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Why Do Boston Terriers Lick So Much? 6 Possible Reasons

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

Boston terrier puppy licking nose

Known affectionately as the “American Gentleman,” the Boston Terrier packs a ton of personality and energy into a tiny package. Boston Terriers are sweet, lively dogs that are easy to train and make fantastic family pets.

One thing you might have noticed if you’re the owner of a Boston Terrier, though, is that they genuinely like to lick. Many Boston Terriers are constantly licking, especially your face. The question is, why do Boston Terriers lick so much? There are a few reasons, and we have six of them for you below. If you’re wondering why your Boston Terrier is always licking and what it means, read on to find out!

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Top 6 Reasons Why Boston Terriers Lick So Much

1. Your Boston Terrier Is Showing You Affection

Dogs lick each other for several reasons, including cleaning each other like a momma dog with her puppies and also as a form of greeting, similar to a human kiss. Like most dog breeds, the Boston Terrier uses licking to show affection and might be licking your face all the time because they adore you and other family members. It’s your dog’s way of letting you know they’re happy you’re part of their “pack.” Although it might get a little annoying, this is the best reason a Boston Terrier will constantly lick you; they love you!

2. Your Boston Terrier Is Hungry

In the wild, a puppy or young dog depends on their parents to provide food. The parents will often leave their pups behind while they go hunting. Upon returning, the puppies will let their parents know they’re hungry by licking their faces, a trait that still lingers in dogs to this day. Boston Terriers, for some reason, have an even stronger urge to lick their “parents” faces when they’re hungry, and if yours is licking your face like mad, it might be time to feed them (or at least give them a little snack).

Black Boston Terrier
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot, Shutterstock

3. Your Bored Boston Terrier Is Seeking Attention

One of the traits that make the Boston Terrier so beloved is their high level of energy and desire to play and have fun. If, for some reason, your Boston Terrier isn’t getting the activity they need to burn off all of their energy, they will often try to catch your attention to engage in some activity with you. You should note that a bored Boston Terrier will lick at various things, including the air, inanimate objects, themselves, and, of course, your face. The best thing to do is play and interact more with your Boston Terrier to reduce their licking behavior due to boredom.

4. Your Boston Terrier Has a Medical Condition

While uncommon, one reason your Boston Terrier might be licking a lot is that they have a medical condition, including itchy skin due to allergies, a small wound, an allergic reaction to something they touched, nausea, and others. Boston Terriers suffering from arthritis may lick at their painful joints to try to ease the pain. If you notice that your Boston Terrier has started licking a part of their body that they usually don’t and they are doing it a lot, it might be wise to have them checked by your veterinarian.

vet carrying boston terrier dog
Image Credit: Zakharova_Elena, Shutterstock

5. Your Boston Terrier Enjoys a Taste or Texture

While not the most common reason to lick incessantly, your Boston Terrier might be licking something because they enjoy the taste. Dogs have taste buds as humans do and Boston Terriers have an excellent sense of taste. They might also like the texture of something like, for example, your beard or the rug on your dining room floor. Again, it’s not a common reason, but if your Boston Terrier truly likes the taste or texture of something, including your face, licking that thing often will be the result.

6. Your Boston Terrier Is Showing Submission

Like in the wild, dogs like the Boston Terrier still consider the humans and other dogs in their family as their “pack.” Because of this, and because you’re the pack’s alpha, your Boston terrier might lick you as a sign of submission. It’s your dog’s way of letting you know that you’re the leader of his or her pack and that they respect you.

boy holding and hugging a boston terrier dog
Image Credit: Zakharova Elena, Shutterstock

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Can Excessive Licking Become a Problem for Your Boston Terrier?

Knowing that Boston Terriers are excessive lickers is always good before you decide to adopt one. They will lick you, even if you try to train them. You should note, though, that if they are excessively licking, it could lead to some problems and risky situations for your Boston Terrier.

For example, if your pup likes to lick your shoes, they could be exposed to bacteria, feces, and a host of other foul stuff. Some Boston Terriers get so caught up in licking the ground that they cause themselves intestinal blockages, and others lick up anything that spills on the floor, including food that can be toxic, like chocolate, coffee, and garlic.

In other words, there are some situations where excessive licking could get your Boston Terrier into trouble or cause a medical emergency. That’s why, if you see them constantly licking, you need to do something to change your Boston terrier’s behavior.

How to Stop Your Boston Terrier From Licking

While getting a Boston Terrier to stop licking entirely might not be possible, you can use a few methods to reduce their licking substantially.

Use a Common Command Instead of “Stop”

Some Boston Terriers, once they start licking, have a hard time stopping, even if you use the word “stop.” Rather, use a common command that you’ve taught them, like sit” or “down” instead. When you do, your Boston Terrier will immediately obey that command and, at the same time, stop licking. Be sure to praise them immediately when they obey. This sets up a positive connection to the fact that they stopped licking, even if your pup doesn’t realize it.

boston terrier dog
Image Credit: Vladislav, Unsplash

Don’t React in a Negative Way

It might seem like a good idea at the time but yelling or reacting in an overly negative way when your Boston Terrier licks too much can make the problem worse. The thing is, dogs like attention, especially Boston Terriers. If you’re yelling or fussing at them for licking, your pup might perceive it as a good thing and lick you even more. It’s better to calmly ignore your pet and gently push it away.

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There are several reasons your Boston Terrier might be licking you like a popsicle stick, including affection, hunger, to show their submission, and a few others. Regular and constant licking is a fact of life for a Boston Terrier pet parent, but there are methods to reduce the licking. There are also a few reasons why incessant licking might be a problem for your pet and must be corrected. Whatever the reason, we hope today’s information about why Boston Terriers lick so much has been helpful and insightful and provided the answers you were looking for. Best of luck figuring out the best way to control your Boston terrier’s licking and enjoying lick-free time with your precious pet.

  • https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/boston-terrier/
  • https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/health-and-dog-care/health/health-and-care/a-z-of-health-and-care-issues/why-does-my-dog-lick-me-so-much/

Featured Image Credit: Zakharova_Elena, Shutterstock

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