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6 Best Self-Cleaning Goldfish Tanks in 2024 – Reviews & Top Picks

Sarah Psaradelis

By Sarah Psaradelis

fish food goldfish

Goldfish are known for being messy fish that produce a lot of waste in the aquarium, which can mean that you will need to spend more time cleaning the aquarium. This can be a downside to owning fish, as cleaning the aquarium frequently can be a daunting task.

This is where a self-cleaning aquarium will come in handy, and it can save you from having to do frequent water changes on your goldfish tank. We all want our fishkeeping experience to be fun and positive, so using a tank that has a built-in aquaponics system is the best way to reduce the number of water changes you need to do.

With this in mind, we have reviewed some of the best self-cleaning goldfish tanks you can buy today.


A Quick Comparison of Our Favorites in 2024

Rating Image Product Details
Best Overall
AquaSprouts Garden Aquaponics AquaSprouts Garden Aquaponics
  • Low maintenance
  • Reduces the number of water changes
  • Space to grow a variety of live houseplants
  • Best Value
    Second place
    Huamuyu Hydroponic Fish Tank Huamuyu Hydroponic Fish Tank
  • Affordable
  • Innovative design
  • Easy to maintain
  • Premium Choice
    Third place
    ECO-Cycle Indoor Garden System ECO-Cycle Indoor Garden System
  • Adjustable light settings
  • Comes with a remote control
  • Better size in comparison to similar products
  • Springworks Microfarm Aquaponics Garden Fish Tank Springworks Microfarm Aquaponics Garden Fish Tank
  • Self-sustainable
  • Low maintenance
  • Includes plant seeds
  • Back To The Roots Indoor Aquaponic Fish Tank Back To The Roots Indoor Aquaponic Fish Tank
  • Silent operation
  • Good self-cleaning cycle
  • Includes a variety of starter items
  • The 6 Best Self-Cleaning Goldfish Tanks

    1. AquaSprouts Garden Self-Sustaining Desktop Aquaponics – Best Overall

    AquaSprouts Garden Self-Sustaining Desktop Aquaponics

    Dimensions: 28×8×10 inches
    Capacity: 10 gallons
    Type: Garden aquarium

    The best overall self-cleaning tank for goldfish is the AquaSprouts desktop aquaponics ecosystem. This is a 10-gallon tank that has a tray at the top where you can grow plants. Although it is labeled as a desktop aquarium, it is too large to comfortably fit on many desks.

    The provided planting space allows you to grow a variety of different herbs or small plants that will absorb ammonia and nitrates from inside the aquarium to help keep it cleaner for the goldfish.

    The design is quite attractive and looks simple, and it works by reducing the number of water changes and filter cartridge replacements you need to do. Since it is small, you will only be able to keep one to two tiny goldfish inside and upgrade their aquarium as they grow.

    • Reduces the number of water changes
    • Low maintenance
    • Space to grow a variety of live houseplants
    • Too small for most goldfish

    2. Huamuyu Hydroponic Garden Aquaponics Fish Tank – Best Value

     Huamuyu Hydroponic Garden Aquaponics Fish Tank

    Dimensions: 12.2×7.7×11 inches
    Capacity: 3 gallons
    Type: Desktop aquarium

    When it comes to an affordable self-cleaning tank, the Huamuyu hydroponic fish tank is the best value for money. This small tank includes an innovative and modern design that makes it the perfect desktop aquarium that you can enjoy on your desk while you work or study.

    It comes with a water pump, plant growing medium, and a tray at the top where you can grow small edible plants or even houseplants. The plants act as a filtration system for the goldfish tank by pumping the water from the aquarium where the plants absorb the waste produced by the goldfish which is then poured back out through the filtering system.

    Since it is such a small tank, we don’t recommend housing goldfish in here long term. It can be used as a short-term housing tank for one baby goldfish.

    • Affordable
    • Easy to maintain
    • Innovative design
    • The pump may suck in fish
    • Too small for keeping goldfish long-term

    3. ECO-Cycle Indoor Aquaponics Garden System – Premium Choice

    ECO-Cycle Indoor Aquaponics Garden System

    Dimensions: 25×13×10 inches
    Capacity: 20 gallons
    Type: Indoor garden aquarium

    Our premium choice is the ECO-Cycle indoor aquaponics garden system. This is an excellent self-cleaning tank for goldfish because it is much larger in comparison to other similar tanks that we have reviewed. This tank can hold 20 gallons of water, which makes it suitable for two small baby goldfish.

    The design itself is unique and the perfect example of a good self-cleaning tank using a garden system. The planting tray at the top allows you to grow a variety of plants such as herbs that help to keep the water clean. The LED grow light at the top of the tank is strong enough to grow your plants from seeds, and you can use a remote control to choose from four different grow settings with the addition of a timer.

    • Better size in comparison to similar products
    • Comes with a remote control
    • Adjustable light settings
    • Fairly bulky and heavy

    4. Springworks Microfarm Aquaponics Garden Fish Tank

    Springworks Microfarm Aquaponics Garden Fish Tank

    Dimensions: 23×14×12 inches
    Capacity: 10 gallons
    Type: garden aquarium

    The Springworks microfarm aquaponics garden fish tank is a low-maintenance 10-gallon fish tank that works by self-cleaning through an aquaponics system. This fish tank includes a light for plant growth and has a modern rectangular design that makes it easy to grow plants that absorb the nutrients from the fish water and in return flows the clean water back into the goldfish tank.

