20 Long-Haired Cat Breeds With Luscious Locks (With Info & Pictures)

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Long-haired cats are beautiful cats that are always worth admiring. Unfortunately, many people’s knowledge of long-haired cats starts and ends with the Persian. Although the Persian is a lovely cat, we know of other wonderful long-haired cats that are worth mentioning.
We’ve made a list of the long-haired cats that should receive just as much attention and recognition as the Persian cat. Get ready to learn more about these cats with luscious locks and their unique histories and personalities.
The 20 Long-Haired Cat Breeds
Our list of long-haired cat breeds isn’t exhaustive. There are so many wonderful long-haired cat breeds for you to get to know. We just wanted to get the ball rolling and spark your interest.
1. American Curl
Average Weight: | 5 – 10 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 12 – 16 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
American Curls are a very young cat breed that first appeared in the 1980s. They have a genetic mutation that causes them to have curled ears. These ears quickly became an endearing feature, and the American Curl became registered by the Cat Fanciers’ Association in 1986.
This cat breed also has long, silky hair. The long-haired variety of this breed has a double coat, but there’s a minimal undercoat, so they aren’t heavy shedders.
People also call American Curls the “Peter Pan” of cats because of their lively and friendly personalities. These athletic cats love to play and often bring a lot of joy and laughter to their households.
2. Balinese
Average Weight: | 8 – 15 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 8 – 13 years |
Coat Type: | Single coat |
The Balinese cat is a close relative to the Siamese cat and even shares similar personality traits as the Siamese. They have long, silky coats that people just can’t stop petting. Fortunately, Balinese cats tend to love being with their owners and receiving attention from them, so they welcome pets and cuddles. They’re also very intelligent, curious, and athletic.
This combination of traits makes them fun and quirky pets. For example, many Balinese cats are vocal and like to meow entire conversations with their owners.
3. Birman
Average Weight: | 10 – 12 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 13 – 15 years |
Coat Type: | Single coat |
Birmans have a long and soft single coat that doesn’t mat easily. They also have other adorable physical features, including four white paws and striking blue eyes.
The history of the Birman remains mysterious, but Burmese legends regard this breed as sacred temple cats. Perhaps this is the reason why they’re accustomed to receiving attention and adoration from their families. They tend to become attached to their owners and can get jealous if they don’t show them enough attention.
4. Chantilly-Tiffany
Average Weight: | 8 – 12 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 7 – 12 years |
Coat Type: | Single coat |
These cats have an impressive coat that doesn’t require too much maintenance. It’s a single coat that doesn’t mat easily, so they do well with one or two brushing sessions in their weekly schedule.
Many believed the Chantilly-Tiffany was extinct until someone rediscovered them in the 1960s. People have bred these cats ever since to make sure they don’t disappear again. However, they’re still a rare sight to see.
If you have the chance to meet a Chantilly-Tiffany up close, you’ll notice how striking its appearance is. These cats have a beautiful mane around their necks, a bushy curled tail, and uniquely yellow-colored eyes.
5. Himalayan
Average Weight: | 7 – 12 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 9 – 15 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
This cat breed looks similar to Persians. However, they have the color point markings of a Siamese cat. They have a luxuriously thick coat that requires daily grooming because it mats easily. The Himalayan has a round appearance but don’t let this round shape fool you. This cat breed has big bones and is very strong.
A Himalayan cat named Colonel Meow once held the Guinness World Record for the cat with the longest hair. Colonel Meow’s fur measured at an impressive 9 inches.
6. Japanese Bobtail
Average Weight: | 6 – 10 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 9 – 15 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
There are short-haired and long-haired varieties of Japanese Bobtails. The long-haired variety has an incredibly soft and smooth coat with a little undercoat that doesn’t shed too much except during shedding season.
The Japanese Bobtail has a relationship with people that extends throughout history. It’s a common belief that the first of these cats helped keep rats away from rice paper scrolls in Buddhist temples. They also helped protect the Silk Road from rats in the 1600s.
Today, these cats haven’t lost their helpful nature. They enjoy being around people and tend to assist and accompany them wherever they go. Japanese Bobtails also have iconic and unique tails. Just like human fingerprints, each Japanese Bobtail’s tail is distinct from the other.
7. LaPerm
Average Weight: | 8 – 10 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 10 – 15 years |
Coat Type: | Single coat |
The LaPerm is a long-haired cat that also has uniquely curly hair. Their hair is the longest at the base of their ears and tails, and they have a shaggy and charmingly rugged look.
The LaPerm has origins of being a working cat that would chase mice and other vermin. To this day, they’re curious and intelligent cats that love to play and chase. Owners should be cautious of having small pets because these cats are likely to pounce at anything that gives the slightest movement.
