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Can Hamsters Eat Sunflower Seeds? Vet-Approved Facts & FAQ

Chantelle Fowler

By Chantelle Fowler

Can Hamsters Eat Sunflower Seeds

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Dr. Amanda Charles Photo

Reviewed & Fact-Checked By

Dr. Amanda Charles

Veterinarian, BVSc GPCert (Derm) MRCVS

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Hamsters are adorable little rodents that are omnivores but eat a primarily plant-based diet. Many first-time hammy parents don’t know this, but their pets will also eat insect larvae and larger bugs like crickets if the opportunity arises. However, most of their diet should consist of specially formulated hamster pellets. You should supplement your pet’s diet with vegetables and the occasional fruit. Seeds like sunflower seeds can be offered to hamsters as a special treat.

Read on to learn more about sunflower seeds and why they shouldn’t be a staple in your hamster’s diet.


Can Hamsters Eat Sunflower Seeds?

Hamsters can eat sunflower seeds, and most love them as a special treat. Seeds of all kinds should only be used as a supplement to a primarily pellet-based diet. Hamsters fed only seeds will have vitamin and mineral deficiencies, especially concerning vitamin E and calcium. Additionally, seeded diets are usually high in sugar and fat, which can promote obesity and related conditions like diabetes.

sunflower seeds in wooden table
Image Credit: thewet nonthachai, Shutterstock

What Are the Benefits of Sunflower Seeds for Hamsters?

Aside from their yummy taste, offering your hamster sunflower seeds provides him with several benefits.

Before we look at specifics, let’s evaluate the nutritional information of 100 grams (approximately ¾ cup) of sunflower seeds.

Calories 584 calories
Protein 20.8 grams
Fat 51.5 grams
Carbohydrates 20 grams
Fiber 8.6 grams
Zinc 5 mg
Selenium 53 µg
Vitamin B6 1.34 mg
Vitamin E 35.2 mg
Vitamin B1 1.48 mg

As you can see, sunflower seeds are a great source of various nutrients. However, it is important to note the serving size. One hundred grams is far too many seeds to feed your hamster in one go, so while he’ll still get a nutrient boost from his sunflower seeds, it won’t be as impressive as the chart above suggests.

Now, what’s so special about all those nutrients? How do they benefit your hammy?

  • Vitamin E: An important antioxidant. Deficiency can cause decreased growth and muscle weakness.
  • Zinc: Deficiency can cause reduced growth rate and appetite.
  • Selenium: A trace element essential for normal growth
  • Vitamin B6: Deficiency can cause weight loss and unkempt hair
  • Vitamin B1: Necessary for normal growth and development

Looking beyond a nutritional standpoint, the crunchy shell of sunflower seeds allows hamsters to work with their teeth. This is not only a fun activity for your pet but a perfect pastime for keeping their teeth healthy.

hamster eating sunflower seed
Image Credit: stock_shot, Shutterstock

Why Aren’t Sunflower Seeds Safe to Offer in Large Quantities?

Sunflower seeds may offer some health benefits, but they are far too high in fat and calories to be provided to your hamsters too often. Eating too many calorie-dense or fatty foods can cause obesity and gastrointestinal upset.

Additionally, some hamster breeds, like the dwarf, are more susceptible to developing obesity-related diabetes, which can lead to a reduced life expectancy.

What Other Seeds Can Hamsters Eat?

Other seed varieties that are okay to offer your hamster as an occasional treat include:


Final Thoughts

Sunflower seeds are a healthy treat you can offer your hamster occasionally. However, they shouldn’t make up too much of your pet’s diet as they’re high in calories and fat. Additionally, a seed-only diet is not recommended as it will cause nutritional deficiencies. Your hamster should eat a predominantly pellet-based diet, along with vegetables and fruits to supplement it.

Featured Image Credit: Halil ibrahim mescioglu, Shutterstock

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