10 Designer Dog Houses For Your Furry Friend (With Pictures)

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You love your dog, and you want him to have the best — and nothing conveys that feeling better than building him his very own custom dog house from scratch.
Of course, you love having free time and splinter-free hands, too, and let’s face it: your dog can’t tell the difference between a house you built and one you bought (except for the fact that the store-bought one has straight lines).
If you’re wanting to just buy your pooch the perfect house, these designer digs are worthy of consideration. They may not have that DIY charm, but your dog will love them just the same.
The 10 Designer Dog Houses
1. Hecate Verona Dog House
You know it’s going to be expensive if you have to order it from England. How expensive are these houses? We don’t know — the price is only available by request.
But, given that these dog mansions take over 2,000 hours to build, we can assume they won’t be cheap. Each one comes with automated heat, lighting, and air conditioning controls, as well as internet-enabled cameras for you to spy on your pet.
If you can afford it, you’re unlikely to find a nicer dog house anywhere. It’s just a shame it doesn’t come with a butler — but then again, we guess that’s what you’re for.
2. The Dog Room by Made by Pen
This minimalist dog house is made with aluminum and plywood, making it both lightweight and durable.
There’s not a lot going on here, as it’s just a frame with empty space inside, but it’s an interesting choice for architecture nerds and fans of clean lines. And despite its bare-bones appearance, it’s not cheap, retailing for as much as $499.
3. Castagna Designer Dog House by Italo Bosa
If there’s one thing all dogs agree on, it’s the fact that they’d love to live inside a giant Hershey’s Kiss. At least, that’s what this house looks like, anyway.
Made of ceramic with a soft, cushioned floor, this home offers your dog a comfortable and snug place to lay low for a while. It’s easy to clean as well, so you can leave it outside without it getting too grimy.
Then again, given that it costs nearly $800, you might not want to leave it in your backyard.
4. MDK9 Dog Haus by Rah: Design
This looks more like a traditional single-panel dog house that you can find in many stores, or that you can easily build yourself.
However, the MDK9 Dog Haus uses Brazilian teak, powder-coated steel, and concrete in its construction, so it’s capable of standing up to anything your dog or Mother Nature can throw at it.
And, given the price tag ($3,650), you may just want to learn how to make it yourself.
5. The Coastal Cottage by Designer Dog Houses
Give your pup his own piece of the American Dream with the adorable little Coastal Cottage.
This A-frame house is made with eco-friendly materials, so your dog won’t have a guilty conscience about his new abode. There’s plenty of room inside for a large, plush bed, and the interior is snug without being cramped.
It comes in two sizes, with the larger one retailing for $675 and the smaller going for $625 (and for $50, you might want to try convincing your Great Dane he’s actually a Teacup Poodle).
6. Deauville House by Bad Marlon Design Studio
While it’s only suitable for toy breeds, the Deauville House will make a sleek addition to any backyard.
It has plenty of ventilation, with an elongated window on one side to let sunlight in and give your dog a way to spy on the outside world. This house is perfect for warmer climates, but may be a bit too well-ventilated for colder areas.
Then again, if you can afford $342 for a dog house, you might be able to give your dog both a summer and winter home.
7. Dog Re-Treat by Pijuan Design Workshop
Give your pooch a taste of retro California cool with the Dog Re-Treat. This house looks like a ‘60s-style Sunset Strip motel, a fact that we’re sure your dog will appreciate.
The open design allows for a lot of ventilation, and there’s a deck that your dog can use when he decides he needs to catch a few rays. It has integrated food and water bowls, plus a grass-topped roof, which helps keep the heat at bay during the summer.
What more could you possibly ask for? Well, considering it costs $3,500, a loan might be a start.
8. Nidin by Fabbricabois
If you don’t want your indoor pup to feel left out — and you want more storage space — the Nidin might be just what the high-end Italian designer ordered.
This house is a simple triangle, which gives your dog just enough space to feel comfortable and protected. The space above the house is flat, allowing you to use it as a coffee table if you like.
How much does this dog house/coffee table cost? The website doesn’t list a price, which is always a good sign.
9. Boomer & George A-Frame
This A-frame from Boomer & George is one of the few houses on this that you won’t need to sell a kidney to be able to afford, as it’s just over $200.
Despite the (relatively) low price point, it’s adorable and cozy. It has the traditional A-frame style with built-in food and water bowls on the side, plus a storage cubby for housing all of your mutt’s toys.
Even better, this house will leave you with enough money left over to be able to afford toys…
10. The Rockstar by Rockstar Puppy Boutique
You know we couldn’t end on an inexpensive dog house.
The Rockstar is a giant house with real wood floors, battery-operated lighting, and custom wallpaper. There’s a fire hydrant outside for convenience, and there’s room for your dog to invite over several of his favorite groupies.
How much does it cost to party like a rockstar? In this case, a cool $50,000.
The Perfect House for Your Dog
For what you’d pay to buy some of these houses, you could put a down payment on a real house that you and your dog could share.
However, it’s impossible to put a price tag on what our pups mean to us, so we can understand splurging on your pet if you have the means.
Then again, we can’t imagine how it must feel to walk outside and realize that Fido has chewed a hole in his brand new $50,000 dog house.
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