10 Dog Breeds That Don’t Need a Lot of Exercise (With Info & Pictures)

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You love spending time at home and are hoping to find a dog that feels the same way. All dogs need walks and attention and shouldn’t be left alone for long periods, but if you want to add a dog to your life, and you either don’t have the time or the energy to go for very long walks, this list will showcase 10 dogs that only need a basic amount of exercise. Here are the 10 dogs that don’t need a lot of exercise!
Top 10 Dogs That Don’t Need a Lot of Exercise:
1. French Bulldog
The French Bulldog is a loving, playful, and low maintenance dog that doesn’t bark very much, which is perfect for someone who is busy and lives in an apartment. They only require outdoor play or a short walk for their daily exercise.
Frenchies excel in agility and obedience trials, but they don’t do well in hot weather and should not exert themselves during the heat of the day. They require minimal grooming, thanks to their short coat of fur. However, because of their occasional stubbornness, training might be a challenge. The Frenchie is a smart, playful, affectionate, and adaptable dog.
2. Basset Hound
The Basset Hound is not a very active dog, but they still need a daily walk to avoid becoming overweight. However, they do enjoy the couch potato part of their day. One daily walk at a moderate pace is all the Basset Hound needs to keep healthy and happy. They enjoy playing and interacting with other dogs and will enjoy a nice long nap after their walk.
The Basset Hound requires brushing 2 to 3 times a week, and they do tend to shed. Training can be a bit difficult as they have an independent nature and can easily be distracted by different scents while outside. The Basset Hound is a calm, easygoing, loyal, and stubborn dog.
3. Biewer Terrier
The Biewer Terrier (pronounced ‘Beaver’) is a calm dog that is also playful. They can get their daily exercise just playing inside if the weather outside is frightful. They can self-exercise themselves through playtime, both inside and out.
The Biewer has a long and silky coat of fur that would benefit from daily brushing, but if you keep the coat clipped short, grooming will be much lower maintenance. Training is easy with these dogs as they are very intelligent and eager to please. Small enough to be in the Toy Group (but are actually in the Miscellaneous Class), the Biewer is a charming, intelligent, loving, and happy dog.
4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel does need daily walks but loves to spend lots of time on the couch with you. The Cavalier needs a fenced yard (if you have a backyard) and should be kept on a leash while out due to their hunting instincts. They are adaptable dogs that will do equally well with owners that are couch potatoes or are athletic and energetic.
The Cavalier has a medium-length coat of silky fur that would do best with frequent brushing (daily might be best). They are very intelligent and eager to please, which makes them very easy to train. The Cavalier is a calm, affectionate, gentle family dog.
5. Bolognese
The Bolognese is a very easygoing and mellow dog. It still needs moderate walks, but low-key exercise works well with this breed. They do equally well with active owners as well as seniors in apartments thanks to their quiet and calm nature. They can get their daily exercise by chasing a ball either indoors or out.
The Bolognese does not shed and is therefore hypoallergenic and only needs to be brushed about 2 or 3 times a week. They are somewhat easy to train because of their calm and loving personalities. The Bolognese is a gentle, loyal, low-key, and playful dog that will need an owner that does not leave them alone for long periods.
List of Bigger Dogs Suitable for Houses
6. Bergamasco Sheepdog
The Bergamasco Sheepdog is in the Herding Group, but they only require a moderate amount of exercise because of their calm nature. They are energetic yet easygoing dogs, and spending time playing with the Bergamasco will be the best way to get in the right amount of exercise.
Another interesting aspect of the Bergamasco that lends to their low maintenance is their unique coat. Their hair has 3 different textures that turn into a type of dreadlock (with some help) that only requires brushing and bathing about 2 or 3 times a year. They are easy to train but only with the understanding that the Bergamasco wants to please its owners but is quite independent and thinks of themselves as equals. The Bergamasco is a smart, patient, loyal, and loving dog.
7. Estrela Mountain Dog
The beautiful Estrela Mountain Dog is a large breed that doesn’t require a lot of exercise. If the weather is unpleasant, a little indoor play or play in the backyard will be enough if there isn’t time for a long walk. The Estrela would do best in a house with a yard due to their size. Plenty of backyard activity will help this large dog from becoming bored.
The Estrela has a thick coat that only needs brushing about once a week. The Estrela is an amazing family dog that does well with children if properly socialized and is protective, loving, intelligent, and devoted.
8. Pyrenean Mastiff
The Pyrenean Mastiff is an extra-large dog that definitely needs its exercise but can do quite well playing in the backyard. Care needs to be taken while they are puppies due to their large size, so they do not incur any injuries. Shorter walks on softer surfaces (try to avoid cement) will help them while they are growing and their bones harden. The Pyrenean can be exercised with several walks a day or playtime in the backyard.
The Pyrenean is double-coated and will need brushing about 2 or 3 times a week. They are intelligent, gentle, loving, and protective dogs.
9. Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog
The Romanian Mioritic Shepherd are large, low-key dogs that just need one daily walk. As a herding dog, they prefer to spend time with their humans and are generally mellow dogs. The Mioritic is very wary of strangers but fiercely devoted to its family.
The Mioritic only needs to be brushed about once a week, and breeders believe they should never be bathed (just wait for any mud or dirt to dry and brush it out). They have an independent nature, and therefore, training can be a little more of a challenge. The Mioritic is loyal, friendly, stubborn, and independent dog extremely devoted to its pack.
10. Tosa
The Tosa is a large breed dog that requires running in the backyard or a daily walk for its exercise requirements. While outdoors, running after a ball or taking a walk will give them the appropriate amount of exercise to keep them happy and healthy. They are quiet and calm dogs that might react aggressively to other dogs that they consider a threat but are affectionate with their family.
Grooming the Tosa is also very low maintenance as they have short coats that only need occasional brushing and they are easy to train because of their desire to please their owners. The Tosa is patient, calm, obedient, and courageous.
Final Thoughts
This list has a wide variety of dogs to choose from, all with very distinctively different personalities and temperaments. The one thing they all have in common is a mellow and calm nature. This means they don’t have as much energy to burn off as the more energetic and excitable dogs.
All dogs require attention and some of your physical energy as walks will always be part of the package as a dog owner. Therefore, the general rule of thumb is the calmer and more independent the dog, the more low maintenance it will be. But isn’t spending time with your dog what makes life better?
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Featured Image Credit: Daniel Myjones, Shutterstock