10 Dog Upset Stomach Signs (Vet Answer)
By Dr. Paola Cuevas, MVZ (Vet)
Updated on

If your pup looks distressed or in discomfort, there’s a possibility they have a stomach upset. Canine digestive problems are quite prevalent compared to other health concerns commonly treated by vets. In a study conducted in 2013 on 2,376 diseased canines, 1,344 (56.5%) suffered from digestive issues.1
While your furry friend cannot communicate, some behavioral patterns and clinical signs can help you piece up the puzzle to unveil potential digestive issues.
The 10 Dog Upset Stomach Signs to Look Out For
1. Vomiting & Diarrhea
One of the no-brainer signs of a stomach upset is vomiting and diarrhea. You can get clues about the health concerns of your pup by checking the color and consistency of their vomit and poop. While the job is not pretty, a piece of plastic in the stool, for instance, will let you know that your furry friend is ill because of what they consumed.
Important information: Diarrhea in a puppy could be caused by Parvovirus. If your puppy does not have a completed vaccination schedule and presents with diarrhea, please have them checked by the veterinarian.
2. Loss of Appetite
Dogs have full appetites and are unlikely to be picky eaters. We all know that dogs won’t normally pass on a chance to eat, so loss of appetite is a clear sign that something is going on. The first suspicion should be a mild gastrointestinal issue, in which case a dog is likely to resume eating the next time you offer them food. If the dog continues to ignore all foods, please get them checked by the vet.
3. Distended Abdomen
Please note that a distended abdomen is a sign that needs attention. Excessive gas production inside the dog’s stomach or too much water or food can lead to an emergency condition called bloat or gastric dilation-volvulus. This condition is often fatal in dogs if not attended to immediately because the stomach twists and the blood supply is obstructed. Bloat can develop suddenly and progress quickly, so if you notice a bloated stomach, please bring your dog to the veterinary clinic immediately.
4. Rumbles
It is expected for a canine’s tummy to occasionally produce some noise as food goes through the digestive tract. However, if you notice a gurgling sound that persists for more than a few minutes, your pup likely has indigestion.
Indigestion often resolves itself without medication, although you should visit your vet if the signs persist or bouts of diarrhea follow the tummy rumbles. Your dog might also have developed sensitivity or intolerance to ingredients in their diet, so it is important to keep a close eye on them and investigate the cause.
5. Flatulence
Another sign to look for if you suspect your pup has a stomach upset is an increase in passing gas. Even though flatulence (passing gas) is normal, excess gas usually indicates a tummy issue.
It could be that your pup enjoyed a diet high in indigestible carbohydrates or fermentable fiber. If you have not made any recent dietary changes, you may be dealing with a food intolerance or a severe underlying issue, like stomach inflammation or a bacterial or parasitic infection.
6. Nausea
So, how do you tell if your dog is nauseated?
Increased saliva production is the main sign that your pup is nauseated and on the verge of vomiting. Saliva has mild alkaline properties that help to neutralize the harsh acids in vomit. The body triggers an increase in saliva production when your dog is about to vomit to protect the throat and teeth from potentially damaging acids.
An increase in saliva production or hypersalivation is not always notable unless your canine is drooling. Some dogs don’t drool even when nauseated, meaning you must look for other signs of nausea or hypersalivation.
- Lip-smacking
- Lip licking
- Gulping
7. Assuming a Praying Position
If you see your pup stretching out with the head low, chest down, and bottom in the air, it could be that they are just playing. However, your furry friend could be experiencing stomach pains, especially if they assume this position for extended periods. This would indicate an attempt to reduce abdominal pain and release some pressure in their tummy.
8. Excessive Burping
Food can make a dog burp, especially if they eat too fast. If they gulp down food, dogs will also ingest excessive air, causing them to belch. While burping is not always a sign of a stomach upset, it may indicate that something is amiss, especially when followed by vomiting.
Increased belching can signify gastric issues and might indicate that food within your dog’s gastrointestinal tract is not moving normally. The increased pressure also pushes air out through the mouth because of decreased gastric emptying. Gastrointestinal motility alterations and persistent waste accumulation can result from other severe health issues, including inflammatory bowel disease.
9. Growling When You Touch the Belly
If your pup tightens their belly or starts to growl when you touch their tummy, this is a sign of pain. Some dogs will even guard their tummy and show signs of aggression if you insist on touching them.
If your furry friend is also restless, it is imperative to seek emergency healthcare services.
10. Lethargy or Restlessness
A canine experiencing abdominal pain or discomfort can also show restlessness or lethargy. Both signs may seem poles apart, although they often indicate a health problem.