8. Maine Coon
Average Weight: | 9 – 18 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 9 – 15 years |
Coat Type: | Triple coat |
This cat is the largest of domestic cat breeds, but they’re very friendly and affectionate despite their intimidating size. Maine Coons come in various colors and patterns and have a beautiful long coat with longer wisps of hair at the tips of their pointed ears.
Adult Maine Coons have a shaggy triple-layer coat. They need weekly brushing and monthly baths to keep their coats in a healthy condition. Fortunately, Maine Coons tend to enjoy water, so bath time can be a fun bonding experience for cat and owner.
9. Norwegian Forest Cat
Average Weight: | 12 – 16 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 14 – 16 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
Norwegian Forest Cats have unique long coats that are shiny and water-resistant. They also have a dense undercoat that keeps them warm in the winter. This coat makes Norwegian Forest Cats heavy seasonal shedders, and they usually need brushing about twice a week.
Their grooming regiment may be demanding, but these fluffy cats have calm and relaxed personalities. They play well with other pets and show a lot of patience towards children.
Many people love these cats, and they’re the national cat of Norway. They’re also in Norse mythology. Their myths depict them as magical, and they’re favored companions of Freya, the Norse goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death.
10. Nebelung
Average Weight: | 7 – 15 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 11 – 18 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
Nebelungs have a beautiful signature blue-gray long coat. Their shiny coats can also have hints of silver on the tips of the fur.
Nebelungs are a relatively new breed, and they’re pretty rare. They’re also not known to be social, so you might not ever catch a glimpse of them if you’re a visitor in their homes. They do form strong bonds with their owners, but they aren’t needy. Therefore, they usually do well with owners who are often outside of the house.
11. Ragdoll
Average Weight: | 10 – 20 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 12 – 17 years |
Coat Type: | Single coat |
These sweet and affectionate cats have incredibly soft and silky coats. They shed regularly, but it’s not an excessive amount. They have relatively low-maintenance coats for long-haired cats. Weekly brushing and occasional baths should be enough for them.
Ragdolls come in many different beautiful colors and patterns, and they all have stunning blue eyes. They got their name because they tend to go limp when someone carries them. The last thing they want is to be left alone. They love attention, so they absolutely won’t mind when people pet their luxurious, soft fur.
12. Selkirk Rex
Average Weight: | 10 – 15 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 10 – 15 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
These cats have thick curly coats that look similar to sheep’s wool. Although their fur looks coarse, it’s actually very soft. They shed heavily in the summer and shed moderately throughout the rest of the year. Their dense coats require brushing several times a week to prevent tangling and matting.
Selkirk Rexes are patient and loving cats that enjoy being around people. They also have a goofy side and have brought laughter to many people with their silly antics. Their love for playing with cat wand toys and chasing laser pointers will keep both them and their humans entertained.
13. Siberian
Average Weight: | 8 – 17 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 11 – 18 years |
Coat Type: | Triple coat |
The Siberian is an ancient breed that’s been around since the year 1000. They originally lived in the harsh and cold Siberian climate and needed long, thick coats to keep themselves warm. They have a thick triple coat that requires brushing several times a week.
Today, you can find these cats in many households all over the world. They’re beloved family members who love to accompany people as they go about their daily lives. Siberians are both calm and playful. Many of them become great therapy cats. At the same time, they can also make nearly any household item into a fun toy.
14. Cymric
Average Weight: | 8 – 12 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 14 – 16 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
As the long-haired version of the Manx, the Cymric is medium to large in size. They have medium to long, dense fur and can be born with a variety of colors and patterns.
Surprisingly, they can actually be born with one of four types of tails: stumpy, longy, rumpy, and rumpy-riser. Those with a rumpy tail are considered to be tailless, while rumpy-risers have a short knob. Meanwhile, stumpies have curved or kinked tails, and longies are those closest to a regular cat tail.
15. Pixie Bob
Average Weight: | 8 – 17 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 13 – 15 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
The Pixie Bob can be either medium or large in size, and there are either long- or short-haired varieties. However, the long-haired versions don’t require much grooming, just an occasional brushing about once a week.
Meanwhile, the short-haired versions have a softer and woolier coat that is almost waterproof, so be sure to brush them regularly as well and ensure that the coat doesn’t get too oily from a lack of grooming.
16. Ragamuffin
Average Weight: | 10 – 15 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 14 – 16 years |
Coat Type: | Single coat |
One word comes to mind when speaking of Ragamuffins: long. Ragamuffins are large, long-bodied cats with long coats and long tails. However, their single coat isn’t too hard to keep groomed.
