Why Do Dogs Like Ice? Canine Preferences Explained
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It’s no secret that many dogs love ice. The reason? It’s a cold treat, of course! Dogs love the crunch and the coldness on their tongues, especially if they are hot.
But is it safe to give ice cubes to your dog? The answer here is yes and no. Giving ice cubes to your dog has a few risks, so in this article, we explore those potential risks and determine when it’s safe to offer them this frozen treat.
Are Ice Cubes Safe for Dogs?
In a nutshell, yes, ice cubes are safe for dogs. However, there are a few important factors to consider before giving any to your dog.
Can I Give My Dog Ice Cubes for Dehydration?
Dogs can get dehydrated, and you may have an urge to feed your dog ice to help cool them down while getting them to drink water. Some veterinarians recommend feeding dogs an ice cube to keep them from drinking too much water too fast, which can make them vomit and become further dehydrated. If the dehydration sogns are mild, go ahead and give your dog an ice cube.
Keep in mind that while it’s common for a dog to get mildly dehydrated, it can turn into a life-threatening situation that requires immediate medical attention.
Can I Use Ice Cubes If My Dog Has Heatstroke?
If your dog has heatstroke, your first impulse may be to feed your dog ice cubes. However, this isn’t advised. Feeding ice cubes may cause your dog to cool down too quickly, which could make matters worse.
A dog suffering from heatstroke needs to be cooled down slowly before heading to your veterinarian. It’s best to wet your dog down with room-temperature water, being sure to get your dog’s belly and back.
Will Ice Cubes Hurt My Dog’s Teeth?
Ice cubes are hard, and they can break a tooth, especially if a tooth is already damaged. When a dog chews something hard like ice cubes or anything else frozen, they use a considerable amount of force. This can lead to root exposure, which results in severe oral pain for your dog.
If this happens, more than likely, root canal therapy or an extraction may be in order. It could also remove the enamel. So, only serve ice cubes in moderation, and avoid them if you have a senior dog with older teeth.
Can My Dog Choke on an Ice Cube?
While a dog choking on an ice cube is rare, it could technically happen. The best way to eliminate this potential risk is by serving small chunks or even crushing up the ice cubes. Another good rule of thumb is to not serve large pieces at one time, as a large piece could get lodged in the throat. As long as the cube is small or crushed, there should be no cause for alarm.
Can Ice Cubes Cause Bloat?
This question is a bit controversial because some experts believe that it could lead to bloat, while others believe that it does not. If a dog drinks a lot of water too fast, that could lead to bloat. Ice cubes are technically water, but that doesn’t mean that letting your dog have an ice cube here and there will cause the condition.
Final Thoughts
Dogs love the cool feeling of an ice cube. Generally, there’s no harm in giving your dog ice cubes—just be sure to avoid large chunks and maybe even crush the cubes as an added safety measure. Do not give ice cubes to your dog if they are having a heatstroke. In this scenario, take them to the vet immediately.
If your dog is mildly dehydrated, an ice cube could be beneficial to get some fluids in, but if your dog is severely dehydrated, a trip to your vet is warranted. To sum it up, ice cubes are fine to give your pup if it’s only as an occasional treat.
Featured Image Credit: Bruno /Germany, Pixabay