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Do Dobermans Bark a Lot? How to Identify Excessive Barking

Rachael Gerkensmeyer

By Rachael Gerkensmeyer

A red Doberman standing

Doberman Pinschers were originally bred as working dogs to act as protectors and guard dogs for their human companions. Today, many are still bred for such work, but they have also become popular as family pets. Since they were bred to guard and protect, they are prone to barking more than many other dog breeds. Some people say that they bark a lot, but there is usually something causing the excessive barking as opposed to the dog barking just for the fun of it. Here are some important insights into the topic.

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Why Would a Doberman Bark Frequently?

There are several reasons why a Doberman might bark frequently. First, they could be doing so because something is going on outside the home that is generating more noise than they are used to hearing. People in the house might not be able to hear the strange sounds, but their Doberman can. However, if excessive barking happens regularly, there is likely another reason for it. Here are common ones to consider:

  • Boredom
  • Lack of exercise
  • Lack of training
  • Increased anxiety

Fortunately, there are a few things that can be done about these causes. Let’s take a look at solutions.

Doberman Pinscher
Image Credit: patstatic, Pixabay

What Can Be Done About Excessive Barking?

Now that we have an idea of the reasons that a Doberman Pinscher might bark too often, we can discuss solutions. Each cause has a unique solution to consider, so one size doesn’t fit all.

Barking Due to Boredom

A Doberman Pinscher is smart and active. They need brain and body stimulation throughout the day. Without it, they tend to get bored. When they get bored, it could cause excessive barking. Making sure your Doberman gets enough daily exercise and providing them with toys to play with during the day can go a long way in reducing their boredom and, therefore, their barking.

Barking Due to a Lack of Exercise

Even if you take your Doberman on a daily walk, they may not be getting enough exercise to stay happy throughout the day and night. Signs that your dog needs more exercise include over-excitement, restlessness, and misbehavior. Try taking them on an additional 30-minute walk or spending an extra half hour in the yard playing fetch to get the excessive barking to stop.

Doberman Shepherd Dog Parents
Image By: YamaBSM, Pixabay

Barking Due to a Lack of Training

If a Doberman Pinscher is not well trained, they can get a bit unruly and bark for no apparent reason. They must be taught when to bark and when they shouldn’t, or they will simply bark whenever they feel like it. Making obedience training a priority will help ensure that your Doberman knows only to bark when they are supposed to, like when they hear strangers outside.

Barking Due to Increased Anxiety

Dobermans are prone to separation anxiety because they were bred to be constant companions for protective purposes. An anxious Doberman may try to release their anxiety with excessive barking because they don’t know what else to do. If your Doberman must spend a great deal of time at home alone, it is important to find someone who can come over and keep them company (as well as give them walks) at least once a day to help relieve separation anxiety and barking.

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Dobermans can bark a lot, but excessive barking can be tamed once you determine the reason for the barking. All owners should expect their Dobermans to bark to a certain degree. After all, it’s an instinctive behavior that comes along with protecting their human companions. However, it should not be expected for a Doberman to bark incessantly without good reason.

Featured Image Credit: Mary Swift, Shutterstock

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