Bernese Rottie (Bernese Mountain Dog & Rottweiler Mix): Info, Pictures & More

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Height: | 24–28 inches |
Weight: | 75–130 pounds |
Lifespan: | 6–10 years |
Colors: | White, brown, black, often a mix of these colors |
Suitable for: | Owners with plenty of outdoor space, active owners, families of any size |
Temperament: | Loyal, fun-loving, protective, active, obedient |
The Bernese Rottie, also known as the Bernweiler, is a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Rottweiler. This hybrid pup is large, muscular, and powerful, but the longer hair inherited from the Bernese Mountain Dog makes them appear a bit less intimidating than their Rottweiler parent.
They are very curious and can be independent sometimes, so they do best in large outdoor areas where they can explore and investigate as they please. While they may enjoy their independence, they’re also affectionate and will happily spend some time snuggling or lounging with their owners each day. They love human interaction as much as they enjoy the fresh air.
The Bernweiler is an exciting and unique hybrid, and we’ll go over everything you need to know about the gentle giant below.
Bernese Rottie Puppies
Bernese Rottie puppies are small and adorable balls of fluff, and while you may be tempted to pick out two or three, they can grow into adults that weigh more than 100 pounds! They may be small as puppies, but they grow quickly into large dogs, so be prepared for a four-legged behemoth once your pup is fully grown.
They enjoy spending time alone but don’t do well in prolonged isolation. If you or a family member aren’t home for long periods, you should reconsider getting this breed. Despite their independence, they do best with people around them.
Along with their tendency for independence comes a bit of stubbornness, so be prepared to train your Bernweiler puppy from an early age. They learn quickly and likely won’t take long to be housebroken, but you will need to put effort and time into ensuring good habits stick.
3 Little-Known Facts About the Bernese Rottie
1. They Come From a Long Line of Working Dogs.
The parent breeds of the Bernese Rottie were originally bred for work. Bernese Mountain Dogs were bred as guard dogs and carting dogs in Switzerland. Their large size and immense power allowed them to pull carts, which made them appear intimidating despite their tendency to be a naturally gentle breed.
Rottweilers were originally bred to be agile and alert guard dogs, and their muscularity and protective nature made them ideal for watching and protecting livestock, goods, and homes.
2. Their Appearance Can Vary Greatly.
As with all hybrids, the Bernese Rottie inherits traits and physical appearances from both parents. Some crossbreeds involve a parent with many dominant features, which leads to pups looking more like one breed than the other, but that isn’t the case for Bernese Rotties.
While the puppies often appear mostly like Rottweilers, as your dog ages, they may take on traits from one parent or be a good mix of both. These grown pups often look like furry Rottweilers or short-haired Bernese Mountain Dogs. No matter what, they’re as cute as adults as they are when they’re puppies!
3. They Can Be Rather Shy.
You might think that a large dog built of muscle will likely have a large personality and presence to match, but Bernese Rotties can be shy. This trait is partly attributed to the Rottweiler’s independence and the Bernese Mountain Dog’s laid-back personality.
When combined, these traits can lead to a large, intimidating pup who can be timid and uneasy when meeting new people or other dogs.
Temperament & Intelligence of the Bernese Rottie 🧠
Bernese Rotties are known for being fun-loving, explorative, and affectionate. You’ll find that these pups can fit in with nearly anyone who happens to be around. They’ll gladly play with children, relax with retirees, or snuggle and lounge with anyone. Moreover, they are bright and can quickly learn commands despite the occasional stubborn streak.
Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡
Because Bernese Rotties are protective and loyal to their family, you rarely see them not getting along with a family member or close friend. However, they are territorial and protective, so if they perceive someone as a threat, your dog will let them know they aren’t welcome.
Bernweilers are also excellent with children and form strong bonds with them. It is important to know that even if another family member is seen as threatening a child, they may become protective. For this reason, proper training from an early age is vital to establish all family members as safe and friendly.
Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽
Believe it or not, your Bernese Rottie pup will likely be as protective of a cat or other dog you have as they are of your children! They are laid back enough to get along and share close quarters with your other pets, and their positive and welcoming attitude toward other four-legged friends makes them an excellent breed if you have other animals.
Things to Know When Owning a Bernese Rottie
Food & Diet Requirements 🦴
As a large and muscular dog, your Bernese Rottie will need a lot of food to stay healthy, happy, and satisfied. Expect to feed your pup between five and six cups of dry dog food a day. As you can imagine, the food bill will be relatively high, so be prepared to invest in large quantities of dog food!
High protein diets are essential for all dogs, especially those with a high muscle mass, like the Bernese Rottie. They adore lounging, but their need for extensive daily exercise will mean their metabolisms are in high gear, so be prepared and always keep backup bags of food on hand.
You should always have treats on hand to give your pup throughout the day in addition to their food to keep their metabolism running and a smile on their furry face.
Exercise 🐕
You should expect to walk your Bernese Rottie every day for at least an hour, and it is highly recommended that they get off-leash time to explore and run around.
Not providing the proper amount of exercise and mental stimulation can lead to destructive behavior and unhappiness or depression in your pup, so make sure you have the time to set aside for exercise every day before committing to this breed.
Bernweilers can go through activity cycles; one minute, they might be happy lounging and relaxing, and the next, they’re up and ready to run and play. They have the ability and sometimes the drive to exercise for longer periods, so if you’re very active, your pup may be willing to stick by your side through whatever exercise you’re doing.
It is essential to mention that, given their thick coats, Bernweilers can become overheated in hot weather. Be very careful not to overwork your dog in the summer.
Training 🦮
Bernese Rotties are intelligent and eager to please their owners, so, generally speaking, they aren’t challenging to train. They can sometimes be stubborn and thick-headed, so be persistent with your training efforts. With a consistent routine and positive reinforcement, you shouldn’t have many issues instilling good behavior and habits in your dog.
Grooming ✂️
The Bernese Rottie can have the longer hair of the Bernese Mountain Dog or the short hair of the Rottweiler. Weekly brushing is essential for short-haired dogs to prevent matting and tangling, but if your dog has longer hair, you may have to brush them several times a week. You’ll also want to bathe your pup once a month to keep their skin and coat healthy.
Given their medium-to-long double coat, the Bernese Rottie can shed a lot, especially as the seasons progress away from winter. Brushing regularly will help limit shedding, but you’re unlikely to keep up with it entirely, so prepare to vacuum often.
In addition, it is vital to clean your pup’s ears and teeth regularly to limit ear infections and tooth and gum issues.
Health and Conditions ❤️
While the Bernese Rottie isn’t prone to many medical issues, the common ones are very serious. Your pup should be taken for routine screening and vet checkups so you can catch these issues early and treat them.
- Elbow dysplasia
- Hip dysplasia
- Multiple forms of cancer
- Joint issues such as Osteochondritis Dissecans
Male vs Female
You can expect male Bernese Rotties to be a bit more territorial and protective than the females, and they may also be more independent and desire more alone time to explore. The size of these dogs, surprisingly, isn’t dependent on their sex, and both male and female Bernese Rotties thrive with daily exercise and freedom as well as affection and attention.
Final Thoughts
Bernese Rotties embody what most owners expect from a large dog: protection, loyalty, gentleness, and affection. They’ll be beautiful additions to your family and home.
Bernese Rotties do best if they have room to be on their own and enjoy the smells and sounds of nature. Off-leash time is as vital as exercise with their humans. If you’re looking for a big, friendly pup who will stand by your side no matter what but also provide plenty of love and attention, the Bernese Rottie may be the perfect hybrid breed for you!
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