What Is a Phu Quoc Ridgeback Dog? Is It a Domestic Dog Breed?

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Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are a rare dog breed native to Vietnam. But did you know there are less than one thousand purebred Phu Quoc Ridgeback dogs worldwide?
While rare and unusual, Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are domestic dogs. With slender, masculine physiques and curled, tapered tails, they boast the features of primitive hunting hounds. The webbed feet, pigmented tongues, and ridgeback (clumps of fur that grow backward along the spine) are among their most distinct features.
Read on to learn more about the Phu Quoc Ridgeback. We will analyze facts about its origin, history, rarity, and care needs. Let’s get started!
The Earliest Records of the Phu Quoc Ridgebacks in History
The exact origin of Phu Quoc Ridgebacks is blurry, although the dog breed is believed to have lived in Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam, for ages. Because the island is isolated, these Ridgebacks roamed the land and strangely maintained pure bloodlines and unmixed gene pools for centuries. Later, locals domesticated these primitive hunting hounds and used them for hunting small animals.
In the 1800s, the French gave the hound the official classification of a Phu Quoc Ridgeback. There are only two other Ridgeback dog breeds worldwide, the Thai Ridgeback and Rhodesian Ridgeback. Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are more trainable, intelligent, and loyal than other Ridgebacks.
In 1897 the Phu Quoc Ridgeback appeared in a Larousse Encyclopedia publication. By the end of the 19th century, the dog breed appeared in select European dog shows.
How Phu Quoc Ridgeback Dogs Gained Popularity
Even though Phu Quoc Ridgebacks have been around for centuries, it was not until 2015 that they truly enjoyed the spotlight. Briton Catherine Lane visited Vietnam and brought two jet-black Phu Quoc Ridgebacks to the UK. She bred them to produce four puppies. Each of the puppies fetched £10,000, earning the dog breed a slot on the world’s most expensive dogs list.
Later in 2013, a Phu Quoc Ridgeback named Ven was enrolled in a Hanoi Dog Show and won. In 2017, yet another Phu Quoc Ridgeback named Loc won the Vietnam grand championship after only eight weeks of training. While many international dog shows still don’t allow Phu Quoc Ridgeback contestants, this will likely change soon.
The Phu Quoc Ridgeback dogs are not as popular dog breeds as the Labrador Retrievers or German shepherds. Still, they have great potential to climb the popularity ladder for their intelligence, loyalty, and protective instincts. It’s a step in the right direction that they are today known beyond the Vietnam borders. In 2018, a Phu Quoc Ridgeback was the mascot of the Ho Chi Minh Flower Show.
Formal Recognition of the Phu Quoc Ridgeback
Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are among the rarest dogs worldwide, with less than a thousand registered dogs.
While the Vietnam Kennel Association recognizes them, they have yet to receive official recognition from any international body. This is mainly because their low numbers hinder Kennels from defining the breed standards.
While rare even in Vietnam, there are ongoing efforts to multiply the numbers of Phu Quoc Ridgebacks. Hopefully, this will allow the Vietnamese Kennel Association to create a breed standard and have this dog breed appreciated for its exceptional intellectual and athletic capabilities.
Top 5 Unique Facts About Phu Quoc Ridgebacks
The Phu Quoc Ridgeback is a pretty interesting animal. Here are five unique facts you should know about this dog.
1. They Have a Very Muscular Appearance
Phu Quoc Ridgeback dogs are true athletes with sturdy, well-muscled, medium build bodies. Males are generally larger than females and weigh between 35 and 55 pounds, with a height of 20 to 22 inches. Female Phu Quoc Ridgebacks weigh between 26 and 45 pounds and are 19 to 20.5 inches tall.
Phu Quoc Ridgebacks have a narrow head of just the right length to give them a distinctive Egyptian look. At first glance, you’ll also notice their almond-shaped dark eyes, deep chest, and large, straight triangular-shaped ears. But their most unique feature is the ridge of backward-growing fur extending from the neck to the tail.
Interestingly, the fur on the ridge stands erect and becomes more apparent when the dog is alert or excited. When it concentrates, wrinkles appear on the forehead to give the dog a serious look.
