Are Weimaraners Good With Kids? How to Make Them Get Along
By Grant Piper
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Weimaraners are one of the most popular dog breeds in America. They have an iconic look and are very friendly. But are Weimaraners good with kids? This is a critical question to ask if you are planning on integrating a Weimaraner into your family. No one wants to get a dog that is bad with children. It can be stressful and risky. The good news is that Weimaraners are generally very good with kids, but that label does come with a few caveats. Here is everything you need to know about Weimaraners and children.
Weimaraner Disposition
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), “Weimaraners are excellent with kids and yearn to be full-fledged family members.” Their breed descriptor is friendly, fearless, and obedient. These traits make Weimaraners great family dogs that can be the perfect companion to children.
Weimaraners are typically easy to please, energetic, friendly, and trainable. They have all of the hallmarks of a family dog that will do great in a household with children. However, like any dog, Weimaraners need to be trained and socialized properly to get the best results.
Train, Socialize, and Supervise
There are three keys to ensuring that a dog is kid-friendly. These things are important for all dogs, no matter what the breed and that includes Weimaraners. Almost any dog can be kid-friendly as long as you train them properly. You should stop behaviors that are disruptive to kids such as excessive indoor energy, biting, or growling.
You also need to socialize with your Weimaraner. Socializing requires you to introduce your dog to a variety of different people including family members, kids, and strangers. A well-socialized dog is more likely to be calm and safe around children. Socialization works best when you start young and do it in coordination with good training.
Lastly, you always need to supervise your dog around kids. You should never leave any kids unsupervised around dogs of any kind and that goes double for young kids and babies.
You should also train your kids to behave properly around a Weimaraner. Make sure kids don’t pull or tug on any part of your dog. Also, make sure they learn to respect a dog’s personal space and privacy.
If you train, socialize, and supervise your Weimaraner they can be excellent family dogs that are fantastic around children. If you don’t do these things, any dog can be sketchy around kids which can be stressful.
Puppies vs. Adults
Many people like to get dogs as puppies. Puppies are cute and extraordinarily popular. However, a Weimaraner puppy might not be the best choice for a household with kids. Weimaraner puppies are extremely energetic. They are active, uncoordinated and might not be completely socialized.
Adult dogs are usually bigger but calmer. Puppies usually calm down around three years old so it might be a good idea to get an adult that is more chill. However, an adult dog might be harder to train and might be harder to integrate with your family depending on what their previous living situation was like.
- More energetic
- Easier to train
- Need lots of daily exercise
- Harder to train
- More chill
- Integration might take longer
Weimaraner Risks Around Kids
Some Weimaraners can be nippy. Many times, Weimaraners will stop short of fully biting a person, but there are plenty of reports of nips. Nippiness can be a problem for children. It can upset kids, it can surprise them, and it can make them afraid of the dog. Some Weimaraners are nippy by nature. They’re food motivated and will sometimes nip a child’s finger when they are sharing food. Other times Weimaraners nip when they get overexcited or are playing hard.
Weimaraners are very energetic, and they can be quite large. This combination can lead to Weimaraners accidentally knocking down your kids. Most of the time, knockdowns are harmless, but they can startle kids and cause them to become fearful of the dog. The best way to avoid knockdowns is to ensure that your Weimaraner gets plenty of exercise and to teach your kids to avoid the dog when they are running around like crazy. Small children and toddlers are more susceptible to knockdowns than older kids.
Excessive Energy
Weimaraners are used to being outside. They love running around and going on adventures. They need plenty of exercise to get their energy out. If you don’t properly exercise your Weimaraner, they can get overly excited or anxious, which can cause them to act out against your kids. Sometimes they will play too rough with your kids, and other times pent up energy can manifest as moodiness, aggression, or nippiness.
Weimaraners can absolutely be good with kids. They’re rated by the AKC as a breed that has the potential to be the best family dog. However, they are not without some risks. They are very energetic and can sometimes be a little nippy which can be intimidating to children. These behaviors are easily solved by training and socialization, and if you do that properly your Weimaraner can be a great dog for your family.
Featured Image Credit: Ulza, Shutterstock