Do All Ragdoll Cats Have Blue Eyes? Is It Typical?

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Ragdoll cats are known for their beautiful silky fur, incredibly friendly nature, and their striking eyes. All Ragdolls, no matter their coat pattern and color points, are born with blue eyes, but while the traditional pointed Ragdoll will retain those blue eyes, those with other coat patterns may develop different colored eyes. So, while most Ragdolls do have blue eyes, and all of them start with blue eyes, yours may have green, aqua, brown, hazel, or even gold eyes. It all depends on the color of the breed.
Most standards demand that a Ragdoll’s eyes be blue for showing and exhibition but will register those with alternate colors as being Ragdolls.
About the Ragdoll
Ragdolls are a large purebred cat breed. They are known for being incredibly affectionate and gentle with their humans, are friendly with strangers, and are good lap cats who are always willing to spend some time being fussed and petted. They are considered easy to care for and they get along great with children, as well as other animals. They have a low prey drive, although they do enjoy playing with their owners. Generally, they enjoy doing anything that means spending time with their family.
What Color Eyes Will Your Ragdoll Have?
The breed is known for its incredible fur and also for its blue eyes, although not all Ragdolls will have blue eyes: it depends on the color of their fur. However, all Ragdolls are born with blue eyes. By the time the cat reaches approximately three months of age, their eye color will have developed so whatever the color of your kitten’s eyes by this age, is the color of eyes they will have for the rest of their lives.
- Traditional Pointed Ragdoll – The Traditional Point Ragdoll has a light-colored coat with darker points. Points include the tips of the ears, paws, tail, and face. This is the most common pattern of Ragdoll and cats with these markings will have blue eyes.
- Mink – Mink Ragdolls have similar colors to a Traditional Pointed Ragdoll, but the fur is even silkier and can be longer and fuller. Their eyes will also be blue, but this can vary from an almost green color to a deep blue.
- Sepia – Sepia Ragdolls are born with a similar color coat to the Traditional Pointed Ragdoll, but it darkens as it ages. This type of Ragdoll can have virtually any color of eyes, and you won’t know for certain what color until the cat reaches three months. Typical colors include blue as well as green, brown, and gold.
Top 5 Facts About Ragdoll Cats
1. They Are a Very Large Breed of Cat
Ragdolls can reach a weight of 20 pounds or more, which means that they are one of the largest breeds of domestic cats. They also have long fur, which can make them seem even bigger, and they will rival most small dogs in their stature. You will notice when your Ragdoll slumps on your lap.
2. They Are Quiet Cats
Some cat breeds are known for being very vocal, chatting to their humans at every opportunity. The Ragdoll is not one of these breeds. They rarely talk, except when necessary, and when they do vocalize, their calls are soft and quiet.
3. They’re Born Pure White
Ragdoll kittens are born pure white with blue eyes. Their coat and colors, as well as their eye color, will develop in the first few months of their life, but you can’t be sure of what color point your Ragdoll will be until it reaches at least three months old.
4. They Are a Slow Maturing Breed
The size and the long life of the breed mean that they mature slowly. A Ragdoll is not considered fully mature until it reaches at least three years of age, with some not reaching maturity until four years.
5. They’re Named for Their Floppiness
The Ragdoll breed gets its name from the cat’s propensity to flop into its owners’ arms like a ragdoll toy. They go limp and completely surrender themselves to their owners. Not only does this give them their name, but it is also one of the reasons for the breed’s appeal to its owners.
If you want to show your Ragdoll at official exhibitions or enter them into competitions, they must have blue eyes. And most Ragdolls do have blue eyes, but not all. Some different color variations have green, brown, or gold eyes. While they can’t be entered into shows, they still make amazing pets that are loyal and loving. They are slow to mature, rarely make noise, and they will love all family members as well as friends and even strangers.
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