Chausie Cat Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, Traits & Facts
By Oliver Jones
Updated on
Height: | 20–22 inches |
Weight: | 15–25 pounds |
Lifespan: | 15–20 years |
Colors: | Black, black grizzled ticked tabby, brown ticked tabby |
Suitable for: | Fun families who want a fun cat and who are at home frequently |
Temperament: | Intelligent, fun, playful, inquisitive, friendly |
Chausie cats are far from being your run-of-the-mill domesticated felines. Instead, these cats are playful, love attention, and are even known to play fetch with their owners. In other words, this cat is more like a dog than some dogs!
At the same time, Chausie cats are the same size as other domesticated felines, are easy to litter box train, and are relatively low maintenance in comparison to many other pets. Besides requiring regular attention and toys, these cats aren’t difficult to take care of.
All around, the Chausie cat is quite interesting because of their playful nature, but they aren’t right for everyone. Due to their intelligence, they can get into mischief, and they are an expensive breed that needs a great deal of socialization. To learn more about Chausie cats, read on!
Chausie Kittens
Chausie kittens can cost thousands of dollars because of their rarity. It is next to impossible to find breeders without visiting the International Cat Association website, where you can find a list of all active Chausie cat breeders.
You might also want to visit a cat show. There, you can meet and connect with people who know Chausie breeders. The plus side to finding breeders in either of these ways is that the breeders you get in contact with will be responsible and ethical. Quality breeders will put the kittens’ health as a priority and will be transparent with this information when offering their kittens to interested buyers.
Temperament & Intelligence of the Chausie Cat
The Chausie cat is an interesting breed because they are highly intelligent and have a personality more like a dog than a cat. Even dog people love this cat because of their intelligence and fun nature.
Due to the cat’s outgoing personality, they are not good for families that are away from the home a lot. Instead, they need a home with reliable communication and socialization. If not given a home like this, the cat will become destructive and depressed.
Are These Cats Good for Families? 👪
Chausie cats are great cats for families because they are very affectionate, are gentle around kids, and love to have fun. In most respects, Chausie cats are ideal pets because they have the advantage of being low maintenance like other cats but fun and outgoing like many dogs.
Regardless of whether you live by yourself or have many children, the Chausie cat will likely get along great with them. They are highly affectionate, are known for being very friendly, and love playing around. So, you don’t have to worry about the cat feeling overwhelmed or stressed by your rambunctious house.
At the same time, a Chausie cat can have fun with just adults. If you provide the cat with toys and areas for them to play, they will be more than happy in your home. Just make sure to provide them with a lot of attention when you are hanging out.
Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?
While many cats do not like other animals, Chausie cats get along great with other pets. They are nowhere near as territorial or aggressive as other cats, meaning you can easily invite another pet into your home.
One thing you must be cautious about, though, is getting a pet that can be aggressive toward the Chausie. For example, you don’t want to pair this cat with a Husky. Even though the cat is agile and intelligent and will try to befriend the dog, they are no match for a big, assertive canine.
You also might want to be slightly careful if you have small rodents in your household. Like all other cats, the Chausie might tap into their instincts at the sight of these pets running around. You can still have small rodents, but make sure that they are in a well-protected case that the cat cannot get into.
Things to Know When Owning a Chausie Cat
Since the Chausie cat isn’t the most popular breed around, you probably don’t know a lot about owning one. In comparison to many other cats, the Chausie is high maintenance simply because they love attention and affection. Still, you can litter box train them and enjoy their relatively low maintenance needs.
Food & Diet Requirements 🐡
Most Chausies don’t require intense food or diet requirements since they are so active and care for their weight naturally. It’s still best to feed your Chausie two portions of high-quality cat food a day instead of free food feeding. That way, you can monitor exactly how much your cat eats.
Exercise 🐈
Chausies are energetic and rambunctious cats that need a lot of exercise and play. They love to explore, climb, jump, and run around. Some of these cats are even known to love swimming. In other words, not only do these cats need a lot of exercise, but it’s also impossible to prevent them from doing so.
In fact, Chausie cats are known to open cabinets and mess things up just for the fun of it. As a result, many Chausie owners put child locks on their cabinets to prevent their cats from destroying their homes.
To help your Chausie exercise in a more productive way, make sure to provide a lot of toys, scratching posts, and cat trees for the cat to play on and in. If you don’t provide healthy alternatives for your cat to play with, they will simply destroy your house.
Training 🧶
Training isn’t as serious of an issue with cats as it is for dogs. The only training that all cat owners want is litter box training. Since Chausies are so intelligent, it shouldn’t take them long to learn how to use their litter box.
That said, Chausies are more suited for training than most other cats. Because these cats are so intelligent and love playing, you can teach them tricks in your spare time. You might even want to purchase a cat harness to harness train them during outside time.
Grooming ✂️
Chausie cats have minimal grooming requirements. They have short, coarse hair that they often take care of on their own. To minimize shedding, use a soft brush once a week. Make sure not to overbrush the coat, or else you could irritate the skin.
Because cats are so good at grooming themselves, you shouldn’t need to bathe your Chausie unless they get skunked or into something they shouldn’t. Other than these unwanted situations, leave the bathing up to the cat.
Health and Conditions 🏥
Unlike most pedigreed cats, Chausie cats are actually very healthy, especially when you select a responsible breeder. It is unlikely that your Chausie will have any unknown or unforeseeable illnesses.
- Fall and scraps from activity
- Intestinal issues
- Obesity
Male vs. Female
Male and female Chausie cats are virtually identical, though the males do tend to be larger and heavier than the females.
3 Little-Known Facts About the Chausie Cat
1. They’re supposed to look like a Jungle Cat.
Chausie cats are different from other domesticated cats because they were bred with certain wild Jungle Cats. From this breeding, the Chausie is great around people, but they are also playful and intelligent.
On the one hand, their domesticated cat heritage means that they aren’t too aggressive, have been around humans for a long time, and aren’t afraid of people. On the other hand, their Jungle Cat heritage means they’re highly exploratory, intelligent, and always looking for fun.
2. The Jungle Cat’s ancestors date way back to ancient times.
Even though Chausie cats are a recent breed, only coming about in the 1990s, their Jungle Cat ancestors are ancient. They have been found mummified in Egyptian tombs beside their human owners.
3. They play fetch.
Something super interesting about Chausie cats is that they are described to be more like dogs than cats. In fact, many Chausies are known to play fetch, swim in water, and enjoy wearing their harness while going on a walk outside.
So, many self-proclaimed “dog people” who are looking for a fun cat often love Chausies because they are low maintenance like other cats but playful and fun to be around like dogs.
The Chausie cat is easily one of the most fun and interesting breeds around. They act a lot like dogs, but they are small and litter box trainable. Homes that are active and looking for a fun cat will love a Chausie kitten. Make sure that you are home frequently and have the time and resources to dedicate to this cat.
Unfortunately, it can be next to impossible to find a Chausie cat for sale, though. Because these cats are so rare, you almost always must get in contact with a cat show-accepted breeder. If you do happen to find a breeder who specializes in Chausie cats, expect to pay thousands of dollars for one.
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