If your pup is moving around too much, jumping on stuff, or just climbing up or down the stairs while maintaining a stiff gait, they could be experiencing discomfort and pain. If this does not seem to help and the concern persists, the dog will likely lie down while constantly changing positions.
When your dog is restless, you should act immediately and visit your vet. This is often a sign of severe pain, sometimes caused by a simple stomach upset or from potentially deadly abdominal bloat.
Effective Remedies for a Stomach Upset in Canines
Dogs experience pain somewhat as humans do. However, their genetic wiring and evolutionary past make them sometimes suppress signs of pain or distress. Also, dogs cannot tell us if they are feeling bad, so if your furry friend is at the point of exhibiting obvious signs of abdominal aches or discomfort, it is crucial to visit a vet. In most cases, the signs of stomach upset subside after the right treatment, so there’s much you can do to help relieve pain.
Please remember that if you notice your dog’s abdomen looking distended, there is no time for remedies. This could be an emergency and you should rush to the vet. However, if you are seeing diarrhea or vomiting, here are a few remedies that could work.
A Temporary Dietary Change
A temporary dietary change can help soothe your furry friend’s stomach. Consider introducing a bland diet of plain rice and chicken, canned pumpkin, or oatmeal, and avoid using oils or spices. Bone broth also works wonders. Just make sure it is prepared without onion or garlic and that it is properly strained because you should never offer your dog cooked bones. Your pup might also benefit from a source of probiotics like a tablespoon of Greek yogurt or, even better, a dog-specific probiotic supplement.
Let Your Pup Fast
Some dog breeds have full appetites even when sick. If your pup shows all signs of a stomach upset but is still eating, consider withdrawing food for at least 12 hours. However, please ensure that your dog has constant access to clean, fresh water to drink. The idea is to give their tummy adequate time to settle down, as the lack of food might trigger a reduction in gastric pH that can help deal with some potential issues naturally. Just keep in mind that if you have a young puppy, this practice is not recommended.
Replace Water With Broth
Most dogs will want to drink plenty of water right after vomiting. The problem is that with vomit and diarrhea, electrolytes are also lost. Bone broth contains electrolytes and minerals that help a dog rehydrate. Just please ensure that it is a dog-safe bone broth, prepared without onion, garlic, or excessive salt. Also, it should be properly strained and all the bones should be removed before offering it to your beloved dog or puppy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
One of the core responsibilities of every dog owner is to ensure their canine is happy and healthy. Gastrointestinal problems are some of the most common concerns treated by vets, and it’s easy to panic if your pup frequently shows signs of a stomach upset. Here are the answers to three gastrointestinal upset-related questions frequently asked by pet parents:
How Soon Should I Visit a Vet When I Suspect My Pup Has a Stomach Upset?
Understandably, most pet parents will want to rush to the vet if they notice their pup is ill. As mentioned, a distended abdomen should be considered an emergency and you should be already on your way to the vet. However, if the issue does not include this sign and is mostly a single instance of vomit or a change in stool consistency, you should know that it is common for mild gastrointestinal upset cases to clear up without medication within a day or two. It always makes sense to wait for at least 48 hours and only act if the signs persist. Your vet can take blood tests, X-rays, ultrasound scans, and stool samples to get to the root of a problem.
What Causes Gastric Problems in Dogs?
Your pup can experience a stomach upset for many reasons, including eating something they shouldn’t, getting stressed or scared, and infections, inflammation, ulcers, or even motion sickness. Some of these concerns clear up naturally in a few days. If the signs persist, it could be a condition needing medical treatment such as bacterial infection or a gastric ulcer.
Can I Prevent Stomach Upsets?
Dogs are naturally curious and will always want to eat something they shouldn’t eat. Also, some concerns that cause gastric issues, such as the development of reflux, ulcers, and even food allergies, are not always in your control.
By keeping your pet’s vaccination and deworming schedule up to date, providing a healthy and varied diet, and keeping your house and especially your dog’s feeding and drinking bowls clean, you could prevent many of the issues.
Contrary to popular belief, dogs don’t have a tough digestive system immune to gastric distress and digestive problems. Like humans, dogs can experience hindrances when breaking down their food. Your pup can also suffer a stomach upset because of disease or infection by bacteria, parasites, viruses, and other microbes.
Because over 70% of your dog’s immune system is in the gut, be sure to consult a qualified vet to ensure your furry friend maintains a happy and healthy gut!
Featured Image Credit: Sonja Rachbauer, Shutterstock