650 Betta Fish Names for All Different Types and Colors

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Now that you’ve got your new Betta fish, the first thing you must do is set up their tank and plan to properly care for them. After this, however, you’ve got to choose a fitting Betta fish name—but how?
You can choose a name for your Betta fish in several ways: drawing inspiration from your life, your interests, what particular type of Betta fish you have, the appearance of your fish, or simply picking something you think sounds cool.
While classic fish names, such as bubbles, have their place, many modern aquarists prefer to be more creative when choosing a name for their fish.
Even if the fish will never know their name, you’ll be telling it to curious friends and family members for years to come, so it’s best to pick something you won’t be embarrassed by.
How to Choose a Name for Your Betta Fish
Here are some ideas of how to choose suitable Betta names:
- Pop culture names—Select a name inspired by one of your favorite movies, TV shows, books, comics, or celebrities.
- Friend and family names—Why not name them after a loved one?
- Appearance-based names—Choose a name based on the color or general appearance of your new Betta fish.
- Personality-based names—Observe your new Betta and pick a name based on the kind of personality they have; for instance, if they’re confident, shy, or funny.
- Food names—If you’d like a cute name for your new Betta, try naming them after one of your favorite foods.
- Mythological names — Name your Betta fish after your favorite characters from Greek, Roman, or Norse mythology.
- Animal names—Why not be confusing and name your fish after a different animal?
If you still need some help after reading through these suggestions on how to pick a name for your Betta fish, we’ve come up with an extensive list of names to choose from.
Male Betta Fish Names
Owners of male Bettas might choose to call them traditionally masculine names, though there’s no harm in subverting gender stereotypes and opting for a more feminine or unisex name. After all, your new Betta has no real concept of gender.
That said, to start, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of male Betta fish names you might choose to give your new fish. Some are taken from popular TV shows, movies, etc., where they might suit Bettas of a particular personality or merely have a nice ring to them. Here are some of the best names for male Betta fish:
Abe | Frank | Mulder |
Adam | Garland | Nardole |
Admiral | Gary | Nemo |
Albert | Giles | Noam |
Albus | Gonzalez | Odin |
Anakin | Han | Parker |
Andy | Harry | Paul |
Apollo | Hiro | Peter |
Ares | Homer | Pike |
Atticus | Indie | Presley |
Balder | James | Reiichi |
Bart | Jamie | Ron |
Bear | Jem | Rory |
Bobby | Joey | Ross |
Bowie | Jose | Ryan |
Brian | Jupiter | Sarjan |
Bruce | Kylo | Severus |
Butch | Larry | Sirius |
Captain | Leland | Spike |
Chandler | Leo | Steve |
Charger | Leonard | Thor |
Christian | Loki | Timmy |
Clyde | Louis | Tom |
Cohen | Lucian | Vader |
Colin | Lucius | Walter |
Dale | Luke | Wayne |
Darth | Lupin | Wilfred |
Dave | Mal | William |
Depak | Mars | Wolf |
Doctor | Matt | Xander |
Doug | Max | Zappa |
Draco | Minos | Zeus |
Fox | Moe | Ziggy |
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Female Betta Fish Names
Females are more drab and less showy than their male counterparts, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve awesome names!
You could name a female after a friend or relative, look to pop culture, or simply choose a name you like. Some people like feminine or flowery names for female Bettas, whereas others prefer strong names.
Unlike males, which must be kept without another Betta in their tank, females can live in groups, so you might want to choose names that go with one another.
