What Are the Loudest Dog Breeds? Everything You Need to Know!
By Kit Copson
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All dogs bark (unless they’re a Basenji—in which case they more likely yodel) but some breeds do tend to be a bit “mouthier” than others. A dog’s vocalizing habits mostly boil down to their personality and sometimes their history, too—some breeds were developed as hunting or herding dogs, which accounts for why they’re generally a tad more communicative than other breeds.
In this post, we’ll introduce you to 10 of the dogs considered to be among the loudest and most vocal of all breeds. Before we start, bear in mind that “loud” can mean several things—it could be a dog that barks often, a dog known for a unique or distinctive “style” of barking, or a dog that doesn’t vocalize much as a rule but has a really loud or deep bark when they do.
The 10 Loudest Dog Breeds
1. Beagle
Beagles were bred to hunt rabbits and hares, which accounts for why they’re often such vocal dogs—as hunting dogs, they would bark to alert their owner to something like a catch or a scent. In addition to barking, Beagles have a tendency to howl—a sound that carries pretty far.
2. Chihuahua
The AKC ranks Chihuahuas as “very vocal” on its barking level meter. Chihuahuas have a great deal of energy and bark for various reasons, including letting you know they’re bored or excited about something. They can also be quite territorial, so they may bark to warn off something or someone they perceive as a threat.
Like some other small dog breeds, their bark can be described as “yappy”. Make sure your Chihuahua is getting enough exercise every day to burn off excess energy.
3. Siberian Husky
The stunning Siberian Husky is another dog breed known for vocalizing with howls to the point where it almost sounds like they’re singing. Some Huskies actually “sing” along with their humans or to their favorite songs. One word: YouTube—you won’t regret it!
The Husky’s communicative nature is due to being genetically similar to wolves (though they are a separate breed from wolves) and is also the result of being bred as a sled dog—to work in packs.
4. Golden Retriever
An Australian Golden Retriever called Charlie holds the record for the loudest bark by a dog. His bark was found to be 113.1 decibels on 20 October 2012. That said, according to the AKC, Golden Retrievers typically tend to bark “only to alert.”
5. German Shepherd
German Shepherds have a loud and powerful bark which is used to alert their owners or guardians to threats. They’re also a high-energy breed that may vocalize if they don’t feel mentally or physically stimulated enough. As excellent guards and watchdogs thanks to their history as herding dogs, German Shepherds are often used by the police due to their alertness, intelligence, and trainability.
6. Yorkshire Terrier
Another dog breed known being “yappy”, the Yorkshire Terrier is a big character wrapped up in a tiny package. These spirited little dogs are well-known for having a powerful set of lungs in spite of their small size. Add to this the fact that their bark is quite high-pitched and there’s no way you can ignore a Yorkshire Terrier—which is likely their intention!
7. Basset Hound
Though typically patient and gentle dogs, Basset Hounds, like Beagles, are famous for their howls. This is no surprise given that they’re members of the hound group and were bred as hunters—part of their job was to communicate with humans and other dogs. Basset Hounds are also said to howl more when left alone. This may be due to separation anxiety.
8. Rottweiler
Another sweet family dog and excellent guard dog, the Rottweiler has a very deep bark. Though not frequent barkers according to the AKC, a Rottweiler’s loud bark is one you simply can’t ignore.
9. Pomeranian
Those who have never before encountered a Pomeranian can be surprised at how loud they can be. Pomeranians are feisty dogs and, though they don’t have the deepest, most intimidating barks (or stances), they have very bold personalities coupled with a bark that alternates between yips and yaps and can be rather persistent.
10. Alaskan Malamute
Alaskan Malamutes are typically friendly dogs that, like Siberian Huskies, have a tendency to howl. Like the Husky, Alaskan Malamutes were bred as sledding dogs and hunters of seals and polar bears. They would have used howling as a way of communicating with humans and other dogs in the pack.
Dogs bark for various reasons—to get attention, communicate with humans and other dogs, or express feelings. Some dogs bark more frequently whereas others bark infrequently but have especially loud or deep barks like the Rottweiler. Others are famous for their lengthy and melodious (and loud!) howls, like the Siberian Husky.
In the end, though, every dog has their own personality and just because a dog is of a breed known for being loud or barking a lot, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will be the same. You never know—you might get a Husky that prefers the quiet life or a Pomeranian of the shy and retiring variety. That’s pretty hard to imagine, though!
See also:
- 20 Most Affectionate Dog Breeds That Love to Cuddle (With Pictures)
- 20 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds that Don’t Shed
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