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How to Potty Train a Cane Corso (8 Expert Tips)

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Black Cane Corso

Potty training a willful puppy can be a frustrating experience. Cane Corsos are great dogs, but some people have trouble potty training them when they are puppies. They try for a day or two and get frustrated, but this process can take some time to get right. There are some things you can do to increase the chance of a successful potty training session. If you follow these tips, you will have a much better chance of success than if you try to wing it.

Here are eight essential tips on how to potty train a Cane Corso.

Divider 7Preparation

Once dogs are housetrained, they remain very consistent about using the bathroom outside. However, the process can take some time to get right, and it requires time, consistency, and attention. Training a dog correctly from the beginning yields the best result, and your patience and consistency will be rewarded if you stick with it.

  • Time: 1-2 weeks
  • Complexity: Basic

Here is what you will need to potty train your Cane Corso.

What You Will Need:
  • A crate
  • Treats
  • Patience
  • A schedule
  • Time to invest


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The 8 Tips to Potty Train a Cane Corso

1. Use a Crate

One of the best ways to house train any dog is to use a crate. Dogs are hesitant to relieve themselves where they spend time or sleep, so dogs are more likely to hold their bladders if they are in a crate. Putting your puppy in a crate for a period of time can help its bladder fill up without having an accident. Take your puppy outside immediately after taking them out of the crate. There is a good chance your dog will use the bathroom after holding it in the crate for a while. That gives you the perfect opportunity to reward them for using the bathroom outside.

If your puppy is allowed to roam free all day, it increases the chances that they will have accidents in the house out of sight. That makes it hard to potty train your dog. The crate will help you control the environment in a way that is conducive to training.

2. Show Them the Yard Consistently

If you are training your Cane Corso puppy, you should be showing them the yard consistently. Take them outside in the morning when you wake up and take them outside at night before you go to bed. You should be bringing your dog out into the yard multiple times a day as well. Your dog needs to be familiar with the yard. They need to know where it is and what it is for and get into the habit of going outside frequently.

Cane Corso laying in the park
Photo Credit: Stivog, Shutterstock

3. Always Reward Good Behavior

One of the keys to successful training is to always reward good behavior. You should be praising and giving treats to your puppy every single time they use the bathroom outside. That means you need to bring treats with you every time you bring your dog into the yard. Use pets, your best high-pitched voice, and treats to reward your Cane Corso every time they do something that you want them to do, including pottying outside. The more you reinforce this good behavior, the more likely it is to stick long-term.

4. Try Not to Let Your Puppy Out of Your Sight

This is a hard one to accomplish, but you should always keep your puppy in sight if possible. Puppies can be mischievous, and they will take any opportunity to have an accident. Keeping your puppy in sight will allow you to catch them in the act when they try to use the bathroom inside. You should grab your dog and immediately bring them outside if they try to use the bathroom in the house. Reward them if they finish up outside.

It can make it extremely difficult to potty train a dog if you do not see them using the bathroom in the house. If they do it out of sight and you don’t find the mess for some time, correcting the behavior becomes very difficult. Keeping your puppy in eyesight at all times might be onerous, but it will pay off in the long run.

blue cane corso dogs on grass
Photo Credit: JACLOU-DL, Pixabay

5. Only Reprimand Directly After the Act

It can be tempting to get upset if you find a hidden accident hiding in the house and punishing your dog, but that will only confuse them. Negative reinforcement only works during or directly after the fact. Reprimanding your puppy long after they had their accident will not help them potty train.

6. Stick to a Schedule

One way to help your dog become house trained is to keep to a schedule. Put your dog in the crate at the same time every day. Take your Cane Corso outside at regular intervals. Schedules will help your dog find a rhythm, and they will help train their bladder. Consistency is a pillar of any good training, and a schedule will help both you and your Cane Corso be more consistent.

male cane corso standing
Photo Credit: Sbolotova, Shutterstock

7. Choose a Cue

Dogs respond very well to cues, so it is a good idea to find a cue for going outside. Stick to your cue. A common cue for pottying is saying, “Do you want to go outside?” or “Let’s go outside.” You can have physical cues where you stand by the same door and call your dog over. Visual and audio cues will let your dog know it is time to go outside. After you familiarize your dog with the yard, they should know what the yard means and what to do when they get out there. Once you pick a cue, stick to it. Don’t change it up. If you use a phrase to call your dog to go outside, continue to use the same phrase. If you have one door that leads to the yard, try to always use that same door to let your dog out. Cues help reinforce training and are a part of staying consistent in your training.

8. Be Patient

House training a dog can be a frustrating experience. Picking up messes inside is annoying. Sometimes puppies have messes long after you think they should be fully housetrained. The process can start wearing on you. This can lead to outbursts, anger, and frustration. You have to remain patient and consistent with your dog, no matter how frustrated you might feel. Punishing your dog or taking your frustrations out by yelling or putting the dog in the crate will only confuse them. Know before you start that patience is a must. Remaining patient and understanding will help both you and your dog get through this process together.

Women doing dog training in a brindle colored cane corso mastiff in the forest
Image Credit: BoJack, Shutterstock

Divider 7Conclusion

These tips will help you potty train your Cane Corso in no time. If you remain committed and stay the course, your Cane Corso can be potty trained in a couple of weeks. Remember to always reward your dog when they use the bathroom outside, don’t be afraid to use the crate, and remain consistent with your training.

Featured Image Credit: Hoika Mikhail, Shutterstock

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