When Cats Follow You Everywhere: Blue the Real-Life Shadow

By Amanda Lin
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Hi, I’m Amanda! Read my introduction to learn more about me and Blue, my fluffy fire point Himalayan-Persian cat.
You know that feeling you get when you can feel someone’s eyes on you, even when your back is turned? Or how you can sense a presence in the room when you think you are alone. Or, on the flip side, you’re oblivious that someone has entered the room, and they startle you once you lift your head. Blue, despite being the heaviest-footed cat I’ve ever known, somehow manages to do these things to me all the time. She seems to have seamlessly married being stealthy while still announcing her presence whenever she’s near. Like a real-life Kung Fu Panda. A clumsy ninja master.
The Treasured Napper
Blue spends a lot of her time sleeping. She occupies all of the cozy little nooks we have set up for her around the house as if playing musical chairs. If the kids are around, she snuggles up in the spots they are less likely to frequent to capitalize on silence and stretch her slumber for as long as possible. Smart move on her part. I’d do the same if that were an option. Mom things. Our house is a madhouse equipped with flying toys, laughter, and the occasional high-pitched scream.
Mission Possible
Since transitioning into remote work, most days, it’s just me and my girls: Subi, our Chihuahua, and Blue. Rarely does Subi take an interest in where I’m set up unless I’m packing a snack. Blue, on the other hand, always finds her way to me. Preemptively taking her spot in the Nest bed on the table behind my desk or the bolster bed nestled at my feet. Lately, I’ve been finding myself choosing my laptop and a lap table in my bright, sun-soaked living room over my basement dweller office since sunlight is here for such a short time and I miss it completely when I’m tucked away in the basement.
Regardless of where my office for the day is, Blue’s mission is to infiltrate my space. I can’t always see her, but I know she’s around. More often than not she tries to tuck her body between me and my laptop, resulting in an awkward shuffle to a position we can both agree on. Usually tucked into my side or woven in between my feet so I can access my mouse and keyboard.
Cozy Companion
Her warmth is something I look forward to this time of year. As the weather tapers off and the world around us is covered in frost, her cuddles bring comfort. I enjoy our time together when the rest of the house is empty. I joke that she’s my shadow, but I mean it most gently and sincerely. Her affection is not aggressive. She’s not demanding or annoying. She doesn’t bother me or try to distract my attention from my tasks. Blue’s company is welcomed, and although she likes our bodies to be touching, she goes about it politely, being malleable when I need to adjust where she settles in. I appreciate the bond we’ve developed since I started working from home.
- Read her previous article: Hairball Season: Grooming Blue & Extra Clean Ups
- Read her next article: Whiskers Keen for Winter: Blue Is Ready to Be Outdoors