Male vs. Female Siamese Cats: The Differences (With Pictures)

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Siamese cats are among the most beloved and popular cat breeds, with only some differences regularly occurring between males and females. These differences can make one better for your household and the other potentially a poor match. For example, male Siamese cats are known to be more loving and cuddly, even more so when they’re neutered, while females tend to be more independent. It’s important to have a good grasp of the differences between male and female Siamese cats to ensure you choose the right cat to bring home.
Visual Differences
At a Glance
- Average height (adult): 8–12 inches
- Average weight (adult): 8–14 pounds
- Average height (adult): 8–12 inches
- Average weight (adult): 8–14 pounds
Siamese Cat 101
The Siamese cat is a beautiful cat with a delicate appearance, thanks to its lanky limbs and elongated body. They are known to be one of the most talkative cat breeds, often meowing at their owners throughout the day about every little thing that interests (or disinterests) them. These felines have been in existence as a breed since sometime between the 1300–1700s. They originated in Siam, which is modern-day Thailand, and they have been popular in Europe and the US since the 1800s. One legend claims that Siamese cats are rare and bring luck and wealth to their owners.
The breed has a distinct look due to its pointed features. It comes in various colors, but the most common color of the Siamese cat is called seal point, which features a light-colored body with seal-colored markings on the face, ears, and other cooler parts of the body. This is because the pointed appearance is caused by a form of partial albinism that causes an enzyme involved in the production of melanin to not work at normal body temperatures but to work properly at cooler temperatures. As Siamese cats age, they tend to darken. All Siamese kittens are born solid white or cream and begin developing notable points by four weeks of age.
These cats are highly social, even the more independent ones. Their meow has been described as sounding like the cry of a newborn baby. They tend to seek out the companionship of both people and other cats, as well as some other animals on occasion.
Male Siamese Cat Overview
Personality / Character
These loving boys seek out their humans multiple times per day for affection. They may even settle in whatever room you’re in, simply to spend time near you while you work on tasks that don’t involve petting the cat all day. They are playful and high-energy cats that may not do well in homes where people are gone most of the time.
Training male Siamese cats is generally no different than training any type of cat. However, their loving but playful nature can make them be a little more rude or pushy than their female counterparts. Cats are more trainable than we often consider them, so setting boundaries with your cat and ensuring the entire household is on board with the rules will help you keep it on a good behavior track.
Health & Care
Outside of diseases related to the reproductive system, there are no notable differences between the health of male and female Siamese cats. Since males are more needy and affectionate than females, their overall care may require more one-on-one time to prevent behavioral problems, like spraying, from developing.
It’s recommended to have your male Siamese neutered around 6 months of age. Neutering young can prevent some behavioral problems, like aggression and spraying, that can develop with intact male cats. It also decreases the risk of your cat wandering in search of a mate. If you intend to keep your cat intact for breeding purposes, make sure you talk to a reproductive veterinarian about all health testing necessary to ensure proper breeding and healthy offspring.
- Loving and cuddly
- Playful
- No specific training difficulties
- No sex-linked diseases
- Tend to become more loving and affectionate after neutering
- Do not do well in homes where they are alone a lot
- May develop undesirable behaviors if not neutered
Female Siamese Cat Overview
Personality / Character
Like the males, female Siamese cats are social, but they tend to be more independent. They are still likely to seek out human affection but are also likely to seek out alone time at a much higher rate than males. Their independence makes females a better fit for homes where they may be alone for most of the day. Their more independent, laid-back nature makes them more well-behaved and less goofy than males.
Since they are relatively laid-back cats, female Siamese cats are not likely to need special training of any kind. They are intelligent cats that learn quickly, so setting boundaries and working on training will often lead to quick results and desirable training outcomes. Overall, females are often more naturally well-behaved than males.
Health & Care
There are no specific sex-linked illnesses associated with female Siamese cats aside from diseases of the reproductive tract. Siamese cats are at a higher risk of multiple types of cancers than many other cat breeds, leading to cancers of the reproductive organs, like ovarian or mammary cancer.
Like male cats, it’s a good idea to have your female spayed by around six months of age. This will prevent unwanted pregnancies and the unpleasant behaviors that accompany a female’s heat cycle, like excessive yowling and spraying.
If you intend to keep your female intact for breeding purposes, consult with a reproductive vet. You should also give your cat a thorough exam every few weeks to ensure there are no notable abnormalities with the mammary glands and no bloody or purulent discharge from the vagina.
- Independent but loyal
- Laid back
- Often naturally well-behaved cats
- Easy to train
- No sex-linked diseases
- Not a good fit for a home that desires a less independent cat
- May develop undesirable behaviors if not spayed
- At increased risk for multiple cancers if not spayed
Health Conditions in Siamese Cats
Here is a list of some health conditions that could develop in a Siamese cat. These health conditions can develop in other cat breeds as well:
- Megaesophagus
- Amyloidosis
- Lymphoma/Lymphosarcoma
- Mast Cell Cancer
- Adenocarcinoma
- Asthma
- Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome
- Convergent Strabismus
- Nystagmus
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy
- Pica
- Separation Anxiety
Which Gender Is Right for You?
When debating between a male and female Siamese cat, the biggest consideration is determining the neediness level you’re looking for in a cat. A male Siamese is a suitable cat in a home where people work from home, are retired, or are home for a large portion of the day. Females may be more comfortable in a home where people spend time away, allowing them some alone time.
Health-wise, there are multiple serious conditions that Siamese cats may be genetically prone to developing. It’s important to understand these risks before choosing this breed and before breeding them. There are not any diseases specific to male or female Siamese cats, except for reproductive diseases, which are rampant among cats of all breeds.
Choosing the right Siamese cat for you is not an exact science. You may choose a male kitten who ends up being independent or a female who turns out to be needy and extremely loving. There are no guarantees, but a good breeder will be able to guide you in choosing a kitten that seems suitable for your home and lifestyle.
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Featured Image Credit: Left: Male Siamese Cat: rihaij_Pixabay | Right: Female Siamese Cat: rihaij , Pixabay