Here’s a list of our favorite female Betta fish names:
Abigail | Effie | Norma |
Amanda | Elizabeth | Olivia |
Amelia | Elsie | Ophelia |
Angela | Emma | Orchid |
Anya | Esther | Padma |
Astrid | Euphemia | Paris |
Athena | Evelyn | Parvati |
Audrey | Fleur | Patience |
Ava | Freya | Patricia |
Bella | Geraldine | Persephone |
Belle | Ginny | Phoebe |
Berry | Grace | Pixie |
Bess | Hannah | Princess |
Betty | Hannah | Priscilla |
Blanche | Harmony | Queenie |
Buffy | Hermione | Rachel |
Bunny | Hope | Rey |
Camilla | Josie | Rose |
Carly | Kat | Ruby |
Cher | Laura | Sarah |
Cho | Lauren | Shelly |
Coco | Leia | Skyler |
Cora | Lily | Sophia |
Cordelia | Lola | Sybil |
Cupcake | Louise | Tara |
Daisy | Lucy | Tatum |
Diana | Luna | Thelma |
Dianne | Lyla | Veronica |
Donna | Marnie | Viola |
Doris | Mary | Violet |
Drusilla | Miyoko | Wendy |
Duchess | Molly | Willow |
Edith | Monica | Yasmin |
Unisex Names for Betta Fish
Unisex names are suitable for both males and females. Males and female Bettas look different from one another (males are larger with more vivid colors and long, flowing fins), so you’re unlikely to have a Betta fish you don’t know the gender of, but you can still choose a unisex name.
You may always prefer unisex names to specifically male or female names, or you might just like a particular unisex name or think that it suits your new fish.
Below, you’ll find a wide selection of unisex names for fish, some of which are cute, others of which are more serious. Either way, you’re likely to find something that catches your eye. And if not, we’ve still got many more fish name ideas to come.
Aki | Drew | Pretzel |
Akira | Edamame | Puff |
Alex | Eleven | Punk |
Alfalfa | Ellis | R2D2 |
Alto | Falcore | Rain |
Alva | Fender | Ren |
Angel | Frankie | Riley |
Ashley | Harper | River |
Aubrey | Hayden | Salsa |
Avery | Hollis | Scout |
Bailey | Hunter | Shay |
Bongo | Jamie | Snap |
Brid | Java | Sparky |
Brook | Jessie | Splash |
C3P0 | Jo | Stevie |
Cameron | Jordan | Stinky |
Carob | Karma | Storm |
Casey | Kelsey | Tanner |
Chaos | Kennedy | Tiki |
Charlie | Laser | Tory |
Checkers | Leslie | Tsunami |
Chewie | Lucky | Val |
Chipper | Macaroni | Waverider |
Chips | Magic | Waves |
Chutney | Micah | Winter |
Clem | Noodle | Wotsit |
Crackle | October | Wren |
Crash | Pal | Wyn |
Cricket | Palmer | Yang |
Daikon | Parker | Yin |
Dale | Payton | Yoda |
Devon | Pepper | Zag |
Dresden | Popsicle | Zig |
Funny Betta Fish Names
Humor is important in life, and if you can’t have fun when you’re naming your fish, when can you? So, we’ve come up with a range of funny Betta fish names. Some are puns, some are referring to the fact Betta fish are also known as Siamese fighting fish, and others are humorous because they’re not the sort you’d normally find in a list of fish names.
So, if you’re always cracking jokes or you’re known as the class clown, choosing a funny name just makes sense. We can’t guarantee that each and every one will put a smile on your face, but we’re sure at least a few will make you chuckle. We certainly had fun coming up with these funny names for Betta fish!
Alpha Betta | Fin-ley | Lake Skywalker |
Aqua Fin-a | Floater | Lovely Bubbly |
Aquaman | Fluffy | M. Sea Hammer |
Betta Max | Georgia O’Reef | Muhammad Ali |
Betta Midler | Gill-bert | One True Cod |
Betta White | Gilly Nelson | Rocky |
Captain Hook | Hammerhead | Sushi |
Carrie Fisher | Harley Finn | Swedish |
Cujo | James Pond | Swim Shady |
Fido | Jaws | Tuna Turner |
Cute Names for Betta Fish
Betta fish aren’t exactly as cute and cuddly as a fluffy puppy or a baby pony, but we can’t see why you shouldn’t give yours an adorable name, anyway. These cute Betta fish names will have you squealing with joy!
