Sharberian Husky (Shar-Pei & Siberian Husky Mix): Info, Pictures, Facts

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Height: | 20–25 inches |
Weight: | 35–55 pounds |
Lifespan: | 12–15 years |
Colors: | Brown, black, white, fawn, cream |
Suitable for: | Experienced dog owners, active owners, families with grown children, homeowners with large and secure yards |
Temperament: | Independent, Willful, Protective, Loving, Loyal, Hardworking |
The Sharberian Husky is a mix between a Chinese Shar Pei and a Siberian Husky. This hybrid is medium-sized but is muscular, powerful, and can be a bit intimidating despite their smaller size. They can resemble one parent breed over the other or look like a perfect mix of the two. Either way, their appearance is beautiful and striking.
Sharberian Huskies are independent thinkers, and they’re highly intelligent, so expect to deal more with a human-like personality than a pet if you commit to this breed.
The Shar Pei Husky mix makes wonderful family pets for the right family, as they are loyal and highly protective of their loved ones and homes. We’ll discuss everything you need to know about these gorgeous mixed-breed dogs so you can decide if this is the right breed for you.
Sharberian Husky Puppies
Many people dive into owning this breed because of the dog’s appearance and loyal personality, but the dog’s behavioral tendencies are the most significant factors they forget to consider. They inherit a strong independent streak from their Shar Pei parent breed, so if you’re looking for a cuddly and affectionate dog, this probably isn’t the pup for you.
They enjoy being around humans but show their love mostly in their willingness to play and protect, not in their physical affection. Another big factor that Sharberian Husky owners must consider is training. The Shar Pei is independent, and the Husky can be stubborn and willful. The result in this mixed breed is a dog with the intelligence to learn commands quickly but may choose not to listen to you.
They can be challenging to train, so they’re recommended for experienced dog owners who are ready to begin a concrete training schedule immediately during puppyhood. Early training is critical for the Sharberian Husky.
Lastly, they inherit a fairly high energy level from both parents, and on top of regular daily exercise, they will need a lot of vigorous play. They can become destructive if they aren’t given an outlet for their energy, so be prepared to spend between an hour and two hours a day walking, running, and playing with your pup.
3 Little-Known Facts About the Sharberian Husky
1. They Have a Long Lineage
Designer breeds like the Sharberian Husky became popular in the late 1900s, but the parent breeds of this hybrid date back long before the modern era. Shar Peis can be traced back over 2,000 years to China, where they were bred for hunting and guarding in 200 B.C. As one of the few dog breeds even older than the Shar Pei, the Siberian Husky is believed to have arrived in America over 12,000 years ago. Both of the parent breeds are often listed as some of the oldest breeds in the world, so your Sharperian Husky has a lot to live up to!
2. Some of Their Ancestors Are Famous
You’ve likely heard the story of Balto, most famously depicted in the eponymous Disney film. The story was based on the real-life story of a Siberian Husky named Balto. This dog and a team of other Siberian Huskies led a snow sled containing medicine over extremely rough, frozen terrain for over 600 miles in just 5½ half days. This incredible feat could only have been carried out by such a hardworking dog breed like the Siberian Husky.
3. Their Loose Skin Has an Added Purpose
You may see the loose, wrinkly skin as a purely aesthetic trait in the Shar Pei, and we wouldn’t blame you—it is rather adorable! The wrinkliness was actually selected for in this breed. Shar Peis were initially bred for hunting and later used for dog fighting, and their loose skin made it difficult for a wild animal or another dog to grab hold of them. An assailant can hold onto their loose skin, but it won’t prevent the Shar Pei from turning to attack back.
Temperament & Intelligence of the Sharberian Husky 🧠
Sharberian Huskies are an often misunderstood breed because they are independent and can seem aloof. They are confident dogs that don’t need affection to be happy, and they would much rather focus on working or playing than cuddling.
They are very loyal, however, and they will show their love for you and your family in their own way. They can be aggressive if provoked, especially during mealtime, but for the most part, they will be calm, reserved, and obedient with the right owners.
Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡
The Sharberian Husky can make a wonderful family pet, but they aren’t suitable for every home. They do best in families with grown children or adults. Young children can easily play too rough with your pup and become aggressive if that happens. They can also be somewhat food aggressive, so they don’t take kindly to small children interrupting their meals.
Overall, Sharberian Huskies are okay with children but do best in environments where everyone understands and respects their independence. If you choose to bring this dog into a home with children, keep a close eye on your child whenever they interact with your pup.
You should also keep them separated from your kids if they have playdates, as these dogs can interpret normal play as dangerous and step in to protect your child. Sharberian Huskies are very loyal and alert, so above all else, they will seek to protect you and your loved ones, which is a great quality in a family pet. They generally have a bit of distrust for strangers, and this quality adds to their ability to guard your home.
Above all else, you and your family must be aware that Sharberian Huskies aren’t usually very affectionate, and they often recognize and abide by a pecking order in your home. As long as your family members can respect your dog’s space, interact with them via playing and working, and agree to be included in the training, you should have no issues introducing your Sharberian Husky to your family.
Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽
Sharberian Huskies are known to be somewhat aggressive toward other dogs, especially around food or with particularly pesky dogs that want to play too rough. If socialized early and often, they will usually be fine interacting with other dogs, but they may still be wary around unfamiliar dogs they meet on walks or at the dog park.
They don’t have a very high prey drive despite their Shar Pei parent breeds having been bred as hunting dogs, so you probably won’t have any issues with your dog around cats or other small animals. Early socialization with any cats in your home will help keep your dog’s relationship with them as positive as possible.
Things to Know When Owning a Sharberian Husky
Food & Diet Requirements 🦴
Sharberian Huskies are a medium-sized breed with a rather high energy level. You can expect to feed your puppy about 3 cups of dry dog food a day. Because they often enjoy playing outside of their daily exercise, a food formulated for a moderately active or active dog will be best for this breed.
As is the case with most active breeds, the Sharberian Husky is prone to some joint issues, including hip and elbow dysplasia, as well as knee issues. Although they aren’t entirely avoidable, providing your pup with food that supplies omega-3 fatty acids will help keep their joints healthy for longer and can help reduce the chance of these ailments.
Exercise 🐕
Sharberian Huskies are moderately active dogs that require about an hour of dedicated exercise daily. Independent breeds like this are more likely to engage in destructive behavior if their energy needs aren’t met, so keep your couches and slippers intact and exercise your dog regularly!
The Sharberian Husky inherits a calmness and almost zen-like behavior from the Shar Pei, and many owners misinterpret it as an unwillingness to exercise. That is not the case at all, and although your pup may seem perfectly happy to lounge around, they still need an hour of exercise each day and will be happiest if they can play and work with you outside of that exercise time.
These dogs love being outdoors, playing fetch, and exploring, so they’re best suited for owners with large yards to use for play and adventure. They inherit a Houdini-like quality from their Siberian Husky ancestors, so take extra care to ensure your gates and fences are properly secured!
Training 🦮
As we mentioned earlier, Sharberian Huskies are loyal and highly intelligent, and while this often leads to an obedient dog, these pups also have willfulness, stubbornness, and an independent nature you’ll have to contend with during training. These attributes can make for a very difficult-to-train dog. Sharberian Huskies are only recommended for owners who have experience with dog ownership and training.
The Sharberian Husky also comes from pack dogs who respect a natural pecking order. For this reason, your pup will likely select one family member to latch onto most, and with them, they will be most affectionate and obedient.
However, no one in your family will get much respect or obedience from your Sharberian Husky without earning it. You and your family members need to establish leadership and dominance beginning during puppyhood and continuing through your dog’s entire life.
Grooming ✂️
Your Sharberian Husky will have short but dense fur, so while brushing can be done every week, you should prepare for grooming more often to limit shedding. These dogs shed quite a lot, as they inherit a thick double coat from their Siberian Husky parents that protects against the cold. They likely won’t need bathing more than once every 6 to 8 weeks, so brushing will be the only regular coat maintenance needed.
Your Sharberian Husky is likely to inherit the adorable wrinkles in their skin from the Shar Pei, and they can easily hold moisture and harbor infection. At least once a week, you’ll need to unfold your dog’s wrinkles and wipe them clean.
You should plan to keep your dog’s nails trimmed, as active pups are more likely to crack or break their nails when running and playing. Brushing your dog’s teeth once a week is advisable to promote good oral hygiene, and you should wipe their ears clean every week or so to prevent wax build-up and infection.
Health and Conditions ❤️
Sharberian Huskies, unfortunately, can inherit quite a few health issues, so it is very important to keep an eye out for the problems below and schedule regular checkups with your vet. These issues can’t be entirely avoided, but your vet can help advise how you can help prevent them in your pup.
- Patellar luxation
- Eye issues
- Zinc responsive dermatosis
- Hip dysplasia
- Elbow dysplasia
- Epilepsy
- Kidney issues
- Several forms of cancer
- Laryngeal paralysis
Male vs Female
Male and female Sharberian Huskies will be about the same in temperament and behavior for the most part. You may find that males are less trusting of strangers and can be a bit more aggressive toward other dogs and anyone who interrupts their meals. Females can be slightly less energetic, but energy levels, especially during exercise, are often about the same.
Final Thoughts
The Sharberian Husky inherits some wonderful traits from the Shar Pei and the Siberian Husky, and they can be remarkable dogs that add a lot of life and personality to your home. They are calm and independent, so while they will enjoy being around you and your family, they don’t desire the same amount of physical affection that many people expect from a dog.
They will gladly play and engage in agility training or other games but won’t always be keen on cuddling. They require a lot of time invested in exercise, grooming, and especially training, but for the right owners who want a confident and protective companion, they make a wonderful addition to families of any size.
Featured Image Credit: Left – Siberian Husky (North89, Pixabay); Right – Shar Pei (Pike89, Pixabay)