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9 Spotted Cat Breeds (With Pictures)

Genevieve Dugal

By Genevieve Dugal

bengal kitten

If we compare the 45 pedigree breeds recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), it is clear that the tabby coat is the most common.1 However, there are also gorgeous spotted cat breeds that amaze feline lovers around the world.

In this article, we present to you nine marvelous breeds of spotted cats for your viewing pleasure!

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Top 9 Spotted Cat Breeds

1. Japanese Bobtail Cat

Japanese bobtail cat
Image Credit: slowmotiongli, Shutterstock
Lifespan: 9 to 15 years
Colors: Black and white, red and white, and many other colors
Temperament: Friendly, affectionate, bold, easy to train
Size: Medium

As its name suggests, the Japanese Bobtail originated in Japan, where it is considered a symbol of good luck and fortune. His most remarkable feature is undoubtedly his short “bobble”-shaped tail, which resembles that of a rabbit. This breed of cat can present different colors and patterns, although the most characteristic and traditional is the tricolor, which is made up of reddish and black spots on a white background.

The Japanese Bobtail can have long or short hair and it is relatively common to find specimens with iris heterochromia (one eye of each color). He is a rather independent cat who loves to meow, but he is also very sweet, sociable, and versatile. A born explorer, he likes to go outside and climb high places where he can observe his surroundings.

It is a rather robust cat, but he needs frequent brushing to keep his coat in good condition and to prevent the ingestion of too many hairballs, especially in the case of the long-haired Japanese Bobtail.

2. Bengal Cat

Image Credit: Pixabay
Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
Colors: Brown, silver, seal sepia, marble, seal lynx, seal ink, charcoal spotted
Temperament: Very affectionate, loyal, friendly, energetic
Size: Medium

The Bengal cat is probably one of the famous breeds of spotted cats. This leopard-like feline is from the United States and was born from a cross between an Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) and a common cat, which gave it beautiful golden fur characterized by its black spots.

Bengal cats are extremely active, intelligent, loyal, and curious felines. They love to play with anything and can easily get bored if they spend too much time alone or don’t get the stimulation they need. Moreover, they are cats that love to climb and observe their environment from a high place, so it is advisable to provide them with large cat trees.

Bengal cats are a spotted cat breed that generally enjoys good health. However, these cats can be a little fussy about their food!

3. Munchkin Cat

munchkin cat indoor
Image Credit: SV_zt, Shutterstock
Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
Colors: Multiple colors and patterns
Temperament: Affectionate, friendly, clingy, playful, active
Size: Medium

The adorable Munchkin cat is notable for his short legs, which are the result of a genetic mutation that causes his limb bones to be smaller than usual. Their gait is somewhat reminiscent of that of a ferret. However, despite their tiny paws, Munchkins are fast and playful cats, and while they may not be able to jump as high as other felines, their intelligence helps them find easier ways to get where they want to go.

Their coat can be short or long and can come in many shades and patterns, including brindle and spotted. Moreover, tricolor specimens (with orange, black, and white markings) are common and are almost always females.

The Munchkin needs frequent brushing and it is absolutely necessary to keep an eye on their health by taking them regularly to the vet because their particular morphology makes them more susceptible to spinal problems.

4. Egyptian Mau Cat

Egyptian mau cat in the garden
Image Credit: VadimZosimov, Shutterstock
Lifespan: 10 to 15 years
Colors: Bronze, smoke, silver
Temperament: Shy, gentle, very attached to its owners
Size: Medium

This breed of cat originated in Egypt and is truly unique due to its beautiful spotted pattern on a usually bronze or silver background. Plus, with its large, rounded eyes, this cat seems constantly surprised, which gives it an absolutely charming look.

The Egyptian Mau is a shy and rather sensitive cat. Its exceptional sense of hearing and cautious nature makes it easily startled by sudden loud noises. So, if you live in a particularly noisy environment or have rambunctious children, you should consider another breed, as the Mau is likely to become stressed in this type of environment.

On the other hand, the Mau is a particularly affectionate cat and is attached to its family. Indeed, this graceful animal loves the company of people and other pets and will establish very strong bonds with its humans. For all these reasons, these gorgeous cats with gray spots are ideal companions for single or older people.

5. Ocicat

Image Credit: dien, Shutterstock
Lifespan: 15 to 18 years
Colors: Multiple colors
Temperament: Confident, friendly, playful, intelligent
Size: Medium

Another exotic-looking spotted cat breed is the Ocicat. This breed was created accidentally when, in the 1960s, an American breeder wanted to obtain Siamese cats that would have a similar color pattern to Abyssinian cats. She crossed these two breeds until she accidentally got a kitten with a spotted pattern similar to that of the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis).

