Ragdoll Cat Colors – 12 Beautiful Varieties (With Pictures)
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Ragdolls are the type of cats you could cuddle all day long, and due to their patient, gentle, and affectionate temperament, they’d probably let you! Their bodies are large, but their personalities are calm and quiet. They are incredibly intelligent, making them easy to train. They’re friendly and sociable and do well with children, other pets, large families, and seniors.
Other than being an expensive breed and not hypoallergenic, there’s little not to love about Ragdolls, and their luscious coats that come in a wide range of different colors add to their appeal.
According to the Ragdoll Fanciers Club, there are six recognized colors within this breed, which are seal, blue, chocolate, cream, lilac, and red1. These colors are also found within various patterns, of which there are five that are recognized. They are colorpoint, mitted, bi-color, lynx point, and tortie point. Let’s take a closer look into the main color varieties of the Ragdoll cat and touch on some pattern combinations:
Before You Start
With so many colors and patterns within the Ragdoll breed, it’s important to understand the wording used. Otherwise, you may find yourself confused quite quickly.
- Colorpoint coats have a lighter coloring on the body, which is usually cream or white, and a darker color on the face, nose, ears, limbs, and tail.
- Mitted Ragdolls are similar to colorpoint Ragdolls but have a white chin and paws.
- Bi-color Ragdolls are also similar to colorpoint Ragdolls but have a symmetrical inverted “V” over their face and a light body. However, there can be spotting of the same point color over their back.
- Lynx Point Ragdolls have tabby markings on their faces.
- Tortie Point Ragdolls have a mix of red or cream mixed with another point color.
To add to the mix, a Ragdoll can have a combination of these patterns, making them look quite different from each other. If you were to list each color with a pattern and list each combination, you’d have a very long list to read through!
Ragdoll Cat Colors
Listed below are the different recognized colors of a Ragdoll. The color of a Ragdoll is distinguished by the color of their points, which are their face, ears, limbs, and tail—with a few exceptions.
1. Seal Point Ragdoll
Seal Point Ragdolls are a more common type of Ragdoll and look similar to Siamese cats. They’re one of the more affordable choices on this list by quite a bit. These cats have dark brown coloring on their face, ears, limbs, and tails. Their body has a lighter color, such as cream or fawn—which is slightly darker. Their tummies and chests have the lightest shade.
2. Blue Point Ragdoll
A Blue Point Ragdoll is another common color amongst the Ragdoll breed, which is captivating and soft. Although called blue, the points aren’t blue like the cat’s eyes but rather a medium to light gray color. The cat’s body will typically be white or a shade of white and will not have any brown colorings. The lightest areas on their bodies will be their tummies and chests. The darkest areas will be their face, nose, ears, limbs, and tail.
3. Chocolate Point Ragdoll
Chocolate Point Ragdolls are quite rare and one of the more expensive Ragdoll kittens on our list. These cats have ivory-colored bodies with a lighter shade on their tummies and chest. Warm milk chocolate brown will be seen on the ears, face, limbs, and tail and are accompanied by rose undertones. The nose leather and paw pads are often a rosy brown color.
They have blue eyes that contrast their dark points well. This coat coloring is often compared to that of a Himalayan cat.
4. Cream Point Ragdoll
Although most Ragdolls are born white, not many stay light in color because their colors and patterns start to display themselves from around 2 weeks of age. Therefore, the Cream Point Ragdoll is also quite uncommon but popular. These cats have a light cream body with a darker shade of the same color on their face, ears, feet, and tail. Their nose leather and paw pads will have a shade of pink.
5. Lilac Point Ragdoll
An even rarer color variation is Lilac-Pointed. These Ragdolls tend to have strains of lynx or tortie and have a similar coloring to the Blue Point Ragdoll, although their points are a lighter gray with a pink hue.
The Lilac Point Ragdoll has a white body with lavender-pink nose leather and paw pads. However, you should prepare to pay a hefty price for one of these sweet kittens.
6. Red Point Ragdoll
We’ve reached the last of the recognized Ragdoll colors, which is the Red Point Ragdoll or the Flame Point Ragdoll. The bodies of these cats are usually creamy, with the ears, face, paws, tail, and limbs a deep orange. Although a deep orange or red is preferred, these points are sometimes pale. The nose leather and paw pads can range from a pink to red tone.
Ragdoll Coat Patterns
Now that we’re familiar with the various colors of a Ragdoll, let’s get into a few of the different patterns found within this breed. Patterns are combined with the above coat colors. To better understand each combination, you’ll have to break the name up. By looking at each word separately, you’ll be able to identify which coat color and patterns the Ragdoll has.
7. Seal Lynx Ragdoll
The Seal Lynx Ragdoll is similar to the Seal Point Ragdoll as they both have dark brown coloring on their ears, tail, limbs, and face. However, these Ragdolls have the lynx pattern, which is usually lighter brown stripes mixed with darker points. The pattern is often described as tabby markings and is seen across the face as a “W.”
The body of this cat will be cream or a light fawn color, getting lighter as it reaches the cat’s stomach and chest.
8. Lilac Bi-Color Ragdoll
A Lilac Bi-Color Ragdoll has a pinkish undertone to their light grey tail, face, and ears but a white inverted “V” that moves down between the cat’s eyes and over either side of their nose to where their whiskers are situated.
Their nose leather and paw pads are lavender-pink in color. As you may have guessed from the name, these cats are the same as the Lilac Point Ragdolls but also with a bi-color pattern that adds in the white features.
9. Blue Mitted Ragdoll
A Blue Mitted Ragdoll has silver or gray points that contrast with their lighter cream or off-white body. Their nose leather should be darker in color to match their points, but their paws, chin, chest, and tummy should be white. The white front paws should match and shouldn’t extend past the wrist. The back paws should also be white but can extend to the hock but no further.
The pattern is called “Mitted” because the white coloring on the cat’s paws looks as though they are wearing mittens.
10. Chocolate Tortie Point Ragdoll
The Chocolate Tortie Point Ragdoll has an ivory-colored body that can become mottled as they mature. They have warm milk chocolate brown ears, paws, tails, and faces that have a red or cream overlay, which is the result of the Tortie pattern. Their paw pads and nose leather are often a rosy brown color but may have mottling.
11. Blue Cream Point Ragdoll
Another variation that may include mottling is the Blue Cream Point Ragdoll. Mottling with a cream color may occur on their bodies as they grow older or on their gray or pinkish nose leather and paw pads. Blue Cream Point Ragdolls have a white to platinum gray coat with gray points that are mottled with cream.
The chest and tummies should be a lighter shade than the rest of the coat or could even be white. More times than not, cats with this color and pattern variation are females and have blue eyes.
12. Seal Tortie Lynx Point Ragdoll
Due to the seal coloring, the Seal Tortie Lynx Point Ragdoll will have a light fawn or pale cream-colored body. Due to the Lynx pattern, they will display stripes and ticks that resemble tabby markings on their points.
The points, such as the ears, face, limbs, and tail, are dark brown, but due to the additional Tortie pattern, the points will also be overlaid with red or cream. The nose leather and paw pads are usually seal brown or a darker shade of brown and often have rosy undertones.
Final Thoughts
Ragdolls come in six recognized colors, which leaves room for a vast number of color and pattern variations. Patterns can also be combined. However, understanding what color and patterns a Ragdoll’s coat consists of is as easy as breaking the name down into individual words.
Featured Image Credit: Kadisha, Pixabay