Similar to the Ragdoll, these cats are known for their docile, affectionate personalities. The biggest differences between the two, however, are the Ragamuffins rounded eyes compared to the Ragdoll’s almond-shaped eyes, as well as the coat colors.
17. Turkish Angora
Average Weight: | 8 – 12 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 12 – 18 years |
Coat Type: | Single coat |
The Turkish Angora is a small to medium-sized cat with long, silky fur. While very sweet, it’s easy for them to become upset with changes in their environment. Because of their fine boning on their long bodies, it’s crucial that you don’t allow these cats to become overweight, as too much weight could become harmful.
Because they lack an undercoat, they are easy to groom and only need to be brushed about once per week.
18. Turkish Van
Average Weight: | 10 – 20 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 12 – 17 years |
Coat Type: | Single coat |
These medium-sized cats are well-known for their memorable personalities. They are quite rare, but if you’re lucky enough to meet or own one, you know that they aren’t too hard to care for.
Because they don’t have an undercoat, they only need to be brushed about once a week, or more if they start shedding more. They do tend to bond more closely with one family member than the rest, but that doesn’t mean they won’t curl up next to whoever they’re next to.
19. American Bobtail
Average Weight: | 7 – 16 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 13 – 18 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
The American Bobtail has a striking appearance that makes them look almost wild, and their most recognizable physical trait is their short, bobbed tail. Besides their good looks, their personality is equally impressive. They adore almost everyone, but they especially get along great with kids, dogs, and other cats.
Those with longer hair are prone to knotting, so you’ll have to brush them more regularly. However, all coat lengths are prone to shedding, so be sure to expect their hairs floating around the house.
20. Scottish Fold
Average Weight: | 6 – 13 pounds |
Average Lifespan: | 14 – 16 years |
Coat Type: | Double coat |
While you’re more likely to see a short-haired Scottish Fold, long-haired versions do exist. However, keep in mind that we don’t recommend owning this breed, as it is controversial due to the genetic mutation responsible for their ears that also poses a risk of deformed limbs.
They are also more likely to be deaf and experience several types of ear problems. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t adopt one of these cats in need, but it is generally looked down upon to breed these cats.
How to Care for Long-Haired Cats
Long-haired cats have different grooming needs from their short-haired counterparts. However, not all of them require long hours of daily grooming. Here is some basic information on how to groom long-haired cats.
How Often Should a Long-Haired Cat be Groomed?
Not all long-haired cats have the same grooming needs. Grooming will depend on their coat type and how often they shed.
In general, cats with single coats don’t require extensive grooming. Their coats typically don’t mat easily. They just need weekly brushing to remove any debris and keep their fur untangled.
Cats with double and triple coats require more attention. These cats will need brushing a couple of times a week. They also tend to be seasonal shedders, so you can expect heavy shedding at certain times of the year.
Grooming your pet is a process that they either love or hate.
- ONE PUSH RELEASE - This kitten brush / cat brush pops out fur with just a simple press, leaving you...
- DURABLE - Cat shedding can be a tough ordeal. Made of resilient ABS plastic and metal bristles with...
If your cat tends to despise their grooming sessions, you can make it a bit more enjoyable with our Hepper Cat Brush. With soft pins and a one-click button for easy clean-up, this brush is something that both you and your cat will enjoy. This is our product, but we love it so much we just had to share!
Do Long-Haired Cats Need Haircuts?
For the most part, long-haired cats don’t need haircuts. They typically do well in hot weather as long as the indoor climate of their homes is at a comfortable temperature.
Cats may need haircuts if they have serious matting. Cat haircuts should be done by a professional groomer. If you stick with a cat’s routine grooming needs, you can avoid such trips to the groomer.
How Often Should I Bathe My Long-Haired Cat?
As a general rule of thumb, long-haired cats with a single coat will benefit from baths, but they won’t need them as often. Some of them will just need an occasional bath every once or so.
Cats with denser coats with multiple layers will require more baths. Baths will help reduce matting and clear away any oils that get trapped in the fur. Make sure to know what your cat’s coat looks like in a clean and healthy state. Once you notice that it’s looking dirty or the texture feels different, it’ll be time for your cat to take a bath.
Long-haired cats have irresistibly soft and silky coats, and many of them don’t require a lot of maintenance. Along with great looks, these cats have great personalities. So, don’t just admire them at a distance. Get to know them! They can be fun and entertaining house cats and loving and doting companions.
See also:
- How to Tell if Your Cat Has a Double Coat: 3 Expert Tips
- Norwegian Forest Cat vs. Siberian Cat: What’s the Difference?
Featured Image Credit: Dorottya Mathe, Shutterstock