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Can Dogs Get Sexually Attracted to Humans? Dog Humping Explained

Keri-Beth Clur

By Keri-Beth Clur

Miniature schnauzer dog humping

Dog owners invest so much of their time, effort, and money into their canine friends and often treat them like a member of the family. However, sometimes, the behavior you get back from your dog might get you wondering if they’re a little too excited to see you and whether they might see you in a more intimate way than you feel comfortable with.

The good news is that dogs don’t get sexually attracted to humans, and their “mounting” behavior is both natural and instinctive. You may notice this behavior from both female and male dogs, and they may direct it towards people, other dogs, or even their toys. Contrary to what many people think, it can even occur in neutered dogs, although it is most common in intact males. Training and socialization early in life can reduce this behavior but let’s take a deeper look into why dogs may display this behavior.


Why Do Dogs Hump?

Dogs of all ages may hump, as this behavior is instinctual, and not an indication that your dog is sexually attracted to you. There are a few reasons for this behavior.

Female Dogs Hump
Image Credit: Spik and I, Shutterstock

They’re a Puppy

Puppies as young as 3–6 weeks of age may mount their littermates. This behavior isn’t sexual in any regard because it occurs before they’ve even sexually matured. Puppies may also mount to assert dominance over their littermates and may continue this behavior into adulthood.

They’re Playing

When dogs are playing with other dogs or with humans, they may hump them for a few seconds before running off to do something else. This is because they see humping as a part of play, and although it may seem inappropriate to us, dogs aren’t aware that it is something to be embarrassed by.

Image Credit: John Danow, Shutterstock

They’re Excited Or Overwhelmed

There are many behaviors that excitement can bring out of a dog, such as barking, jumping, running—and humping. This excitement may cause your dog to hump your leg, hump the furniture, or any other object that is lying around. Dogs may also hump when they have big feelings; this is known as displacement behavior. It may be a sign your dog is not coping with what is going on around them and may need some changes to the environment or behavioral training and desensitization.

To Get Attention

You may have noticed that your dog humps more when you have visitors. Although this behavior can be embarrassing, your dog may simply be acting out to bring the attention back onto themselves. Most people react and rush to their dog when they start to hump their visitor’s arm or leg, which gives the dog the reaction they’re looking for. Instead, try to ignore the behavior completely.

pitbull dog looking up with ears back
Image Credit: Mary Swift, Shutterstock

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When Is Humping a Sign of Concern?

If your dog is excessively humping the objects around them and seems to be in discomfort, they may have a health problem or be stressed. Although rare, dogs with prostate problems, urinary tract infections, or allergies sometimes hump things to relieve the discomfort or itch. If there is something wrong, the humping will likely be accompanied by other signs such as licking around their genitals, rashes, drinking a lot of water, or passing small amounts of urine.

If your adult dog suddenly starts humping when they’ve never shown signs of this behavior before, you should take them to the vet for an examination to rule out any underlying issue. The same is true if the frequency of their humping increases.

Should I Stop My Dog from Humping?

If your dog occasionally humps things when they’re very excited, you don’t need to worry. However, if they’re mounting other dogs or are humping all your guests, you’ll need to curb the behavior so that they understand that it is not acceptable.

A mounted dog could experience pain or fear and react badly. To keep the peace between dogs as well as to save your guests from embarrassment, redirect your dog’s attention with a command whenever they try to mount. Also, use positive reinforcement to break the habit and fix the behavior however, timing is key to avoid inadvertently rewarding your dog for humping. Never treat your dog harshly for mounting because, to them, it is innocent.

Keep in mind that an overwhelmed dog will rarely respond well to training. If your dog is not coping with the excitement of guests or playing in the dog park it is best to limit these experiences until you have met with a veterinary behaviorist.

woman talking to vet
Image Credit: SeventyFour, Shutterstock

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Although a dog might occasionally hump their owner or guests, it is not an indication that they are sexually attracted to them. If your dog humps you, it could be an indication that they are excited to see you or that they want attention from you.

Mounting is common in puppyhood, but you should train the behavior out of them as it can cause conflict with other dogs and make your visitors feel uncomfortable.

Featured Image Credit: Koldunova Anna, Shutterstock

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