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Parti Poodle: Facts, Origin & History (With Pictures)

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

A Parti poodle on a leash

Did you know that the Poodle breed has multiple variations? One of the more common Poodle variations and the one that many people call the “original” Poodle is the Parti Poodle.

This is a dual-colored Poodle, with both white and another color throughout its body, and while they’re not as common as single-colored Poodles today, there are still quite a few of them around.

What else do you need to know about these Poodle varieties? We break it all down for you here.

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The Earliest Records of the Parti Poodle in History

There are many early records of this type of Poodle, starting as early as the 1400s. They are actually the original Poodle type, as it wasn’t until years later that breeders started to focus on selectively breeding Poodles to get the single-color variant.

The Parti Poodle was extremely popular with French royalty, largely because of their friendly temperament and hypoallergenic qualities.

How the Parti Poodle Gained Popularity

The Parti Poodle was an extremely popular breed for hundreds of years. Qualities that have made them so popular include their high intelligence, hypoallergenic coats, and friendly demeanor.

But while the Parti Poodle was a popular breed for a long time, in the early to mid-1900s, many breeders started to prefer the single-colored Poodle. They started selectively breeding Parti Poodles with mixed coats out of the population.

Today, the Parti Poodle is still around, but they’re not as popular with breeders and dog show trainers.

Formal Recognition of the Parti Poodle

Parti poodle in the backyard
Image Credit: Racheal Grazias, Shutterstock

Today, you can AKC register a Parti Poodle, but they are ineligible from participating in AKC competitions and events. This has created a fair amount of controversy over the years, as many Parti Poodle enthusiasts would like to see these dogs compete.

However, it doesn’t seem like a change is on the horizon. That said, you can still get an AKC-registered Parti Poodle; from a breeder’s point of view, they bring in nearly as much revenue as solid-colored Poodles.

What’s interesting is that before the late 1800s, the Parti Poodle was the officially recognized Poodle breed by most clubs.

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Top 5 Unique Facts About Parti Poodles

1. They are considered hypoallergenic.

Like most Poodles, the Parti Poodle is considered a hypoallergenic breed, which makes them ideal for potential dog owners that have allergies to the dander that many dogs produce. If you’re allergic to most dog breeds, there’s a good chance that you won’t be allergic to a Parti Poodle.

2. They were popular with French royalty.

If you wanted a “royal-looking” dog back in the day, a Parti Poodle was the way to go. They were extremely popular among French royalty in particular.

3. Parti Poodles come in toy, miniature, and standard sizes.

Few dog breeds come in as many size options as the Parti Poodle. They have the same size categories as the standard Poodle. Toy Poodles stand under 10 inches tall, miniature Poodles are under 15 inches tall, and standard Poodles are over 15 inches tall.

4. Parti Poodles easily get bored.

Due to their extremely high intelligence, it doesn’t take much for a Parti Poodle to become bored. You need to provide them with both physical and intellectual stimulation; otherwise, this boredom can lead to destructive behaviors.

5. They need plenty of attention.

The Parti Poodle is especially prone to separation anxiety. They need plenty of your time and affection to stay happy day after day.

Does a Parti Poodle Make a Good Pet?

A Harlequin corded poodle sitting near the water
Image By: tarjamargitniemai0, Pixabay

The Parti Poodle makes an outstanding pet. They’re extremely intelligent and loving dogs, and they’re among the easier breeds to train. They absolutely adore their families, but you need to consistently train them using positive reinforcement.

They are sensitive dogs, and they’ll do their best to assume the “alpha” role if you don’t take the time to train them. Still, they make a great pet choice, and you can train them to complete a wide array of tasks if you’re willing to put in the time and energy.

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Now that you know more about the Parti Poodle, it’s up to you if you want to get one of these intelligent and friendly dogs. The good news is that if you’re trying to get one, they usually don’t cost nearly as much as a single-colored Poodle, and in every other way, they’re the same!

Featured Image Credit: Travel-Ing, Pixabay

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