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How Much Should a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Eat? What You Need to Know!

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

two hungry cavalier king charles spaniel behind the table

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are gentle dogs that are lively due to their sporting dog ancestors. They’re equally happy napping on your lap as they are chasing a ball or going on a long walk.

Being a toy breed1, however, you have to be careful not to overfeed them and make sure they’re getting the right kind of nutrition. A healthy adult Cavalier generally needs to eat 1–1.5 cups a day of dry dog food, spread out over two meals.

Still, there are several factors that can affect how much your Cavalier eats on a daily basis, including their age, activity level, health condition, and the kind of food you’re feeding them. So, let’s take a closer look at how much food your Cavalier needs and some tips on feeding them the right way.

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How Many Calories Do Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Need?

Toy breeds, like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, have a higher metabolic rate than large breeds. In other words, they burn more calories per pound of body weight than larger dogs. For this reason, they need a little more protein and fat in their diet than their big dog counterparts.

For example, a 10-pound dog may need to eat 400 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight, while a 100-pound dog would only require 2,250 calories. That means the small breed dog needs 40 calories per pound, while the large breed dog only needs 22.5 calories per pound.

According to the AKC, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have an average weight of 13-18 pounds.

So using the example above, a 13-pound Cavalier would need 520 calories per day (13 pounds x 40 calories per pound), while an 18-pound Cavalier would need 720 calories per day (18 x 40). You can also try using a calorie calculator for dogs to check your Cavalier’s specific calorie needs.

Of course, these are only rough estimates, but they’re a good place to start when trying to determine their feeding requirements.

Feeding Cavalier King Charles Spaniels at Different Life Stages

How much to feed your Cavalier depends on their life stage as well. Puppies need calorie-dense meals, while seniors will need less food overall.

Here’s a quick guide to how much Cavalier King Charles Spaniels should eat at different life stages:

1. Puppies (up to 6 months)

cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy eating
Image Credit: Andrew Linscott, Shutterstock

To support your Cavalier puppy’s growth spurt, feed them a quarter cup to 1 cup of dog food per day. Spread this out over 3–4 mealtimes to help with digestion and maintain their energy throughout the day.

Ideally, feed them dog food that’s specially formulated for puppies. Puppy food has a higher fat and protein content than adult dog food to help with their growth and development.

Since different brands have varying calorie contents, be sure to check the feeding guidelines on the food packaging to make sure you’re giving your puppy the right amount.

2. Adults (6 months to 8 years)

adult cavalier king charles spaniel eating
Image Credit: Nalaphotos, Shutterstock

Most adult Cavalier King Charles Spaniels need 1–1.5 cups of dry dog food per day. At this point, you can spread out their meals twice daily. Again, check the packaging on your dog food to see how many cups per day your Cavalier needs.

If your Cavalier is particularly active, you may need to increase its food intake. For example, if you take them on long hikes or they play fetch for hours, they may need an extra half cup per day.

On the other hand, if your Cavalier is more on the lazy side, you may need to reduce its food intake or switch to a lower-calorie dog food.

3. Seniors (8 years and up)

Senior cavalier king charles spaniel
Image Credit: Ysbrand Cosijn, Shutterstock

As your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel gets older, its metabolism will start to slow down and may become less active. For this reason, they may need 10–15% fewer calories than they did as adults.

A good rule of thumb is to feed your senior Cavalier about a cup of food per day and even down to 3/4 cup a day.

Senior dogs may also need a different balance of nutrients than they did when they were younger. For example, they may need more fiber to help with digestion and more omega-3 fatty acids for joint health.

You can talk to your vet about switching your Cavalier to a senior dog food or adding supplements to their diet.

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How to Know If You’re Feeding Your Cavalier Enough

Despite the general guidelines above, every Cavalier is different. Some are highly food motivated and will gladly eat anything you put in front of them, while others are more picky and need a little coaxing to eat.

Therefore, it’s important to keep other indicators in mind when trying to determine if your Cavalier is getting enough food. Here are a few things to look for:

Check Their Body Condition Score

One of the best ways to tell if your Cavalier is at a healthy weight is to check their body condition score (BCS). This is a 5-point scale that ranges from underweight (1) to obese (5).

To do this, simply look at your Cavalier from above and feel their ribs. Here’s what you’re looking for:

  • Underweight (1): You can see and feel all of your Cavalier’s ribs, their waist is sunken in, and they have no muscle mass.
  • Ideal weight (3): You can feel their ribs without pressing down, they have an hourglass shape when viewed from above, and they have some muscle mass.
  • Overweight (5): You can’t feel their ribs at all, their waist is bloated, and they have a lot of extra fat.

You can have your vet confirm your Cavalier’s BCS at their next checkup, then adjust their diet accordingly.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog standing on grass
Image Credit: BIGANDT.COM, Shutterstock

Observe Their Energy Level

Another good indicator that you’re feeding your Cavalier properly is its energy level. A healthy Cavalier will be playful, active, and have a nice appetite.

If they seem lethargic or sluggish, it may be a sign that they’re not getting enough food, or their current food doesn’t supply the right nutrients. Observe other signs like always begging for food, losing weight, or having a dull coat to see if a change in diet is needed.

Examine Their Skin and Coat

Your Cavalier’s skin and coat condition will also tell you a lot about their overall health. A dog that’s getting the right amount of calories and nutrients will have a shiny, lustrous coat and healthy skin.

In contrast, Cavaliers with dull eyes and coat, flaky skin, or excessive shedding may be underfed or might need to switch to another dog food.

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The 4 Feeding Tips for Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Finally, the way you feed your Cavalier also plays a big role in their overall health and well-being. The following tips will help you make sure your Cavalier is getting the most out of their meals:

1. Establish Set Mealtimes

While it may be tempting to free-feed your Cavalier, aka leaving their bowl full of food out all day, it’s actually not the best idea. Free-feeding can lead to overeating and obesity, and it can also make it harder to spot other health problems.

Instead, try to stick to set mealtimes for meals. Aside from preventing overeating, it can also help balance their energy levels throughout the day. Since dogs thrive on routine, they’ll also appreciate the predictability of set mealtimes.

If you work long hours or are away from home often, consider getting an automatic pet feeder to help keep your Cavalier on a regular feeding schedule.

2. Don’t Overdo the Treats

Treats should only make up around 10% of a dog’s daily calorie intake. Aside from ruining their appetite, feeding your dog too many treats can contribute to obesity.

Cavalier King Charles spaniel munching a dog treat
Image Credit: Bussakorn Ewesakul, Shutterstock

3. Measure Out Their Food

Measuring out your Cavalier’s dog food will make it easier to keep track of how much they’re eating per day. It will also help you adjust their portions as needed to ensure they’re getting the right amount of food.

Most commercially-prepared dog foods will have recommendations on how much to feed based on your Cavalier’s weight. Use this as a starting point, then adjust their portions as needed.

4. Make Sure They’re Getting Enough Exercise

Exercise is just as important as a healthy diet for your Cavalier. Not only does it help them maintain a healthy weight, but it also provides mental stimulation and can help prevent boredom. It’s also a fantastic way to stimulate their appetite so they’re ready to eat when mealtime rolls around.

Aim for at least 30 minutes to an hour of exercise per day, broken up into a few shorter sessions if needed. This can include walks, runs, playing fetch, or any other activity that gets them up and moving.

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Final Thoughts

There’s a reason why Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were such a royal favorite – they’re gorgeous and affectionate dogs that will bring so much joy and love into your life. Feeding them a healthy and appropriate diet will help ensure that your Cavalier lives a happy, healthy, and long life.

Featured Image Credit: Fotyma, Shutterstock

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