Food names are generally a good bet when coming up with cute name ideas, but any name that screams “adorbs” has made it onto this list.
These sickly-sweet names might not be for everybody, but if you’re a fan of cute names, pay close attention!
Aggie | Fifi | Pinko |
Albie | Floof | Pixie |
Ally | Freckles | Pops |
Apple | Fuzzles | Posey |
Archie | Gizmo | Puffin |
Baby | Glitter | Rainbow Brite |
Bambam | Gopher | Rascal |
Bambi | Gracie | Roo |
Berry | Gravy | Roomba |
Binky | Gumdrop | Rudy |
Biscuit | Gwennie | Sausage |
Bliss | Happy | Scrappy |
Bonsai | Jazzy | Scrinkle |
Boo | Jeffie | Shortcake |
Bug-Bug | Jelly | Skittles |
Butters | Kiki | Socks |
Buttons | Kitty | Soda Pop |
Cookie | Love Heart | Sparkles |
Crinkle | Lulu | Sparky |
Crumpet | Marshmallow | Spoops |
Cuddles | Merry | Squish |
Dinky | Monkey | Suki |
Dipsie | Mr. Chips | Sweetie |
Dixie | Muffin | Taco |
Dodo | Nibbles | Tiggy |
Dolly | Nipper | Tinkles |
Domino | Oreo | Tiny |
Donut | Pee Wee | Tofu |
Doodle | Penny | Twinkle Toes |
Dory | Pickles | Wasabi |
Dweeb | Piglet | Wiggle |
Ellie | Pinball | Winkle Picker |
Fairy | Pine Nut | Winnie |
Betta Fish Names by Color
What’s the first thing most people will notice about your Betta fish? We bet it’s their color, so why not give your new friend a name based on their hue?
We’ve collected several lists of names, sorted by color, so you can easily find the relevant color and search for a name.
Whether your new Betta is orange, red, yellow, black, white, blue, or multi-colored, we’ve got a name for you. Some are obvious, whereas others are more creative, but either way, you’ll find some cracking names here.
Names for Orange Betta Fish
The following names are best suited to orange Betta fish. We’ve got names inspired by famous orange characters, orange items, orange foodstuffs, and basically anything related to the color orange.
Amber | Clementine | Nacho Cheese |
Apricot | Copper | Nectarine |
Arancione | Crookshanks | Orangeade |
Auburn | Dorito | Peaches |
Autumn | Ember | Persimmon |
Butternut | Fanta | Pumpkin |
Butterscotch | Garfield | Rusty |
Candy Corn | Ginger | Satsuma |
Carrot | Gingersnap | Sunset |
Cheddar | Goldie | Tang |
Cheese Puff | Mandarin | Tangerine |
Cheeto | Marmalade | Tigger |
Red Betta Fish Names
Does your Betta fish have a beautiful red hue? Well, why not try one of these excellent red Betta fish names?
Apple | Poinsettia | Russet |
Blaze | Poppy | Scarlet |
Cherry | Red | Strawberry |
Coral | Rosella | Strawberry Shortcake |
Crimson | Rosie | Valentine |
Fever | Rosso | Vermilion |
Flame | Ruby |
Names for Yellow Betta Fish
Yellow appears a lot in nature, so we’ve got a selection of nature-inspired names for yellow Betta fish, as well as some cute and funny options.
Check out these Betta fish names for our yellow friends:
Barley | Honey | Star |
Blondie | Mellow | Sunflower |
Butterball | Mustard | Sunglow |
Buttercup | Pikachu | Sunny |
Custard | Saffron | Sunshine |
Names for Black Betta Fish
You can find plenty of excellent black betta fish names. Some come from black objects or foods, whereas the darker side of life inspires others.
