English vs American Golden Retriever: What’s the Difference?

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The Golden Retriever is a lovable dog that wins the heart of nearly every person they encounter, but many people don’t know that there are two different versions of this breed: the English and the American Golden Retriever. Even though they may not have accents, there are still ways to tell them apart.
Between England and the United States, different characteristics have developed in these dogs over the years. While the AKC and BKC don’t recognize this breed as two separate entities, a few traits do set these two across-the-seas siblings apart—besides geography.
Visual Differences
The most obvious visible difference is that American Golden Retrievers can have various hues of gold, from light gold to red mahogany. English Golden Retrievers are incredibly light in color, from golden to nearly white.
A Quick Overview
- Average Height (adult): 21–24 inches
- Average Weight (adult): 55–75 pounds
- Lifespan: 11–12 years
- Exercise: 1+ hours/day
- Grooming needs: Weekly brushing
- Family-friendly: Yes
- Dog-friendly: Yes
- Trainability: Good
- Average Height (adult): 21–24 inches
- Average Weight (adult): 55–75 pounds
- Lifespan: 10–11 years
- Exercise: 1+ hours/day
- Grooming needs: Weekly brushing
- Family-friendly: Yes
- Dog-friendly: Yes
- Trainability: Good
The Origin of the Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever originated in 19th-century Scotland. It’s believed this breed has links to the Russian Tracker dog, which has since fizzled out of existence. They were created at the estate of Dudley Marjoribanks, otherwise known as Lord Tweedmouth.
Golden Retrievers fulfilled their duties well, being loyal hunting companions who worked obediently and diligently. They retrieved waterfowl and other small game unscathed because of their soft mouths. They worked faithfully alongside their human buddies with steadfast duty and eagerness to please.
Since their personalities were so amiable and low-tone, they made their way from accompanying their owners on the hunt to living with humans. They graduated from retrieving companions to permanent houseguests. Once they gained popularity traction in Scotland, they became infamous doggie favorites in much of the world.
Evolution Between Countries
Each country has developed its own Golden Retriever style. You may not think there could be much of a difference, but they are just noticeable enough if you pay close attention.
Golden Retrievers were first recognized in England by the BKC in 1903, but they were initially called Flat-Coat Goldens. The breed didn’t start gaining popularity in the U.S. until roughly 1920. However, they weren’t accepted by the AKC until 1925.
Both Kennel Clubs today have differing ideas on visual standards. While they don’t have an official separation of breeds entirely, they have specifics that each side of the ocean must adhere to. Rather than considering them two different breeds, it’s best to admire the different spins that each country can take in terms of breeding their version of an ideal specimen.
Physical Differences
As far as body structure goes, English dogs have a straight topline, level tail, and eye-level ears. They have powerful square muzzles and dark brown eyes. American Golden Retrievers have a topline that curves 30 degrees, a tail that curves upward, and ears that are set behind and above eye level. Their muzzle blends into the skull smoothly, and they have dark to light brown eyes.
These differences are based on the standards between the AKC and BKC.
Health and Lifespan
While they mirror each other quite a bit in terms of health and lifespan, there are small differences. The English Golden Retriever has an average lifespan of 12 years. Cancer rates are high for this breed, but only 38% of the English Golden Retrievers will contract it.
These numbers are not the same for American Golden Retrievers. They live an average of 10–11 years in total. Cancer rates are much higher at a whopping 60% and climbing. They are unhealthier by a more significant margin, possibly due to backyard breeding.
It’s impressive to see how much variance can exist within one breed. From color hues to body structures, the fabulous Golden Retriever has developed quite drastically between continents. While owning either lineage will have its perks, it’s helpful to consider health overall. Always purchase from a reputable breeder to ensure the longevity and well-being of your dog.
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