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Persian Cat Grooming (Step-by-Step Guide)

Jessica Kim

By Jessica Kim

woman brushing the Persian cat

The Persian Cat is a gentle and loving companion that has become a popular household pet. These cats are known for their long, beautiful coats that are soft to touch. Unsurprisingly, it takes some work to maintain their coats.

Persians require more extensive grooming than short-haired cats. However, the process is manageable and relatively easy as long as you remain consistent with grooming. We’ll show you how to get a good grooming routine established for your Persian.

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Basic Grooming Supplies

Before you get started, make sure that you have all the grooming supplies that your Persian will need.

Here are some of the essential grooming tools that’ll help:
  • Slicker brush
  • Wide-toothed comb
  • Detangling spray
  • Nail trimmer or grinder
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Cat shampoo
  • Ear cleaner

The 6 Steps for Grooming Your Persian Cat

1. Brushing

persian cat grooming
Image Credit: slowmotiongli, Shutterstock

Persians have a double coat with long thin strands of hair. While this combination makes their coat extremely soft and silky, it also makes it susceptible to getting tangled and matted. Therefore, Persians need daily brushing to maintain a healthy coat.

A Persian will require different brushes to ensure that its coat remains free of tangles. First, start brushing with a slicker brush and gently swipe through the surface of the coat. Then, use a wide-toothed comb and thoroughly brush through the coat a second time.

Make sure to take your time in case the comb catches onto tangled hair. If you encounter a particularly stubborn knot, you can try using a conditioning spray to help loosen it up before brushing through it.

2. Wiping Tear Stains

cleaning persian chinchilla cat's eyes with cotton pad
Image Credit: catinsyrup, Shutterstock

Persians have a flat face and structure that allows moisture to gather around the eyes. If the eye area gets too moist, it can lead to an infection. Consistently wiping around the eyes can help prevent an eye infection.

Some Persians require a daily cleaning while others need less frequent cleaning. It will depend on how watery the cat’s eyes get. So, it’s best to keep checking your Persian’s eyes regularly for moisture.

All you need to clean a Persian’s eyes is a soft towel. When it’s time to wipe away moisture, lightly dampen the towel and gently wipe around your Persian’s eyes.

3. Nail Clipping

trim cat nails
Image Credit: Yimmyphotography, Shutterstock

Many cats manage their nails by using scratching boards and posts. However, some need a little extra help. Overgrown nails can get torn and cause bleeding. They can also curl and become ingrown nails, which leads to infections.

Persians will most likely need their nails trimmed every couple of weeks. You can use a nail trimmer or grinder to keep your cat’s nails at a safe and appropriate length. If you’re new to trimming a cat’s nails, it is better to play it safe and trim them a little at a time.

Make sure to avoid cutting the quick of the nail. If you accidentally cut the quick, you can use styptic powder to stop the bleeding and reduce pain.

4. Teeth Cleaning

silicone pet toothbrush that fits on finger and toothpaste
Image Credit: Maryia_K, Shutterstock

Regular teeth cleaning is also necessary to prevent tartar buildup and dental diseases. Using a toothbrush and toothpaste is one of the best ways to support dental health. However, it usually takes several weeks to months to get your cat completely used to a toothbrush. In the meantime, you can use dental chews to help protect your Persian’s teeth.

5. Bathing

Persian cat bathing
Image Credit: 135pixels, Shutterstock

Persians will also need regular baths because their skin and coat will trap oil and grease. They will need a bath as soon as their coats start looking and feeling greasy.

Fortunately, Persians are typically mild-mannered, and they don’t mind water too much. So, as long as you create a comfortable and calm environment for them, they can get used to bath time fairly quickly.

When bathing a Persian, make sure to use tearless shampoo with a moisturizing formula. Do your best to keep water out of your cat’s ears and use an ear cleaner at the end of the bath to prevent ear infections.

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6. Haircuts

persian cat getting a haircut
Image Credit: artcasta, Shutterstock

While haircuts are not always necessary, they can help with managing your Persian’s coat. Shorter hair can prevent mats and tangles and reduce hairballs.

If you’d like to give your Persian a haircut, make sure to book an appointment with a reputable professional groomer. A good groomer will be able to cut your cat’s hair while keeping everyone involved safe.

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Persians need consistent grooming to maintain their silky coats and overall health and well-being. While regular brushing is important, Persians also usually need help with cleaning their faces and ears, trimming their nails, and brushing their teeth. These practices will help reduce the risk and frequency of infections.

If you ever have any trouble with grooming your Persian, you can always book an appointment with a professional groomer. Grooming should always be safe and calming, so make sure to choose the best route that will keep both you and your Persian safe.

Featured Image Credit: ANURAK PONGPATIMET, Shutterstock

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