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Ragamuffin: Info, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

ragamuffin cat in the studio

Height 9–11 inches
Weight 15–20 pounds
Lifespan 15–18 years
Colors White, grey, blue, red, cinnamon, lilac, brown, bicolor, tortoiseshell, calico, tuxedo, mink
Suitable for Families, singles, houses, apartments
Temperament Friendly, laidback, intelligent, adaptable, docile

Ragamuffin cats were developed in the 1970s by breeding Ragdolls, Persians, and Himalayans with one another. While coming from various breeds, this cat has developed into a purebred animal, just like the Persian or the Himalayan is. The Ragamuffin breed came about because the Ragdolls were extremely hard for people to breed due to the name being trademarked by a woman named Ann Baker. Ann required anyone who wanted to breed Ragdolls to pay her a royalty fee and to follow her strict breeding guidelines. After tense years of working with Ann, other breeders decided to break off and create their own breed that would not be so restrictive and expensive. That is when the Ragamuffin breed was developed.

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Ragamuffin Kittens

Ragamuffin kittens are adorable, and they tend to stay that way throughout their lives. Here are basic stats that you should know about this cat breed before deciding whether to bring one home as a new pet for your household:


3 Little-Known Facts About the Ragamuffin Cat

Ragamuffins are intriguing cats that are popular among cat lovers worldwide. Most people do not know much about this type of cat, but that doesn’t stop them from wanting one of their own. Here are a few interesting facts about this cat breed that you may not already yet know.

1. They Can Go Limp Like Ragdolls

Some Ragamuffins may go limp when they are held by their human companions, just like their Ragdoll ancestors do. It depends on how much of the Ragdoll trait that a specific Ragamuffin has taken on. They do not go limp because they are hurt; they do it out of instinct, as going limp is what they did as babies whenever their mother would pick them up.

2. They Are Extremely Lovable

While cats are typically thought of as creatures that need little human interaction to be happy, the Ragamuffin is not so independent. These cats are extremely lovable and want nothing more than to lounge around on a human’s lap. They tend to follow their companions around and can get loud if they feel ignored or unloved.

3. They Are Easy to Groom

Ragamuffins have long, silky fur that seems like it would tangle easily. However, their fur is surprisingly tangle-free and easy to care for. A weekly brushing session should be enough to keep this cat’s fur beautiful and free of debris.

ragamuffin cat
Image Credit: Billy Ong, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Ragamuffin Cat

Ragamuffins are curious, social cats that love spending time with human companions and other cats. They are talkative but not overly so. They seem to know when it’s time to be quiet around the house, either because people are sleeping or otherwise engaged. However, vocal communication is important to them.

These docile cats prefer spending their time indoors rather than outside, and they do not carry much of a hunting instinct, so owners should not expect them to be good mousers. A comfortable Ragamuffin might spend hours lounging in the same spot. Their sedentary nature makes them prone to becoming obese, so care should be taken when creating a meal plan for them.

While this breed of cat does enjoy an occasional game of chase or ball, lying around and cuddling is usually the main focus of their day. This cat’s even temperament makes them easy to handle and enjoyable to interact with. A Ragamuffin would rarely become aggressive or stressed out unless they find themselves in a dire, threatening situation.

Are These Cats Good for Families? 👪

These cats make excellent pets for families of all types. They happen to love children if gentle interactions are maintained. They do not mind lounging in the corner on a cat bed while the kids run around the house being loud and boisterous. They will happily curl up between everyone on the couch on movie night.

Since they are so docile and laidback, Ragamuffins do not usually climb on counters and knock stuff over, which means that you won’t have to worry about the kids getting irritated due to ruined art projects and knocked over Lego buildings.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Ragamuffins do not mind spending their time around other animals if those animals are friendly and non-threatening. They don’t do great with rambunctious dogs that want to chase them and play around. Dogs that are calm and easygoing would make perfect companions for them. Since they don’t have a high prey drive, they tend to do fine around pets that are smaller than they are.

Ragamuffin cat in cat brown cat bed
Image Credit: Ryo Nagashima, Shutterstock


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Things to Know When Owning a Ragamuffin

We have covered plenty of information about the Ragamuffin so far, but there is still more to learn. Here is everything that you need to know about this cat breed’s diet needs, exercise regimen, training abilities, and grooming requirements.

Food & Diet Requirements

These cats are naturally large and can weigh up to 20 pounds when fully grown. However, their low activity levels and love of food can result in obesity and accompanying health problems. Meal portions should be based on the feeding instructions found on the food package’s label. Never leave food out for unlimited eating because this breed is prone to overeating when left to their own devices.

It is important to make sure the commercial dry or wet food that this cat is offered contains no fillers or artificial ingredients. The first ingredient on the label should be real animal protein. Treats should be offered rarely or only on special occasions. Commercial treats, cooked chicken, jerky, and steamed fish are all healthy treat options to consider.


Most people who spend time around these cats would consider them to be lazy. They are not interested in running around or playing like many other cat breeds are. They rarely get frisky and start gameplay, but they might join in for a little while if a companion starts playing. Therefore, it is safe to say that Ragamuffins do not get much exercise, and there is not much that owners can do to change the situation aside from encouraging play once or twice a day.


Ragamuffins are smart enough to be trained, but training is not necessary to maintain a happy and healthy relationship with them. Owners who do want to train their Ragamuffins can teach them how to do things such as to come when called and to retreat to their bed on command. The training process requires patience, understanding, and positive reinforcement.


Luckily, Ragamuffins are low maintenance and require little grooming help. They do a great job of keeping their coats clean, so weekly brushing is sufficient to keep tangles away and debris buildup at bay. This breed’s nails should be trimmed once a month or so, as they don’t usually get enough exercise to keep their nails naturally trimmed. Their ears should be cleaned with a clean, damp cloth occasionally to keep dirt from building up and infections from developing. They never need baths unless they get into something messy.

Tuxedo Ragamuffin Cat
Image Credit: Kill_Baal, Shutterstock

Health and Conditions🏥

Ragamuffin cats are typically healthy throughout their lives, provided that they are well cared for and protected from dangers. However, there are a couple of health conditions that are common among this breed and that should be monitored for by a qualified veterinarian.

Serious Conditions:
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Minor Conditions:
  • Polycystic kidney disease

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Male vs. Female

For the most part, male and female Ragamuffins are docile, friendly, and loving toward their human family members. However, there are small differences between the sexes that potential owners should be aware of. For instance, male Ragamuffins tend to be more territorial than females and will mark their territory inside the house more often. Females are usually easier to potty train, but they are also quite dependent on human companions. Males are more independent but not in an aggressive or antisocial way.


Final Thoughts

The Ragamuffin cat breed is beautiful, interesting, and completely lovable. Each cat has their own unique personality, but they all tend to be docile and laidback. They make excellent pets for households with kids, other pets, and a variety of different lifestyles. Like any pet, a Ragamuffin requires care both at home and by a veterinarian as they age. Luckily, they enjoy the indoors more than the outdoors, so they can safely be kept in the house at all times without becoming frustrated or irritable.

Featured Image Credit: Tatiana Makotra, Shutterstock

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