Why Do Cats Like Earwax? Feline Behavior Explained
By Luxifa Le
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It is a bit of a gross topic, but a cursory Google search can find you no lack of people wondering: Why does my cat love earwax? Whether you found your cat playing with a Q-tip or have one of the cats that likes to lick your ears, many people across the globe are asking the same question: Why? There are various possible factors behind the behavior, from curiosity to the nutritional aspect to social grooming, which we explore below. However, we don’t know for sure why some cats are attracted to earwax, and we are only left to speculate.
Dietary Nutrients
As gross as it may sound to humans, earwax seems like a fantastic dietary nutrient for cats. To understand why we must first put aside our species differences and remember that cats don’t view earwax the way we do. In the same way that cats view a dead bird as a better gift than that lovely $100 cat tree you lugged home for them, they view earwax from a different perspective than humans.
What Are Obligate Carnivores?
The term “obligate carnivore” refers to animals who rely solely upon animal protein for their sustenance. Unlike herbivores who have a specialized digestive tract and bacterial flora that helps them digest plants, obligate carnivores cannot break down plant material in their stomachs. Obligate carnivores must consume an appropriate diet through animal proteins; plant proteins won’t cut it for them. All cats are obligate carnivores, even house cats.
The Composition of Earwax
Understanding that cats rely solely on animal proteins for sustenance is only the first step in understanding their attraction to earwax. We must answer what earwax is to know why cats are interested in putting it in their mouths.
Earwax is a deposit of dead skin cells, fatty acids, and small amounts of cholesterol that gathers in your ear canal to protect the eardrum from outside substances. In short, it’s entirely made up of animal proteins, which is the exact thing that cats consume to survive.
Considering what the stuff is made of, it makes sense why our cats are attracted to it. Cats have 45-80 million scent receptors in their noses, possibly up to 200, compared to a human’s measly 5 million.1 Cats have noses that are tuned to detect the smell of animal proteins, so earwax probably smells delectable to them! Cats don’t think of earwax as we do; they only smell the delicious animal proteins that the earwax is made of, and that’s why they’re attracted to it. At least, that’s what we think.
The Social Aspect of Cat Grooming
There’s another reason that cats may be attracted to earwax, especially if your cat isn’t the “eating it off your Q-tips” type of cat. If your cat seems only to come around and lick your actual ears, it is probably a social cue and a sign that your cat loves you.
For cats, grooming isn’t just pragmatic; they also use grooming to socialize with their peers. Cats will groom each other not only to keep clean but also to show affection, respect, and social status. Or it could be to strengthen their bond or even as a way to redirect any intolerance or even aggression.2 This may involve grooming another cat’s ears.
While the idea of your cat licking out your earwax may seem nasty to our human sensibilities, it’s important to remember that they also lick out dirt, cat litter, and even poop from their coats. Earwax starts to feel like nothing when you compare it to cat litter and poop.
Is Earwax Safe for Cat Consumption?
As gross as it may sound, yes, earwax is perfectly safe for your cat to consume. Cats are made for eating some things that would be harsh on the human stomach, to say the least. As obligate carnivores, their wild diet consists almost entirely of raw meat. A human would get pretty sick if they tried to eat like a cat for even a day, so don’t worry too much about them licking some earwax off your fingers now and then.
However, Q-tips are not something cats should be playing with. Some curious kittens and young adult cats may try to bite the Q-tip or even swallow it, which can lead to choking or a gastrointestinal blockage, all of which require urgent veterinary care.
Final Thoughts
The idea of your earwax being a tasty treat might sound horrendous to you, as it probably should, but it’s essential to avoid humanizing your cats’ actions too much. They are not humans and don’t follow our rules and norms. If your cat is one the earwax-loving type, rest assured that there is no harm in your cat getting earwax as a treat now and then. This behavior is natural and safe for them, and you don’t need to worry about them getting sick from it!
Related Reads:
- 10 Best Natural & Organic Cat Foods – Reviews & Top Picks
- Are Cats Obligate Carnivores? Vet Approved Facts & Recommendations
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