Do Cats Bleed When in Heat? Vet-Reviewed Feline Reproduction Facts & FAQs
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We all know that most female mammals go through physical and hormonal changes as their bodies prepare to accept a mate, with the sperm from a male fertilizing an egg, leading to pregnancy and the birth of their young. One part of this reproductive cycle in women is called menstruation or a period, which is not something that occurs in that sense for felines.
The feline reproductive cycle consists of several stages. Cats will mate during estrus, though most people say a cat is “in heat” during this part of the cycle. If these two reproductive cycles have the same goal (pregnancy), do cats bleed when in heat the same way humans do if an egg is not fertilized after ovulation and the lining of the uterus is shed?
Cats do not bleed during estrus or any other part of their cycle. However, there may be an occasional cat that may have a very slight or barely noticeable amount of blood, but this is quite rare and always requires veterinary examination.
Feline Heat Cycle
Cats are said to be seasonally polyestrous, meaning that they have multiple cycles throughout the breeding season. How long the season lasts changes depending on geographic and environmental factors. It doesn’t seem real when you first hear it, but the temperature and the number of daylight hours play a role in a cat’s heat cycle.
Cats in the northern hemisphere usually have a breeding season from January until late fall. Those in more southern regions or indoor cats could experience their cycles throughout the entire year.
How Long Is Estrus?
Each estrus cycle typically lasts about 6 days. If an unspayed female hasn’t mated during this cycle, she goes into heat again for another short period. This means that a true estrus cycle could last a few days or even a few weeks.
What Are the Signs of Estrus?
Trust us; you’ll know it when your cat is in heat. Cats start to become very affectionate with their owners and demand more rubs and pats from them. They also roll around on the floor a lot and raise their hindquarters into the air when you stroke their backs.
Female cats that are in heat become incredibly vocal throughout the day. It’s as if they’re shouting for nearby males to come and mate with them. If they don’t find a mate, some act out and start spraying around the house to attract males to them.
Their urine contains pheromones that let her suitors know she is ready to be fertilized. Tomcats may start to appear, and your female will try to escape the house in any way she can.
When Can Female Cats Get Pregnant?
Females can get pregnant at any point during the heat part of the cycle. The act of breeding stimulates the eggs being released from her ovaries. However, many cats require three or four mating sessions within 24 hours for ovulation.
It takes only 1 or 2 minutes for cats to mate, and they can do so multiple times in a very short period. Some females may mate with several different tomcats. This means that it is entirely possible to have a litter with multiple different fathers.
How Long Is Cat Pregnancy?
The average length of a female cat’s pregnancy is between 64 and 71 days. That’s about 9 weeks from fertilization to birth.
Managing a Cat in Heat
What should you do if your feline is in heat, but you don’t want her to get pregnant? Start by securing your house to ensure she cannot escape. Be careful when entering and leaving the home as well. Cats can get pregnant on their first try, and if you don’t want to be responsible for rehoming a litter of kittens, you must keep her secured inside.
Living with a kitty in heat can be difficult. There isn’t a way to fix their behavior unless you take them to get spayed, which we highly recommend. In the meantime, do your best to comfort her by giving her lots of attention and distraction with games and toys while she’s in heat. Play with her often and give her privacy when she needs it.
Sometimes, catnip is a great product to help calm her down. If things escalate and she becomes stressed, try using pheromones sprays from pet stores to help put her at ease. Speak to your vet about the best time to get your cat neutered; ideally, this procedure should be performed when she is not in heat, leaving you a very short window of opportunity.
If you need to speak with a vet right now but can’t get to one, head over to JustAnswer. It’s an online service where you can talk to a vet in real time and get the personalized advice you need for your pet — all at an affordable price!
Final Thoughts
Cats go into heat from a young age, and it can be a lot to handle if you’ve never experienced it before. The best option is to spay your cats as soon as possible. This keeps them from being distressed when locked inside, trying to escape in search of a mate, risking injuries, and contracting infectious feline diseases through mating and cat bites.
Plus, it keeps you from having to care for and rehome multiple litters of kittens. Spaying is vital because of how many cats are taken to shelters when they can’t find homes. While waiting to get her spayed, do your best to make her comfortable until the estrus cycle is over.
See also:
- Why Do Cats Scream While Mating? Feline Reproduction Examined
- Will Male Cats Mate with Females Who Aren’t in Heat? Vet Reviewed Facts & FAQ
Featured Image Credit: Marina mrs_brooke, Shutterstock