Anise | Ebony | Panther |
Ash | Eclipse | Pepsi |
Beetle | Ember | Raven |
Blackfish | Grimm | Reaper |
Blackjack | Guinness | Shadow |
Char | Ink | Smokey |
Cinder | Licorice | Smudge |
Coal/Cole | Midnight | Soot |
Coffee | Nero | Tar |
Crow | Olive | Velvet |
Damien | Omen | Voodoo |
Donnie Darko | Onyx |
Names for White Betta Fish
If you’re searching out names for your white Betta, you can turn to all things white and wintery for inspiration. Or, if that’s too obvious for you, there are subtler choices, too.
Arctic | Ivory | Quartz |
Aspen | Jasmine | Snowball |
Beluga | Magnolia | Snowdrop |
Blizzard | Mayo | Snowflake |
Diamond | Misty | Snowy |
Dove | Moonshine | Sugar |
Ghost | Opal | Swan |
Glacier | Polar | Vanilla |
Icicle |
Blue Betta Fish Names
Your striking blue Betta deserves an awesome name to go with their vivid color. Our favorite blue fish names are listed below.
Aqua | Cobalt | River |
Aquamarine | Cookie Monster | Sapphire |
Blue | Cornflower | Sea |
Blue Moon | Cyan | Sky |
Bluebell | Marine | |
Blueberry | Neptune |
Names for Multi-Colored Betta Fish
Many Betta aren’t just one solid color. Instead, they have multiple hues adorning their bodies. Here are some great names for Betta fish with multiple colors.
Aurora | Patches | Skittles |
Dotty | Peacock | Splodge |
Freckles | Picasso | Spot |
Kingfisher | Prism | Sprinkles |
Panda | Rainbow | Zigzag |
Cool Betta Fish Names Based on Personality
Sometimes, the best fish names are based on your fish’s personality. Think about your fish and what they’re like. Are they shy or confident? Aggressive or passive? Clever or a little bit slow? Any of these personality traits (and more) could be the inspiration for a fitting name.
You can be quite obvious with personality-based names, or you can choose a subtler approach. Either way, you may come up with a name that suits your fish to a tee.
Check out these cool Betta fish names based on personality and see if any of them suit your fish.
Bandit | Fang | Prince |
Banshee | Fizz | Raptor |
Bolt | Flake | Rocket |
Brains | GaGa | Rowdy |
Champ | Genghis | Sabre |
Charmer | Goober | Sassy |
Chief | Hannibal | Scruffy |
Chomper | Happy | Serenity |
Clogs | Haughty | Slick |
Cowboy | Hulk | Sloth |
Crusher | Jet | Speedy |
Cuddles | Jiffy | Spirit |
Dart | Khan | Sting |
Dash | Killer | Sweetie |
Dean | Liberty | Tizzy |
Diablo | Lux | Turbo |
Dink | Monster | Viper |
Dizzy | Mugs | Wolverine |
Doofus | Nibbles | Xena |
Duke | Outlaw | Yawner |
Einstein | Patience | Zoom |
Do Betta Fish Know Their Name?
Many owners will claim they do, but to be honest, this is very unlikely! Bettas do respond to human approach, and potentially learn to recognize their owners, as can be observed by them coming to the surface as if to meet their owners when they approach.
There may well be some vibrations caused in water when you call your Betta’s name, but the same vibrations will be caused when you utter almost any word close to your Bettas tank. Betta approaching their owners is more likely due to just any sound being sensed by them that’s recognizable as being from a human, rather than them truly recognizing their name though. However, naming your fish is more for our pleasure rather than for our fish. It’s a bit of good-natured fun!
Final Thoughts
That’s it for this edition of the Betta fish names game. We’re sure you will have found something suitable in our lists above, although, of course, we also know we’ve only scratched the surface.
However, we have another extensive article on the best names for goldfish you might like to look at for further inspiration. Although another species, many of the names would still be suitable for a Betta. Take a look, there might be something that floats your boat! You can check it out here: Best names for goldfish.
Happy fish keeping!