The Ocicat is a confident and outgoing feline. Despite its wild appearance, it is a sociable and playful animal that loves to attract the attention of its human. The Ocicat is also very attentive and intelligent, so it is possible to teach him a few tricks, provided that his training is done through positive reinforcement and in short sessions.

It is a robust breed that enjoys good health and does not have overly demanding needs, although it is important to provide it with sufficient physical, social, and mental stimulation to prevent it from developing destructive behaviors.

6. Oriental Shorthair

oriental shorthair cat in canopy bed
Image Credit: Anna Pozzi Zoophotos, Shutterstock
Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
Colors: Multiple colors and patterns
Temperament: Chatty, intelligent, very affectionate, dependent
Size: Medium

The Oriental Shorthair comes from Thailand and would be the result of crossbreeding between Siamese cats. This breed stands out for its powerful meows! Indeed, the Oriental Shorthair is very vocal and communicates everything it feels through its voice, which makes it an ideal breed for those who like to have long discussions with their kitty!

Also, Oriental Shorthairs love to spend time outdoors, but that doesn’t mean they don’t adapt to apartment living. It all depends on how much attention you give them. On the other hand, their temperament is stable and playful, and they make excellent playmates for children and even for other cats in your household.

However, keep in mind that the Oriental Shorthair does not tolerate loneliness well, as they are dependent cats who become very attached to their owners.

7. Pixie-Bob

Pixie-bob cat portrait
Image Credit: COULANGES, Shutterstock
Lifespan: 11 to 15 years
Colors: Brown, tawny, or reddish-brown with spots
Temperament: Easygoing, friendly, active, loyal
Size: Medium to large

A burly, muscular cat that resembles the wild bobcat of the Pacific Northwest, the intriguing Pixie-Bob is nevertheless affectionate towards his family. Moreover, this active and intelligent feline is sometimes compared to a small dog because of its loyalty to its owners and because it can be taught to fetch and walk on a leash.

In short, the Pixie-Bob is a laid-back, easy-going cat that will make an affectionate companion for children and gets along well with other pets.

8. Savannah Cat

Savannah cat
Image Credit: Lindasj22, Shutterstock
Lifespan: 10 to 15 years
Colors: A variety of colors
Temperament: Confident, inquisitive, independent
Size: Large

This spectacular breed of spotted cat originated in the 1980s when a domestic cat was crossed with a male serval (Leptailurus serval), resulting in a beautiful hybrid offspring, the Savannah.

Even within the same litter, Savannahs can vary greatly in size due to their hybrid genetics, but they are all considerably taller, longer, and heavier than the average house cat. Likewise, their character varies from one individual to another. With proper socialization, Savannahs are generally friendly and loyal cats, but quite independent. They are also very active, intelligent and they love to play in the water!

However, although the Savannah is a very unique and impressive breed, its particular characteristics and genetics make it not a suitable pet for people with no previous experience in feline care and education.

9. Serengeti Cat

Serengeti cat
Image By: LTim, Shutterstock
Lifespan: 10 to 13 years
Colors: Gold, black, gray, white
Temperament: Affectionate, easygoing, friendly, chatty
Size: Medium to large

The Serengeti is a very handsome, graceful, medium-sized cat with a spotted coat that resembles that of a leopard. Sleek and muscular, the Serengeti looks a lot like the serval, a medium-sized African cat, whose short coat is covered in leopard-like dots. We mainly recognize the Serengeti thanks to its soft and silky fur of beige, gray, or sometimes silver, spotted with black or dark brown, which gives it a wild look.

One of the main characteristics of the Serengeti is to be very vocal! Like the Bengal cat, he loves to communicate with his owners and expresses his needs with loud meows! Nevertheless, he is a docile, affectionate, and friendly cat. He loves his humans and can get along with other pets as well. A bit shy at first, he bonds very quickly with his family and will beg for hugs all day long.

However, keep in mind that the Serengeti is above all a hunter with a high level of energy: he loves to run, climb, jump, and can break a few trinkets along the way!

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As you can see, cats are true four-legged works of art, and spotted cats honor the beauty and diversity of the feline breed. However, before adopting one of these superb specimens, be sure to learn more about their respective temperaments, as these magnificent felines have personalities and needs that may not suit everyone!

Featured Image Credit: JanineWilkins, Pixabay

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