    It also comes with a pump and organic oregano seeds that you can plant in the top part of the tank.

    With this size tank, you will be able to fit one small goldfish inside.

    • Low maintenance
    • Self-sustainable
    • Includes plant seeds
    • Pricey

    5. Back To The Roots Indoor Aquaponic Fish Tank

    Back To The Roots Indoor Aquaponic Fish Tank

    Dimensions: 13×13×9.5 inches
    Capacity: 3 gallons
    Type: Planter fish tank

    The Back to the Roots aquaponic fish tank is a small and low-maintenance 3-gallon aquarium. It is convenient and easy to set up and use to grow a variety of herbs, houseplants, and microgreens while also helping to keep the water for fish clean.

    The goldfish waste is used as a fertilizer for the plants and then it is returned to the aquarium with the waste removed, greatly reducing the need for water changes. The pump that is installed in this system that sucks the water up to the plant’s growth bed can be quite strong, so blocking it with a rock or heavy ornament can help prevent injuries to your goldfish.  A bonus to this fish tank is that it includes a silent water pump, grow stones, gravel, fish food, and different plant seeds to get you started.

    Since it is a small size, this tank can be used as a temporary viewing tank for a small baby goldfish, as it is not big enough to house a goldfish long term.

    • Good self-cleaning cycle
    • Includes a variety of starter items
    • Silent operation
    • Too small for most goldfish
    • The pump is very strong

    6. Daxiga Hydroponics Growing System

    Daxiga Hydroponics Growing System

    Dimensions: 15×11×6.7 inches
    Capacity: 3 gallons
    Type: Hydroponic herb garden kit

    The Daxiga hydroponics growing system fish tank is an aesthetically pleasing self-sustainable fish tank that functions as a fun and practical way to grow small herbs and houseplants while keeping fish. This self-cleaning tank comes with a variety of products that make it worth the price, such as a control and display panel, an LED light, a plant cover, and a water pump.

    It makes it easy to grow plants and herbs using the growth light set up with a timer, along with a water circulation system that benefits both the fish and the plants you are growing. It also looks good, and it can be placed on a kitchen countertop or a desk.

    It is on the smaller side with a volume of only 3 gallons, so it is not the best long-term housing for goldfish.

    • Silent operation
    • Low maintenance
    • Self-sustainable
    • Too small for most goldfish

    Buyer’s Guide: Buying the Best Self-Cleaning Goldfish Tanks

    How Does a Self-Cleaning Goldfish Tank Work?

    Self-cleaning fish tanks are an innovation that allows provides a self-sustainable ecosystem from the combination of plants and fish. When the fish excrete waste into the water, it is pumped up into the plant’s growth medium where the plants absorb the ammonia and nitrate from the water to use it as a fertilizer.

    The clean water is then passed through a filter and pumped back into the fish tank to create a cleaning cycle. Reducing the number of water changes you will need to do throughout the month can be great for those who want to own fish but don’t want to lug a heavy bucket around.

    What To Consider Before Keeping Goldfish in a Self-Cleaning Tank

    If you are familiar with goldfish, you will know how messy these fish can be and how large of an aquarium they need. When goldfish are kept in smaller tanks, the water can become dirty quickly, and you will need to do more tank maintenance. However, when kept in a large aquarium with a good quality filter and a decent stock of goldfish in the tank, you will not have to do much cleaning.

    Once a tank is cycled and set up appropriately for goldfish, the beneficial bacteria in the aquarium will do most of the ammonia to nitrate converting, and live plants will absorb excess nitrates and ammonia in the water. Self-cleaning fish tanks are mainly for convenience and to make a mini-indoor aquaponic system that you can keep on small surfaces and grow small plants.

    Most of these self-cleaning tanks are too small for goldfish and can be more work in the long run than if you were to buy the correct tank and equipment for the goldfish.

    Here's what you should consider:
    • Tank Size: Most goldfish can grow large and require a larger aquarium than other fish. Before purchasing a self-cleaning tank as a permanent home for goldfish, ensure that it is big enough for the size and number of goldfish you will be keeping inside.
    • Space for Equipment: The plants that grow on the top of a self-cleaning fish tank won’t always provide enough filtration for fish, so making sure that there is enough space to add a filter is important. You will also need to add some decorations inside the tank to give the goldfish a place to take shelter, which can make the available swimming space less.
    • Type of Plants: The plant tray at the top of the self-cleaning fish tanks will vary in size depending on which one you buy. Some of these self-cleaning tanks have small trays with a gentle growth light, so you have a limited option of plants that you can grow inside. For smaller trays, microgreens and herbs are suitable, but larger trays allow you to grow medium-sized plants like lettuce, larger herbs, and succulents.



    Now that we have reviewed the best self-cleaning goldfish tanks you can buy, here are our top picks. The first is the ECO-Cycle Indoor Aquaponics Garden System because it is the largest tank we reviewed at 20 gallons, and thus more suitable for goldfish.

    Our second favorite is the AquaSprouts Garden Self-Sustaining Desktop Aquaponics because it is low maintenance and a good starting size. Finally, the Springworks Microfarm Aquaponics Garden Fish Tank is easy to set up, and perfect for one small goldfish.

    We hope this article has helped you choose a good self-cleaning goldfish tank that is the perfect fit for your needs.

    Featured Image Credit: Val Krasn, Shutterstock

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