National Labrador Retriever Day 2025: What It Is & How It’s Celebrated

By Misty Layne
Updated on

If you are the owner of a Labrador Retriever, then you know how much joy they can bring to one’s life. These sweet, friendly, active pups are one of America’s favorite dog breeds for plenty of reasons! We’re sure you celebrate your Lab each and every day, but did you know that the Labrador Retriever has a holiday all its own?
They do! It is called National Labrador Retriever Day, and it’s celebrated on January 8th.1 It turns out there are a ton of other pet holidays you can celebrate; however, this day is one you can dedicate to celebrating your love of the Labrador Retriever.
How Is National Labrador Retriever Day Celebrated?
There’s no official celebration for National Labrador Retriever Day (which is a shame because a Labrador parade would be amazing). But you can celebrate this holiday however you’d like. Take your Labrador Retriever to the dog park or give them a special treat—whatever you feel best embodies your love for your pup.
You can also share that love online with others. Plenty of websites celebrate National Labrador Retriever Day by sharing trivia about the breed or info on famous Labs. So, why not tweet your favorite pictures of your Labrador along with some fun Labrador Retriever trivia and knowledge?
Labrador Retriever Trivia
We’re sure you are a fountain of knowledge about Labrador Retrievers already, but here are a few bits of trivia to get you started.
- There are only three coat colors the AKC recognizes when it comes to Labradors—chocolate, yellow, and black. The most common coat color is black, and the most uncommon one is chocolate.
- Though Labrador Retrievers typically live between 10 and 12 years, there is one named Bella who lived to see the age of 29!
- The first time a dog ever appeared on a United States postage stamp was in 1959 and it was a Labrador Retriever named King Buck.
- The Labrador Retriever may have gotten its name from the Earl of Malmesbury in 1887.
- The Led Zeppelin song “Black Dog” is named after a black Labrador Retriever that wandered the grounds of Headley Grange while the group was there writing the song.
Famous Labrador Retrievers to Acknowledge on National Labrador Retriever Day
If you get tired of Labrador Retriever trivia, you can take a moment to acknowledge the famous Labrador Retrievers who have made this breed more popular throughout the years.
- Luath, from the 1963 Disney movie “The Incredible Journey”
- Reckless, from “The Waltons”
- Vincent, from the series “Lost”
- Isis, Pharaoh, and Tiaa, from the series “Downton Abbey”
- Buddy, the former First Dog of the White House during the Clinton administration
Final Thoughts
National Labrador Retriever Day is a fun little day of recognition for our Labrador Retriever friends. It can be celebrated in any way you like, whether that’s making your Lab king or queen for a day, sharing cool Labrador Retriever trivia online with friends, or remembering the famous Labs who have gained the breed more popularity over the years. However you celebrate the day, it should be enjoyable for you and your Labrador Retriever!
- Related Read: Labraheeler (Labrador Retriever & Blue Heeler Mix): Info, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts
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