Why Does My Cat Pee on My Bed? 5 Potential Reasons

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You have just finished a long day at work and your cozy bed is calling your name. You snuggle up in your sheets but suddenly, a characteristic smell of ammonia invades your nostrils…oh, the horror! Your adorable kitty urinated on your bed! So, you clean it all up while brooding over the same question: why did your cat pee on your bed?
There are several reasons for this behavior: it can range from a serious medical issue to a simple disdain for the new kind of litter you have just purchased. In any case, know that you can remedy this behavior once you have found the cause.
The 5 Reasons Your Cat Peed on Your Bed
1. Your Cat Has a Medical Condition
The very first thing you should do if your cat suddenly starts urinating on your bed is to make sure he’s not sick. Indeed, a cat can have a bladder or urinary tract infection, which can cause inflammation and an uncontrollable urge to urinate.
- Urinary tract infections (UTI)
- Bladder infection
- Bladder stones
- Kidney disease
- Diabetes
- Hyperthyroidism
- Feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC)
These can cause a cat to urinate outside the litter box, especially if he associates the litter box with pain.
How to Remedy the Behavior
If you suspect your cat is suffering from any of these conditions or is showing additional symptoms, take him to your veterinarian immediately. Untreated medical problems, such as urinary tract infections, can become very serious and should not be taken lightly!
Your veterinarian will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment (often antibiotics if the cause is of bacterial origin).
2. Your Cat Is Stressed
If your cat is not physically ill, the problem may be related to a hormonal and chemical imbalance. In other words, your cat may start urinating outside his litter box because he is anxious or stressed.
Many factors can cause anxiety or stress in cats. Whether it is a move, a new pet or person in the house, or a change in diet, cats are very sensitive to these changes and can be upset by them.
Another reason could be that you leave your cat alone at home for too long, and he suffers from separation anxiety.
How to Remedy the Behavior
If your cat is stressed or anxious, you need to find the cause. First, try to observe where your furry friend’s anxiety is coming from. Does he spend too much time alone? Does he have to compete against other cats for food and water? Is there a new pet or a new person in the house?
Ultimately, your cat needs to feel safe in its environment. Make sure he does not have to compete with a new arrival for resources like food, water, his litter box, and your attention. Spend quality time with your kitty, which has a relaxing effect on both of you.
3. You Don’t Have Enough Litter Boxes
Even if you only have one cat in your household, he may need more than one litter box. Indeed, some cats that are a little more capricious prefer to urinate and defecate in two separate litter boxes. And if you have several cats, the best is to have one litter per cat and another extra! Yes, that’s a lot of cleaning, but if it saves you having to wash your bedding every day, it’s worth it.
How to Remedy the Behavior
Buy at least one litter box per cat. If the thought of having to clean so many litter boxes puts you off, consider buying self-cleaning litter boxes to save yourself some time. There are great options for every budget.
4. Your Litter Box Is Not in an Appropriate Place
Like humans, cats need a quiet, private, easily accessible place to relieve themselves. If the litter box is located in your bathroom, but your noisy washing machine is too, your cat may not find the calm he needs to do his business!
How to Remedy the Behavior
Move his litter box to a quieter place, away from the hubbub of the house and, above all, away from his food and water bowls.
5. Your Cat Doesn’t Like the Type of Litter You’re Using
If your cat is declawed, the litter you are using may be hurting him. Your four-legged friend will therefore be looking for a softer texture for his little paws, like your freshly laundered sheets! Or maybe he is not a fan of the new brand of litter you just bought because the texture is too rough or the scent is too intense.
How to Remedy the Behavior
Choose a clumping litter with a fine texture, unscented and dust-free. Make the litter box an inviting place to make your kitty feel like royalty. To do this, you must remove his poop at least once a day and thoroughly clean his litter box at least once a week.
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When To Consult a Professional
With all these tips, you should be able to solve the problem of your cat peeing on your bed. However, you will have to be patient and, above all, avoid punishing your cat. You may need to implement one or more of the tactics described in this article for at least a month before seeing results.
Nevertheless, if the problem persists or becomes recurrent, do not hesitate to call on a certified feline behavior specialist. He or she will be able to quickly pinpoint what is bothering your cat.
Indeed, these professionals have an expert view of the behavior of cats. They will guide you on the things to put in place to solve your feline’s cleanliness problem and encourage him to use his litter box again.
House soiling in cats is quite common and can happen any time there is a major change in their routine. If your cat urinates on your bed, he may be under stress or sick.
But first, you must check with your vet. If your cat has no health problems but still urinates on your bed, then you must identify the causes of his stress and offer appropriate soothing solutions.
There are very simple tricks to help your kitty find his way back to the litter. But in any case, do not hesitate to call on a feline behavior expert if you are unable to eliminate the problem by yourself.
Related Reads:
- Cat Peeing on Dog Bed: 5 Potential Reasons & Solutions
- Why Does My Cat Poop on My Bed? 8 Vet-Approved Possible Reasons
Featured Image Credit: cunaplus, Shutterstock