The Phu Quoc Ridgeback has a medium-length tapered tail that curls up and is wider at the base. It also has a pigmented tongue with black spots. Other distinct features include the webbed feet that make the dogs excellent swimmers, a black nose, and black lips.
2. Phu Quoc Ridgebacks Have Various Coat Colors
Phu Quoc Ridgebacks come in various unique coat colors, including jet black, dark reddish brown, golden brown, or tiger stripes (a blend of all the colors). The short coats lie close to the body and have a combination of coarse and fine fur.
While coat colors can vary from dog to dog, all Phu Quoc Ridgebacks have a ridge that covers at least 60% of their spines. The fur on the Ridgeback has a slightly darker and glossier appearance.
3. These Dogs Have Excellent Temperaments
Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are highly intelligent and curious, making them easier to train than most dog breeds. Some enthusiasts claim the dog breed is more intelligent than a German shepherd! They understand instructions and basic commands quickly.
Generally, Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are relaxed, passive, and people-friendly. They get along with kids and other pets within the household, provided they receive proper treatment. Most notably, they are courageous, loyal, and protective of members of their “pack.” Although they rarely turn aggressive against people, they bark loudly at the sight of strangers who roam into their territories.
Like most dogs, Phu Quoc Ridgebacks love a good round of stroking and petting. However, they are highly independent, making them less prone to separation anxiety. They are outdoor canines, and their ancestors were primitive hunting hounds that roamed freely in the wild. Keep them active and engaged.
4. Phu Quoc Ridgebacks Are Pretty Easy to Care For
Phu Quoc Ridgeback dogs are hardy. The dog species survived through natural selection, making it almost immune to most purebreds’ health issues. Still, it is necessary to schedule routine checkups with your vet and have your pet promptly treated whenever it is unwell.
While Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are not fussy eaters, ensure you provide quality food that packs them with the energy they need to maintain an active lifestyle.
Thanks to their short coats, Phu Quoc Ridgebacks don’t need frequent grooming. It is adequate to bathe your pet occasionally and brush its fur once a week.
5. This Breed Has a Long Life Expectancy
The Phu Quoc Ridgeback dogs are believed to have survived as purebreds for centuries through natural selection. As such, they are a strong breed that generally enjoys good health. On average, Phu Quoc Ridgeback dogs have a life expectancy of between 14 and 16 years.
Does the Phu Quoc Ridgeback Make a Good Pet?
Owing to their obedience, intelligence, and loyalty, Phu Quoc Ridgebacks make perfect pets. They are highly protective of members of their household, a trait that makes them excellent guard dogs. Moreover, they’re easy to care for and only require minimal grooming. Providing quality food and plenty of exercise is enough to keep them healthy, happy, and fit.
It’s hard not to fall in love with the charming looks and personality of the Phu Quoc Ridgeback. It is a rare and unusual breed with unique talents like swimming and climbing. Because the canine breed is friendly and kid-tolerant, it would make an excellent addition to any household.
Although Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are friendly, it is crucial to socialize them from a young age. They are the descendants of primitive hunting hounds, and the lack of socialization can encourage them to hunt smaller animals, including other pets.
Fortunately, Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are pretty easy to train. It should only take a couple of training sessions to set your boundaries.
For the best experience, don’t keep the Phu Quoc Ridgeback as an indoor pet. Only adopt the dog if you can provide plenty of space to roam and play daily. Also, ensure your fences are tall enough, lest your pet jumps over when “hunting” your neighbor’s cat.
Final Thoughts
Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are a poised dog breed with an athletic physique. While they were once primitive hunting hounds, they have been domesticated over the centuries to create the sociable and trainable dogs we know today. These agile and athletic canines make excellent pets for individuals and families for being incredibly intelligent, loyal, and protective.
Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are outdoorsy pets. They are healthier and happier in settings where they have the freedom to roam, play and put their natural hunting instincts to the test. The dogs make excellent companions for folks who like hiking and hunting adventures. As a bonus, they have sharp memories and remember previously used trails and paths with remarkable ease.
Don’t get disenchanted if your pet outperforms you, especially when running or swimming!
Featured Image Credit: ROBERT ENRIQUEZ, Shutterstock