habits, forming closer bonds with me and each other. Despite it sometimes feels like a full house with no time for me to rest, it still brings me joy and satisfaction being able to provide them with a carefree and fun life, away from the dangers they would have otherwise been exposed to.
- Read her previous article: Kittens and Accidents: How Minnie Keeps Using Her Nine Lives
- Read her next article: How Cats React to Adopting a New Dog: Miki’s Rescued Sister