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Veterinarian (BVM BVS)

Dr. Joanna Woodnutt

Graduated from the University of Nottingham, England

6+ years of veterinary experience


Joanna is an experienced vet working in the UK who has always loved both writing and science. So, after following her passion for science and graduating as a veterinarian, she was able to begin writing and join her two passions together. She has written about pets and pet health for many websites, blogs, and pet magazines. She loves to help owners understand their pets better through her writing, and loves to teach and educate her clients. She owns her own freelance company to help even more clients than just the one standing in front of her in a consultation room.


In 2016, Joanna graduated from the University of Nottingham, with a degree in Veterinary Science (BVMedSci) and a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVM BVS).


Joanna practiced as a clinical vet from 2016 - 2019 and left full-time practice after that to work as a locum/relief vet in the Channel Islands, alongside her freelance writing work.
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