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Are Weimaraners Good With Cats? Socialization & Introduction Tips

Brooke Bundy

By Brooke Bundy

a weimaraner puppy licking a cat's face at a barn

Despite the colloquial “fight like cats and dogs,” many felines and canines get along just fine. How they were raised largely determines their ability to coexist with other creatures, but breed also plays a part. Some dogs, such as the Weimaraner, were originally bred to hunt. Weimaraners have a high prey drive that sometimes interferes with their ability to make friends with cats who don’t like to be aggressively chased. Although calmer breeds may be a better choice for feline-friendly households, a Weimaraner might learn to love a cat, especially if they’ve been around them since a young age.

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Do Weimaraners Like Cats?

If your adult Weimaraner spots a neighborhood cat across the street, they may bark at them or attempt to chase them. This is especially true if their interactions with other animals tends to be scarce and from a distance. Seeing these reactions can prompt you to conclude that cats and dogs don’t mix, but we wouldn’t jump to that conclusion just yet. Just like humans, animals don’t always respond well to unfamiliar situations. That’s why early socialization is the key to making good friendships.

Your chances of success are higher if you bring a kitten home to your adult Weimaraner or introduce a Weim puppy to your adult cat. Throwing two adult animals who have grown up separately into a room with their traumas and biases thoroughly grooved into their brains can spell disaster.

a beautiful blue weimaraner outdoors
Image Credit: WildStrawberry, Shutterstock

Will My Weimaraner Like Cats?

Your Weimaraner thinks your house is theirs. They’ve been running down your hall since they were a puppy, chewing on your slippers and leaping onto the sofa. If you’ve decided they need a feline friend, you should first honestly evaluate whether their personality seems to be a good match.

Weimaraners are a high energy breed with a high prey drive. They’ll need a couple of hours of daily exercise to feel happy and healthy. Plus, a tired Weimaraner is less likely to cause mischief in the house, such as inappropriately chasing the cat, than one that’s cooped up with restless stirs of energy. Not all Weimaraners experience such an intense urge to chase every living thing, but if your dog is super hyper-reactive or responds aggressively towards small creatures, a cat isn’t the best pet for you.

If you’ve determined that your Weim has a sweet spot towards smaller animals despite their high energy levels, then you probably want to look for a kitten instead of an adult cat. When introducing them, you’ll need to prioritize your cat’s safety, since they are still a baby who can’t fully defend themselves against a large dog. However, your chances of success are greater because dogs often can intuitively sense when a creature is young. While they may not hesitate to hunt an adult cat, they’ll usually leave a kitten alone, or sniff them curiously. Of course, if your Weim had a bad experience with cats in the past, you’ll probably want to steer clear.

How to Introduce a Cat to Your Weimaraner

When introducing your cat to your Weimaraner, make sure the dog is restrained. You don’t want them lunging forward or displaying body language that will make the cat feel threatened. You might even want to introduce scents before sights, such as letting your dog sniff a blanket or toy that belongs to your cat. In the animal kingdom, sniffing is like reading someone’s social media bio before meeting them in person.

Image By: RitaE, Pixabay

How to Introduce a Weimaraner to Your Cat

Dogs often receive the most negative attention over territorial issues since they are prominent markers, but cats are actually much more aggressively possessive. Suddenly introducing an adult dog into your cat’s domain can make your cat feel threatened, which almost always results in hiding or direct confrontation. If you already have a cat in the house, we recommend adopting a Weimaraner puppy, as opposed to a full-grown adult that might intimidate your cat.

Cats crave privacy. While they want to be loved, their desire to feel safe far outweighs this urge. Your cat is accustomed to their own way of life, their comfy spot on the sunny windowsill, their nest behind the clothes teetering in your closet. In order for your new dog to be met with success, you’ll need to prioritize your cat’s space and safety. Always let your cat roam around when introducing them to the puppy. You should also save a spot in the house for your cat where the dog isn’t allowed to visit, in case your cat needs a break from your puppy’s shenanigans.

As time passes and your cat relaxes around your pup, they may even start playing together like littermates. This is a good thing, as long as playtime doesn’t get rowdy enough for someone to get hurt. Generally, though, your cat sends the signal to your pup before it gets too rough, such as a swift bop on the nose or a warning hiss. Whenever possible, you should let them sort it out. Most dogs quickly learn to respect the cat’s boundaries, especially after they’ve been swatted a couple times.

Image Credit: tchara, Shutterstock

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While not every Weimaraner will become best friends with a cat, it’s possible for them to get along with cats as long as they’re properly socialized and possess a relatively easy-going temperament. Super hyper or aggressive dogs aren’t a good fit for cat owners, no matter the breed. Ultimately, a dog’s training and upbringing determine their qualifications more than genetics. When introducing new pets, take your time and, as the smaller animal, always prioritize the cat’s safety for best results.

Featured Image Credit: Liliya Kulianionak, Shutterstock

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