Why Does My Cat Keep Farting? Vet-Reviewed Causes & Tips
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Cats are such graceful animals that you don’t typically think about them farting and whenever they do release gas, it can come as a bit of a surprise! Some people don’t realize that cats are even capable of farting. Not a lot of cat parents get to witness it, but cat flatulence does happen from time to time. It usually isn’t something to be concerned about, but it could be time to take your cat to the vet if it starts to happen more regularly.
There are a few different reasons why your cat could be farting more often than normal. We’ll go through each reason below and provide you with some tips for getting them back to normal.
Top 5 Things That Cause Cat Flatulence
There are quite a few reasons that your furball has had bad gas recently. The most common reasons have to do with issues in their digestive system, but allergies and diet changes could also be the culprit.
1. Low-Quality Diet
Cats have very special dietary needs, and if you’re feeding them low-quality cat food, then this could be the cause of your cat passing wind.
Other than eating poor quality food, any sudden change in their diet might also be creating gas. Cats are very sensitive to change, and you might be better off switching back to their old food if possible.
2. Allergies
Like other mammals, cats have some similarities as well as differences to humans. Like us, cats can develop allergies over time. Cats have been known to become allergic to certain cleaners, smoke, grass, weeds, mold, and chemicals with prolonged exposure. The same applies to certain foods that they’re eating.
Even if your cat used to be able to eat beef, they might have developed an allergy that is causing stomach upset. With this in mind, it might be time to start transitioning to another protein source. If you’re unsure about their allergies, a vet will be able to help you discover any that they may have. You can also figure it out through the process of elimination.
3. Swallowing Air
Have you ever accidentally swallowed air only to let it out with a big burp? Something similar happens to cats when they swallow air. It isn’t dangerous, but it can result in them farting from time to time.
4. Gastrointestinal Diseases
Felines are capable of developing all sorts of gastrointestinal diseases. These include inflammatory bowel disease, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, gastrointestinal lymphoma, and other problems. These are all very serious conditions that need to be checked out by your local veterinarian as soon as possible.
Pay attention to common side effects of illness if you suspect gastrointestinal disease. The most common symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting, but bad gas is another symptom to keep an eye on.
5. Parasites
Certain kinds of pet parasites are capable of creating excess gas in the body. Coccidia, roundworms, and hookworms are three parasites that your cat is capable of having. To eliminate these, you need a diagnosis from a vet. With the right treatment, and if caught soon enough, they should be able to clear up the problem.
When Should Cat Flatulence Become a Concern?
Occasional gas is nothing to worry about when it comes to cats. It is a bit more concerning, though, when the gas becomes excessive and is paired with other signs of illness.
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Abdominal swelling
- Problems swallowing or chewing
- Bloody stool
- Scooting their butt on the ground
- Chasing/licking/biting their tail frequently
Tips for Helping Relieve Your Cat’s Gas
There are a few ways to deal with bad gases building up in your cat. If you’ve ruled out potential diseases, then here are some tips to relieve the pressure:
- Change their food to a bland, easily digestible diet
- Give them plenty of exercise
- Seek professional help
A few farts here and there is nothing that you need to lose sleep over. The occasional fart is normal for cats, even if you’ve never heard them do it before. Still, they shouldn’t be farting excessively. If they are, it is time to take them to the vet and rule out any serious health problems.
Related Reads:
- 11 Best Cat Foods For IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
- Why Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet? Science-Based Facts & FAQ
Featured Image Credit: Igor Shoshin, Shutterstock