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Why Does My Shih Tzu Lick Me So Much? 4 Possible Reasons

Nicole Cosgrove Profile Picture

By Nicole Cosgrove

shih tzu dog licking the girl's face

If you’ve ever owned a Shih Tzu, you may be wondering why they seem to be licking you all the time. It’s not just because they love the taste of your skin—there are some fascinating instinctive behaviors that are at work behind this common display of affection. Not only is licking seen as a sign of love and bonding, but it’s also an important part of their grooming routine.

Read on to learn about the many different reasons why your cute little Shih Tzu might like to lick you.

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The 4 Possible Reasons Your Shih Tzu Is Licking You So Much

1. To Show Love and Affection

white shih tzu dog licking owner on the nose
Image Credit: Zelma Brezinska, Shutterstock

Shih Tzu dogs are known for their endearing and affectionate personality, which often includes licking their human companion. It may surprise some to know that licking is actually a sign of love and affection from your pup. When a Shih Tzu licks you, it’s their way of expressing fondness for you. This physical contact, when combined with other signs like tail wagging and playfulness, helps build an unbreakable bond between dog and owner.

The act of licking can be seen as the canine version of a kiss, providing both comfort and assurance to the person being licked. The sensation can sometimes feel strange or ticklish; however, understanding why your pup is doing it will help you enjoy the moment more fully.

2. You Taste Good!

When your Shih Tzu is lavishing you or your face with their tongue, it may simply be because you smell good, and they want to find out more. It may seem strange, but it’s true—Shih Tzus can get curious and start licking a human if they catch a whiff of something tasty. It turns out there is actually an evolutionary reason behind this behavior. Dogs have a keen sense of smell, which alerts them when food is present in the area. This instinctive response encourages the dog to investigate further by licking the object to see what kind of flavor or texture it has.

In addition, salt on your skin can be attractive because it helps them replenish electrolytes lost from physical activity or heat exposure.

3. Attention Seeking

black shih tzu dog licking owner's ears while having fun outdoors
Image Credit: brickrena, Shutterstock

One reason why your Shih Tzu might be licking you excessively is as a way to get attention from you. Dogs are social animals—this means they crave attention and affection from their owners. If your Shih Tzu is relentlessly licking you, it may be a sign that they are seeking attention and want to be close to you. If you give your dog attention when they lick, it can reinforce the behavior and they may begin to think that licking gets them the results they want. It is important to be aware of this as it can lead to persistent and annoying licking which can become irritating for pet owners.

To manage this behavior, try to be consistent in your attention-giving and reward your furry friend for other, more appropriate behaviors. This can help to reduce their attention-seeking behavior and encourage more positive behaviors.

4. Anxiety

It is no secret that stress is a major factor in the health of both humans and animals. Dogs are particularly sensitive to stress, and it can manifest itself in various behaviors, such as excessive licking. But what causes stress in dogs? It could be something simple like a change in routine or environment, but there are also more complex triggers like anxiety or fear. To cope with these feelings, dogs will often lick themselves or you as an outlet for their emotions.

Experts suggest that when dogs lick excessively, it may be a sign of underlying issues such as fear or boredom. It can also be a way to self-soothe the animal when they’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. If you notice your dog is licking you more than normal, it’s important to identify the cause of their anxious behavior and address any underlying issues they may have.

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Is Licking a Sign of an Underlying Medical Condition?

While licking you is not a sign of a medical issue, if your Shih Tzu is excessively licking itself, it could be a sign that something is bothering them.

Some possible medical conditions that could cause a dog to lick itself excessively include:
  • Sore skin or open wounds: If your Shih Tzu has sore or irritated skin, or if they have any open wounds, they may lick the affected area as a way to try to soothe the irritation or pain.
  • Fleas or other parasites: Your Shih Tzu may lick their infected area excessively in an attempt to rid itself of the fleas or parasites.
  • Grass seeds or debris in their paws: If grass seeds or other debris have gotten stuck in your dog’s paws, they may lick them as a way to try and remove the irritants lodged there.
  • Dental disease: when a Shih Tzu has a dental disease, such as gum disease, they may lick their mouth or gums to soothe the pain or discomfort.

Dogs may also lick other animals or even you if they detect a problem. A common example that can look obsessive is licking other dogs’ ears. Whilst this is a normal part of healthy grooming some dogs develop a taste for salty earwax and seek it out!

If your Shih Tzu is repeatedly licking itself, it’s important to pay attention to this behavior and consider whether it could be a sign of an underlying medical issue. If you are concerned about your Shih Tzu’s licking behavior, it’s always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential health issues.

pure white shih tzu dog on couch looking sad
Image Credit: Lindsay Helms, Shutterstock

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How to Stop Unwanted Licking

Always remember that licking is a perfectly natural behavior for your dog. You should not expect your dog to stop licking you completely. That is unrealistic. If you have a Shih Tzu that is a heavy licker, try to understand why they are licking you: it may help you to train your dog to stop.

If your dog’s licking is too much, then here are some suggestions for you:
  • Use positive feedback. When your dog is behaving the way you want, give them plenty of attention. This is more effective than giving them negative attention and criticism when they’re misbehaving.
  • Be consistent and clear about what you want them to do and what you don’t. So, don’t stop your Shih Tzu from licking your face sometimes, and then allow them at other times.
  • Try moving the part of your body that’s being licked away from your dog. Don’t make eye contact, say anything or interact in any other way. If this doesn’t work, move away, or leave the room. Repeating this pattern will give your dog the message that licking is not something you enjoy.
  • Give your furry friend something else to do that stops them licking, like a chew toy or a food puzzle.
  • Redirect licking by training your dog to sit or give a paw on command, which is then rewarded by your affection and attention.
  • Give your dog plenty of exercise every day to help reduce any stress and burn up excess energy that might be the cause of the licking.

If you notice your dog’s behavior changes and the licking increases, then check either with a dog behaviorist or a vet for help in identifying the cause of the change of behavior.

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In conclusion, there are several reasons why your Shih Tzu might lick you excessively, including affection, taste, attention-seeking, anxiety, and medical reasons. Understanding the root cause of your dog’s licking behavior can help you to address the issue and manage their behavior more effectively. If your Shih Tzu is licking you excessively and it’s causing you concern or discomfort, it may be worth considering whether there are any changes or stressors in their environment that could be causing them to feel anxious.

If you are unsure about the cause of your Shih Tzu’s licking behavior or if you are concerned about their health, it’s always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian for guidance.

Featured Image Credit: Magicovice516, Shutterstock

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